Source code for gpm.visualization.plot

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
# MIT License

# Copyright (c) 2024 GPM-API developers
# This file is part of GPM-API.

# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
"""This module contains basic functions for GPM-API data visualization."""
import inspect

import cartopy
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

import gpm
from gpm import get_plot_kwargs
from gpm.utils.area import get_lonlat_corners_from_centroids

[docs] def is_generator(obj): return inspect.isgeneratorfunction(obj) or inspect.isgenerator(obj)
def _call_optimize_layout(self): """Optimize the figure layout.""" adapt_fig_size(ax=self.axes) self.figure.tight_layout()
[docs] def add_optimize_layout_method(p): """Add a method to optimize the figure layout using monkey patching.""" p.optimize_layout = _call_optimize_layout.__get__(p, type(p)) return p
[docs] def adapt_fig_size(ax, nrow=1, ncol=1): """Adjusts the figure height of the plot based on the aspect ratio of cartopy subplots. This function is intended to be called after all plotting has been completed. It operates under the assumption that all subplots within the figure share the same aspect ratio. Assumes that the first axis in the collection of axes is representative of all others. This means that all subplots are expected to have the same aspect ratio and size. The implementation is inspired by Mathias Hauser's mplotutils set_map_layout function. """ # Determine the number of rows and columns of subplots in the figure. # This information is crucial for calculating the new height of the figure. # nrow, ncol, __, __ = ax.get_subplotspec().get_geometry() # Access the figure object from the axis to manipulate its properties. fig = ax.get_figure() # Retrieve the current size of the figure in inches. width, original_height = fig.get_size_inches() # A call to draw the canvas is required to make sure the geometry of the figure is up-to-date. # This ensures that subsequent calculations for adjusting the layout are based on the latest state. fig.canvas.draw() # Extract subplot parameters to understand the figure's layout. # These parameters include the margins of the figure and the spaces between subplots. bottom = fig.subplotpars.bottom top = left = fig.subplotpars.left right = fig.subplotpars.right hspace = fig.subplotpars.hspace # vertical space between subplots wspace = fig.subplotpars.wspace # horizontal space between subplots # Calculate the aspect ratio of the data in the subplot. # This ratio is used to adjust the height of the figure to match the aspect ratio of the data. aspect = ax.get_data_ratio() # Calculate the width of a single plot, considering the left and right margins, # the number of columns, and the space between columns. wp = (width - width * (left + (1 - right))) / (ncol + (ncol - 1) * wspace) # Calculate the height of a single plot using its width and the data aspect ratio. hp = wp * aspect # Calculate the new height of the figure, taking into account the number of rows, # the space between rows, and the top and bottom margins. height = (hp * (nrow + ((nrow - 1) * hspace))) / (1.0 - (bottom + (1 - top))) # Check if the new height is significantly reduced (more than halved). if original_height / height > 2: # Calculate the scale factor to adjust the figure size closer to the original. scale_factor = original_height / height / 2 # Apply the scale factor to both width and height to maintain the aspect ratio. width *= scale_factor height *= scale_factor # Apply the calculated width and height to adjust the figure size. fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height)
[docs] def infill_invalid_coords(xr_obj, x="lon", y="lat"): """Infill invalid coordinates. Interpolate the coordinates within the convex hull of data. Use nearest neighbour outside the convex hull of data. """ # Copy object xr_obj = xr_obj.copy() lon = np.asanyarray(xr_obj[x].data) lat = np.asanyarray(xr_obj[y].data) # Retrieve infilled coordinates lon, lat, _ = get_valid_pcolormesh_inputs(x=lon, y=lat, data=None, mask_data=False) xr_obj[x].data = lon xr_obj[y].data = lat return xr_obj
[docs] def get_valid_pcolormesh_inputs(x, y, data, rgb=False, mask_data=True): """Infill invalid coordinates. Interpolate the coordinates within the convex hull of data. Use nearest neighbour outside the convex hull of data. This operation is required to plot with pcolormesh since it does not accept non-finite values in the coordinates. If ``mask_data=True``, data values with invalid coordinates are masked and a numpy masked array is returned. Masked data values are not displayed in pcolormesh ! If ``rgb=True``, it assumes the RGB dimension is the last data dimension. """ # Retrieve mask of invalid coordinates x_invalid = ~np.isfinite(x) y_invalid = ~np.isfinite(y) mask = np.logical_or(x_invalid, y_invalid) # If no invalid coordinates, return original data if np.all(~mask): return x, y, data # Check at least ome valid coordinates if np.all(mask): raise ValueError("No valid coordinates.") # Mask the data if mask_data: if rgb: data_mask = np.broadcast_to(np.expand_dims(mask, axis=-1), data.shape) data_masked =, data) else: data_masked =, data) else: data_masked = data # Infill x and y # - Note: currently cause issue if NaN when crossing antimeridian ... # --> TODO: interpolation should be done in X,Y,Z if np.any(x_invalid): x = _interpolate_data(x, method="linear") # interpolation x = _interpolate_data(x, method="nearest") # nearest neighbours outside the convex hull if np.any(y_invalid): y = _interpolate_data(y, method="linear") # interpolation y = _interpolate_data(y, method="nearest") # nearest neighbours outside the convex hull return x, y, data_masked
def _interpolate_data(arr, method="linear"): # 1D coordinate (i.e. along_track/cross_track view) if arr.ndim == 1: return _interpolate_1d_coord(arr, method=method) # 2D coordinates (swath image) return _interpolate_2d_coord(arr, method=method) def _interpolate_1d_coord(arr, method="linear"): # Find invalid locations is_invalid = ~np.isfinite(arr) # Find the indices of NaN values nan_indices = np.where(is_invalid)[0] # Return array if not NaN values if len(nan_indices) == 0: return arr # Find the indices of non-NaN values non_nan_indices = np.where(~is_invalid) # Create indices indices = np.arange(len(arr)) # Points where we have valid data points = indices[non_nan_indices] # Points where data is NaN points_nan = indices[nan_indices] # Values at the non-NaN points values = arr[non_nan_indices] # Interpolate using griddata arr_new = arr.copy() arr_new[nan_indices] = griddata(points, values, points_nan, method=method) return arr_new def _interpolate_2d_coord(arr, method="linear"): # Find invalid locations is_invalid = ~np.isfinite(arr) # Find the indices of NaN values nan_indices = np.where(is_invalid) # Return array if not NaN values if len(nan_indices) == 0: return arr # Find the indices of non-NaN values non_nan_indices = np.where(~is_invalid) # Create a meshgrid of indices x, y = np.meshgrid(range(arr.shape[1]), range(arr.shape[0])) # Points (X, Y) where we have valid data points = np.array([y[non_nan_indices], x[non_nan_indices]]).T # Points where data is NaN points_nan = np.array([y[nan_indices], x[nan_indices]]).T # Values at the non-NaN points values = arr[non_nan_indices] # Interpolate using griddata arr_new = arr.copy() arr_new[nan_indices] = griddata(points, values, points_nan, method=method) return arr_new def _mask_antimeridian_crossing_arr(arr, antimeridian_mask, rgb): if if rgb: antimeridian_mask = np.broadcast_to(np.expand_dims(antimeridian_mask, axis=-1), arr.shape) combined_mask = np.logical_or(arr.mask, antimeridian_mask) else: combined_mask = np.logical_or(arr.mask, antimeridian_mask) arr =, arr) else: if rgb: antimeridian_mask = np.broadcast_to( np.expand_dims(antimeridian_mask, axis=-1), arr.shape, ) arr =, arr) return arr
[docs] def mask_antimeridian_crossing_array(arr, lon, rgb, plot_kwargs): """Mask the array cells crossing the antimeridian. Here we assume not invalid lon coordinates anymore. Cartopy still bugs with several projections when data cross the antimeridian. By default, GPM-API mask data crossing the antimeridian. The GPM-API configuration default can be modified with: ``gpm.config.set({"viz_hide_antimeridian_data": False})`` """ antimeridian_mask = get_antimeridian_mask(lon) is_crossing_antimeridian = np.any(antimeridian_mask) if is_crossing_antimeridian: # Sanitize cmap to avoid cartopy bug related to cmap bad color # - Cartopy requires the bad color to be fully transparent plot_kwargs = _sanitize_cartopy_plot_kwargs(plot_kwargs) # Mask data based on GPM-API config 'viz_hide_antimeridian_data' if gpm.config.get("viz_hide_antimeridian_data"): # default is True arr = _mask_antimeridian_crossing_arr(arr, antimeridian_mask=antimeridian_mask, rgb=rgb) return arr, plot_kwargs
[docs] def get_antimeridian_mask(lons): """Get mask of longitude coordinates neighbors crossing the antimeridian.""" from scipy.ndimage import binary_dilation # Initialize mask n_y, n_x = lons.shape mask = np.zeros((n_y - 1, n_x - 1)) # Check vertical edges row_idx, col_idx = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(lons, axis=0)) > 180) col_idx = np.clip(col_idx - 1, 0, n_x - 1) mask[row_idx, col_idx] = 1 # Check horizontal edges row_idx, col_idx = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(lons, axis=1)) > 180) row_idx = np.clip(row_idx - 1, 0, n_y - 1) mask[row_idx, col_idx] = 1 # Buffer by 1 in all directions to avoid plotting cells neighbour to those crossing the antimeridian # --> This should not be needed, but it's needed to avoid cartopy bugs ! return binary_dilation(mask)
####--------------------------------------------------------------------------. ######################## #### Plot utilities #### ########################
[docs] def preprocess_rgb_dataarray(da, rgb): if rgb: if rgb not in da.dims: raise ValueError(f"The specified rgb='{rgb}' must be a dimension of the DataArray.") if da[rgb].size not in [3, 4]: raise ValueError("The RGB dimension must have size 3 or 4.") da = da.transpose(..., rgb) return da
[docs] def check_object_format(da, plot_kwargs, check_function, **function_kwargs): """Check object format and valid dimension names.""" # Preprocess RGB DataArrays da = da.squeeze() da = preprocess_rgb_dataarray(da, plot_kwargs.get("rgb", False)) # Retrieve rgb or FacetGrid column/row dimensions dims_dict = {key: plot_kwargs.get(key) for key in ["rgb", "col", "row"] if plot_kwargs.get(key, None)} # Check such dimensions are available for key, dim in dims_dict.items(): if dim not in da.dims: raise ValueError(f"The DataArray does not have a {key}='{dim}' dimension.") # Subset DataArray to check if complies with specific check function isel_dict = {dim: 0 for dim in dims_dict.values()} check_function(da.isel(isel_dict), **function_kwargs) return da
[docs] def preprocess_figure_args(ax, fig_kwargs=None, subplot_kwargs=None, is_facetgrid=False): if is_facetgrid and ax is not None: raise ValueError("When plotting with FacetGrid, do not specify the 'ax'.") fig_kwargs = {} if fig_kwargs is None else fig_kwargs subplot_kwargs = {} if subplot_kwargs is None else subplot_kwargs if ax is not None: if len(subplot_kwargs) >= 1: raise ValueError("Provide `subplot_kwargs`only if ``ax``is None") if len(fig_kwargs) >= 1: raise ValueError("Provide `fig_kwargs` only if ``ax``is None") return fig_kwargs
[docs] def preprocess_subplot_kwargs(subplot_kwargs): subplot_kwargs = {} if subplot_kwargs is None else subplot_kwargs subplot_kwargs = subplot_kwargs.copy() if "projection" not in subplot_kwargs: subplot_kwargs["projection"] = ccrs.PlateCarree() return subplot_kwargs
[docs] def infer_xy_labels(da, x=None, y=None, rgb=None): from xarray.plot.utils import _infer_xy_labels # Infer dimensions x, y = _infer_xy_labels(da, x=x, y=y, imshow=True, rgb=rgb) # dummy flag for rgb return x, y
[docs] def infer_map_xy_coords(da, x=None, y=None): """ Infer possible map x and y coordinates for the given DataArray. Parameters ---------- da : xarray.DataArray The input DataArray. x : str, optional The name of the x (i.e. longitude) coordinate. If None, it will be inferred. y : str, optional The name of the y (i.e. latitude) coordinate. If None, it will be inferred. Returns ------- tuple The inferred (x, y) coordinates. """ possible_x_coords = ["x", "lon", "longitude"] possible_y_coords = ["y", "lat", "latitude"] if x is None: for coord in possible_x_coords: if coord in da.coords: x = coord break else: raise ValueError("Cannot infer x coordinate. Please provide the x coordinate.") if y is None: for coord in possible_y_coords: if coord in da.coords: y = coord break else: raise ValueError("Cannot infer y coordinate. Please provide the y coordinate.") return x, y
[docs] def initialize_cartopy_plot( ax, fig_kwargs, subplot_kwargs, add_background, ): """Initialize figure for cartopy plot if necessary.""" # - Initialize figure if ax is None: fig_kwargs = preprocess_figure_args( ax=ax, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, subplot_kwargs=subplot_kwargs, ) subplot_kwargs = preprocess_subplot_kwargs(subplot_kwargs) _, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=subplot_kwargs, **fig_kwargs) # - Add cartopy background if add_background: ax = plot_cartopy_background(ax) return ax
[docs] def plot_cartopy_background(ax): """Plot cartopy background.""" # - Add coastlines ax.coastlines() ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.LAND, facecolor=[0.9, 0.9, 0.9]) ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.OCEAN, alpha=0.6) ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.BORDERS) # BORDERS also draws provinces, ... # - Add grid lines gl = ax.gridlines( crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True, linewidth=1, color="gray", alpha=0.1, linestyle="-", ) gl.top_labels = False # gl.xlabels_top = False gl.right_labels = False # gl.ylabels_right = False gl.xlines = True gl.ylines = True return ax
[docs] def plot_sides(sides, ax, **plot_kwargs): """Plot boundary sides. Expects a list of (lon, lat) tuples. """ for side in sides: p = ax.plot(*side, transform=ccrs.Geodetic(), **plot_kwargs) return p[0]
####--------------------------------------------------------------------------. ############################ #### Colorbar utilities #### ############################ def _get_orientation_location(cbar_kwargs): location = cbar_kwargs.get("location", None) orientation = cbar_kwargs.get("orientation", None) # Set defaults if location is None and orientation is None: return "vertical", "right" # Check orientation is horizontal or vertical if orientation is not None and orientation not in ("horizontal", "vertical"): raise ValueError("Invalid orientation. Choose 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.") # Check location is top, left, right or bottom if location is not None and location not in ("top", "left", "right", "bottom"): raise ValueError("Invalid location. Choose 'top', 'left', 'right', or 'bottom'.") # Check compatible arguments if orientation is not None and location is not None: if orientation == "vertical": # Raise error if not right or left if location not in ("right", "left"): raise ValueError("Invalid location for vertical orientation. Choose 'right' or 'left'.") elif location not in ("bottom", "top"): raise ValueError("Invalid location for horizontal orientation. Choose 'bottom' or 'top'.") return orientation, location # Return with default location if missing if orientation is not None: if orientation == "vertical": return "vertical", "right" return "horizontal", "bottom" # Return with correct orientation if missing # if location is not None: if location in ("right", "left"): return "vertical", location return "horizontal", location
[docs] def plot_colorbar(p, ax, cbar_kwargs=None): """Add a colorbar to a matplotlib/cartopy plot. cbar_kwargs 'size' and 'pad' controls the size of the colorbar. and the padding between the plot and the colorbar. p: matplotlib.image.AxesImage ax: cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot """ cbar_kwargs = {} if cbar_kwargs is None else cbar_kwargs cbar_kwargs = cbar_kwargs.copy() # otherwise pop ticklabels outside the function ticklabels = cbar_kwargs.pop("ticklabels", None) orientation, location = _get_orientation_location(cbar_kwargs) # Defne colorbar axis divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) if orientation == "vertical": size = cbar_kwargs.get("size", "5%") pad = cbar_kwargs.get("pad", 0.1) cax = divider.append_axes(location, size=size, pad=pad, axes_class=plt.Axes) else: # orientation == "horizontal": size = cbar_kwargs.get("size", "5%") pad = cbar_kwargs.get("pad", 0.25) cax = divider.append_axes(location, size=size, pad=pad, axes_class=plt.Axes) p.figure.add_axes(cax) # Add colorbar cbar = plt.colorbar(p, cax=cax, ax=ax, **cbar_kwargs) if ticklabels is not None: _ = if orientation == "vertical" else return cbar
[docs] def set_colorbar_fully_transparent(p): """Add a fully transparent colorbar. This is useful for animation where the colorbar should not always in all frames but the plot area must be fixed. """ # Get the position of the colorbar cbar_pos = cbar_x, cbar_y = cbar_pos.x0, cbar_pos.y0 cbar_width, cbar_height = cbar_pos.width, cbar_pos.height # Remove the colorbar # Now plot an empty rectangle fig = plt.gcf() rect = plt.Rectangle( (cbar_x, cbar_y), cbar_width, cbar_height, transform=fig.transFigure, facecolor="none", edgecolor="none", ) fig.patches.append(rect)
####--------------------------------------------------------------------------. ########################## #### Cartopy wrappers #### ########################## def _sanitize_cartopy_plot_kwargs(plot_kwargs): """Sanitize 'cmap' to avoid cartopy bug related to cmap bad color. Cartopy requires the bad color to be fully transparent. """ cmap = plot_kwargs.get("cmap", None) if cmap is not None: bad = cmap.get_bad() bad[3] = 0 # enforce to 0 (transparent) cmap.set_bad(bad) plot_kwargs["cmap"] = cmap return plot_kwargs def _compute_extent(x_coords, y_coords): """Compute the extent (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) from the pixel centroids in x and y coordinates. This function assumes that the spacing between each pixel is uniform. """ # Calculate the pixel size assuming uniform spacing between pixels pixel_size_x = (x_coords[-1] - x_coords[0]) / (len(x_coords) - 1) pixel_size_y = (y_coords[-1] - y_coords[0]) / (len(y_coords) - 1) # Adjust min and max to get the corners of the outer pixels x_min, x_max = x_coords[0] - pixel_size_x / 2, x_coords[-1] + pixel_size_x / 2 y_min, y_max = y_coords[0] - pixel_size_y / 2, y_coords[-1] + pixel_size_y / 2 return [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max]
[docs] def plot_cartopy_imshow( ax, da, x, y, interpolation="nearest", add_colorbar=True, plot_kwargs=None, cbar_kwargs=None, ): """Plot imshow with cartopy.""" plot_kwargs = {} if plot_kwargs is None else plot_kwargs # Infer x and y x, y = infer_xy_labels(da, x=x, y=y, rgb=plot_kwargs.get("rgb", None)) # - Ensure image with correct dimensions orders da = da.transpose(y, x, ...) arr = np.asanyarray( # - Compute coordinates x_coords = da[x].to_numpy() y_coords = da[y].to_numpy() # - Derive extent extent = _compute_extent(x_coords=x_coords, y_coords=y_coords) # - Determine origin based on the orientation of da[y] values # --> If increasing, set origin="lower" # --> If decreasing, set origin="upper" origin = "lower" if y_coords[1] > y_coords[0] else "upper" # - Add variable field with cartopy rgb = plot_kwargs.pop("rgb", False) p = ax.imshow( arr, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), extent=extent, origin=origin, interpolation=interpolation, **plot_kwargs, ) # - Set the extent ax.set_extent(extent) # - Add colorbar if add_colorbar and not rgb: _ = plot_colorbar(p=p, ax=ax, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs) return p
[docs] def plot_cartopy_pcolormesh( ax, da, x, y, add_colorbar=True, add_swath_lines=True, plot_kwargs=None, cbar_kwargs=None, ): """Plot imshow with cartopy. x and y must represents longitude and latitudes. The function currently does not allow to zoom on regions across the antimeridian. The function mask scanning pixels which spans across the antimeridian. If the DataArray has a RGB dimension, plot_kwargs should contain the ``rgb`` key with the name of the RGB dimension. """ plot_kwargs = {} if plot_kwargs is None else plot_kwargs # Remove RGB from plot_kwargs rgb = plot_kwargs.pop("rgb", False) # Get x, y, and array to plot da = preprocess_rgb_dataarray(da, rgb=rgb) da = da.compute() lon = da[x].data.copy() lat = da[y].data.copy() arr = # Check if 1D coordinate (orbit nadir-view / transect / cross-section case) is_1d_case = lon.ndim == 1 # Infill invalid value and mask data at invalid coordinates # - No invalid values after this function call lon, lat, arr = get_valid_pcolormesh_inputs(lon, lat, arr, rgb=rgb, mask_data=True) if is_1d_case: arr = np.expand_dims(arr, axis=1) # Ensure arguments if rgb: add_colorbar = False # Compute coordinates of cell corners for pcolormesh quadrilateral mesh # - This enable correct masking of cells crossing the antimeridian lon, lat = get_lonlat_corners_from_centroids(lon, lat) # Mask cells crossing the antimeridian # - with gpm.config.set({"viz_hide_antimeridian_data": False}): can be used to modify the masking behaviour arr, plot_kwargs = mask_antimeridian_crossing_array(arr, lon, rgb, plot_kwargs) # Add variable field with cartopy _ = plot_kwargs.setdefault("shading", "flat") p = ax.pcolormesh( lon, lat, arr, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), **plot_kwargs, ) # Add swath lines if add_swath_lines and not is_1d_case: sides = [(lon[0, :], lat[0, :]), (lon[-1, :], lat[-1, :])] plot_sides(sides=sides, ax=ax, linestyle="--", color="black") # Add colorbar if add_colorbar: _ = plot_colorbar(p=p, ax=ax, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs) return p
####-------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ######################### #### Xarray wrappers #### ######################### def _preprocess_xr_kwargs(add_colorbar, plot_kwargs, cbar_kwargs): if not add_colorbar: cbar_kwargs = None if "rgb" in plot_kwargs: cbar_kwargs = None add_colorbar = False plot_kwargs = {"rgb": plot_kwargs.get("rgb")} # alpha currently skipped if RGB return add_colorbar, plot_kwargs, cbar_kwargs
[docs] def plot_xr_pcolormesh( ax, da, x, y, add_colorbar=True, cbar_kwargs=None, **plot_kwargs, ): """Plot pcolormesh with xarray.""" ticklabels = cbar_kwargs.pop("ticklabels", None) add_colorbar, plot_kwargs, cbar_kwargs = _preprocess_xr_kwargs( add_colorbar=add_colorbar, plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, ) p = da.plot.pcolormesh( x=x, y=y, ax=ax, add_colorbar=add_colorbar, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, **plot_kwargs, ) plt.title( if add_colorbar and ticklabels is not None: return p
[docs] def plot_xr_imshow( ax, da, x, y, interpolation="nearest", add_colorbar=True, cbar_kwargs=None, visible_colorbar=True, **plot_kwargs, ): """Plot imshow with xarray. The colorbar is added with xarray to enable to display multiple colorbars when calling this function multiple times on different fields with different colorbars. """ ticklabels = cbar_kwargs.pop("ticklabels", None) add_colorbar, plot_kwargs, cbar_kwargs = _preprocess_xr_kwargs( add_colorbar=add_colorbar, plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, ) p = da.plot.imshow( x=x, y=y, ax=ax, interpolation=interpolation, add_colorbar=add_colorbar, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, **plot_kwargs, ) plt.title( if add_colorbar and ticklabels is not None: # Make the colorbar fully transparent with a smart trick ;) # - TODO: this still cause issues when plotting 2 colorbars ! if add_colorbar and not visible_colorbar: set_colorbar_fully_transparent(p) # Add manually the colorbar # p = da.plot.imshow( # x=x, # y=y, # ax=ax, # interpolation=interpolation, # add_colorbar=False, # **plot_kwargs, # ) # plt.title( # if add_colorbar: # _ = plot_colorbar(p=p, ax=ax, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs) return p
####--------------------------------------------------------------------------. #################### #### Plot Image #### #################### def _plot_image( da, x=None, y=None, ax=None, add_colorbar=True, interpolation="nearest", fig_kwargs=None, cbar_kwargs=None, **plot_kwargs, ): """Plot GPM orbit granule as in image.""" from gpm.checks import is_grid, is_orbit from gpm.visualization.facetgrid import sanitize_facetgrid_plot_kwargs fig_kwargs = preprocess_figure_args(ax=ax, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs) # - Initialize figure if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(**fig_kwargs) # - Sanitize plot_kwargs set by by xarray FacetGrid.map_dataarray is_facetgrid = plot_kwargs.get("_is_facetgrid", False) plot_kwargs = sanitize_facetgrid_plot_kwargs(plot_kwargs) # - If not specified, retrieve/update plot_kwargs and cbar_kwargs as function of product name plot_kwargs, cbar_kwargs = get_plot_kwargs(, user_plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs, user_cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, ) # - Plot with xarray p = plot_xr_imshow( ax=ax, da=da, x=x, y=y, interpolation=interpolation, add_colorbar=add_colorbar, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, **plot_kwargs, ) if is_orbit(da): ax.set_xlabel("Along-Track") ax.set_ylabel("Cross-Track") elif is_grid(da): ax.set_xlabel("Longitude") ax.set_ylabel("Latitude") # - Monkey patch the mappable instance to add optimize_layout if not is_facetgrid: p = add_optimize_layout_method(p) # - Return mappable return p def _plot_image_facetgrid( da, x=None, y=None, ax=None, add_colorbar=True, interpolation="nearest", fig_kwargs=None, cbar_kwargs=None, **plot_kwargs, ): """Plot 2D fields with FacetGrid.""" from gpm.visualization.facetgrid import ImageFacetGrid # Check inputs fig_kwargs = preprocess_figure_args(ax=ax, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, is_facetgrid=True) # Retrieve GPM-API defaults cmap and cbar kwargs variable = plot_kwargs, cbar_kwargs = get_plot_kwargs( name=variable, user_plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs, user_cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, ) # Disable colorbar if rgb # - Move this to pycolorbar ! # - Also remove cmap, norm, vmin and vmax in plot_kwargs if plot_kwargs.get("rgb", False): add_colorbar = False cbar_kwargs = {} # Create FacetGrid fc = ImageFacetGrid( data=da.compute(), col=plot_kwargs.pop("col", None), row=plot_kwargs.pop("row", None), col_wrap=plot_kwargs.pop("col_wrap", None), axes_pad=plot_kwargs.pop("axes_pad", None), fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, add_colorbar=add_colorbar, aspect=plot_kwargs.pop("aspect", False), facet_height=plot_kwargs.pop("facet_height", 3), facet_aspect=plot_kwargs.pop("facet_aspect", 1), ) # Plot the maps fc = fc.map_dataarray( _plot_image, x=x, y=y, add_colorbar=False, interpolation=interpolation, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, **plot_kwargs, ) fc.remove_duplicated_axis_labels() # Add colorbar if add_colorbar: fc.add_colorbar(**cbar_kwargs) return fc
[docs] def plot_image( da, x=None, y=None, ax=None, add_colorbar=True, interpolation="nearest", fig_kwargs=None, cbar_kwargs=None, **plot_kwargs, ): """Plot data using imshow. Parameters ---------- da : xarray.DataArray xarray DataArray. x : str, optional X dimension name. If ``None``, takes the second dimension. The default is ``None``. y : str, optional Y dimension name. If ``None``, takes the first dimension. The default is ``None``. ax : cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes, optional The matplotlib axes where to plot the image. If ``None``, a figure is initialized using the specified ``fig_kwargs``. The default is ``None``. add_colorbar : bool, optional Whether to add a colorbar. The default is ``True``. interpolation : str, optional Argument to be passed to imshow. The default is ``"nearest"``. fig_kwargs : dict, optional Figure options to be passed to :py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`. The default is ``None``. Only used if ``ax`` is ``None``. subplot_kwargs : dict, optional Subplot options to be passed to :py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`. The default is ``None``. Only used if ```ax``` is ``None``. cbar_kwargs : dict, optional Colorbar options. The default is ``None``. **plot_kwargs Additional arguments to be passed to the plotting function. Examples include ``cmap``, ``norm``, ``vmin``, ``vmax``, ``levels``, ... For FacetGrid plots, specify ``row``, ``col`` and ``col_wrap``. With ``rgb`` you can specify the name of the xarray.DataArray RGB dimension. """ from gpm.checks import check_is_spatial_2d, is_spatial_2d # Plot orbit if not is_spatial_2d(da, strict=False): raise ValueError("Can not plot. It's not a spatial 2D object.") # Check inputs da = check_object_format(da, plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs, check_function=check_is_spatial_2d, strict=True) # Plot FacetGrid with xarray imshow if "col" in plot_kwargs or "row" in plot_kwargs: p = _plot_image_facetgrid( da=da, x=x, y=y, ax=ax, add_colorbar=add_colorbar, interpolation=interpolation, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, **plot_kwargs, ) # Plot with xarray imshow else: p = _plot_image( da=da, x=x, y=y, ax=ax, add_colorbar=add_colorbar, interpolation=interpolation, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, **plot_kwargs, ) # Return mappable return p
####--------------------------------------------------------------------------. ################## #### Plot map #### ##################
[docs] def plot_map( da, x=None, y=None, ax=None, add_colorbar=True, add_swath_lines=True, # used only for GPM orbit objects add_background=True, interpolation="nearest", # used only for GPM grid objects fig_kwargs=None, subplot_kwargs=None, cbar_kwargs=None, **plot_kwargs, ): """Plot data on a geographic map. Parameters ---------- da : xarray.DataArray xarray DataArray. x : str, optional Longitude coordinate name. If ``None``, takes the second dimension. The default is ``None``. y : str, optional Latitude coordinate name. If ``None``, takes the first dimension. The default is ``None``. ax : cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes, optional The cartopy GeoAxes where to plot the map. If ``None``, a figure is initialized using the specified ``fig_kwargs`` and ``subplot_kwargs``. The default is ``None``. add_colorbar : bool, optional Whether to add a colorbar. The default is ``True``. add_swath_lines : bool, optional Whether to plot the swath sides with a dashed line. The default is ``True``. This argument only applies for ORBIT objects. add_background : bool, optional Whether to add the map background. The default is ``True``. interpolation : str, optional Argument to be passed to :py:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow`. Only applies for GRID objects. The default is ``"nearest"``. fig_kwargs : dict, optional Figure options to be passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`. The default is ``None``. Only used if ``ax`` is ``None``. subplot_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments for :py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`. Must contain the Cartopy CRS ` ``projection`` key if specified. The default is ``None``. Only used if ``ax`` is ``None``. cbar_kwargs : dict, optional Colorbar options. The default is ``None``. **plot_kwargs Additional arguments to be passed to the plotting function. Examples include ``cmap``, ``norm``, ``vmin``, ``vmax``, ``levels``, ... For FacetGrid plots, specify ``row``, ``col`` and ``col_wrap``. With ``rgb`` you can specify the name of the xarray.DataArray RGB dimension. """ from gpm.checks import has_spatial_dim, is_grid, is_orbit, is_spatial_2d from gpm.visualization.grid import plot_grid_map from gpm.visualization.orbit import plot_orbit_map # Plot orbit # - allow vertical or other dimensions for FacetGrid # - allow to plot a swath of size 1 (i.e. nadir-looking) if is_orbit(da) and has_spatial_dim(da): p = plot_orbit_map( da=da, x=x, y=y, ax=ax, add_colorbar=add_colorbar, add_swath_lines=add_swath_lines, add_background=add_background, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, subplot_kwargs=subplot_kwargs, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, **plot_kwargs, ) # Plot grid elif is_grid(da) and is_spatial_2d(da, strict=False): p = plot_grid_map( da=da, x=x, y=y, ax=ax, add_colorbar=add_colorbar, interpolation=interpolation, add_background=add_background, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, subplot_kwargs=subplot_kwargs, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, **plot_kwargs, ) else: raise ValueError("Can not plot. It's neither a GPM GRID or GPM ORBIT spatial 2D object.") # Return mappable return p
[docs] def plot_map_mesh( xr_obj, x=None, y=None, ax=None, edgecolors="k", linewidth=0.1, add_background=True, fig_kwargs=None, subplot_kwargs=None, **plot_kwargs, ): from gpm.checks import is_grid, is_orbit from gpm.visualization.grid import plot_grid_mesh from gpm.visualization.orbit import plot_orbit_mesh # Plot orbit if is_orbit(xr_obj): x, y = infer_map_xy_coords(xr_obj, x=x, y=y) p = plot_orbit_mesh( da=xr_obj[y], ax=ax, x=x, y=y, edgecolors=edgecolors, linewidth=linewidth, add_background=add_background, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, subplot_kwargs=subplot_kwargs, **plot_kwargs, ) elif is_grid(xr_obj): p = plot_grid_mesh( xr_obj=xr_obj, x=x, y=y, ax=ax, edgecolors=edgecolors, linewidth=linewidth, add_background=add_background, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, subplot_kwargs=subplot_kwargs, **plot_kwargs, ) else: raise ValueError("Can not plot. It's neither a GPM GRID or GPM ORBIT spatial object.") # Return mappable return p
[docs] def plot_map_mesh_centroids( xr_obj, x=None, y=None, ax=None, c="r", s=1, add_background=True, fig_kwargs=None, subplot_kwargs=None, **plot_kwargs, ): """Plot GPM orbit granule mesh centroids in a cartographic map.""" from gpm.checks import is_grid, is_orbit # Initialize figure if necessary ax = initialize_cartopy_plot( ax=ax, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, subplot_kwargs=subplot_kwargs, add_background=add_background, ) # Retrieve orbits lon, lat coordinates if is_orbit(xr_obj): x, y = infer_map_xy_coords(xr_obj, x=x, y=y) # Retrieve grid centroids mesh if is_grid(xr_obj): x, y = infer_xy_labels(xr_obj, x=x, y=y) xr_obj = create_grid_mesh_data_array(xr_obj, x=x, y=y) # Extract numpy arrays lon = xr_obj[x].to_numpy() lat = xr_obj[y].to_numpy() # Plot centroids p = ax.scatter(lon, lat, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), c=c, s=s, **plot_kwargs) # Return mappable return p
[docs] def create_grid_mesh_data_array(xr_obj, x, y): """Create a 2D mesh coordinates DataArray. Takes as input the 1D coordinate arrays from an existing xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset object. The function creates a 2D grid (mesh) of x and y coordinates and initializes the data values to NaN. Parameters ---------- xr_obj : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset The input xarray object containing the 1D coordinate arrays. x : str The name of the x-coordinate in `xr_obj`. y : str The name of the y-coordinate in `xr_obj`. Returns ------- da_mesh : xarray.DataArray A 2D xarray.DataArray with mesh coordinates for `x` and `y`, and NaN values for data points. Notes ----- The resulting xarray.DataArray has dimensions named 'y' and 'x', corresponding to the y and x coordinates respectively. The coordinate values are taken directly from the input 1D coordinate arrays, and the data values are set to NaN. """ # Extract 1D coordinate arrays x_coords = xr_obj[x].to_numpy() y_coords = xr_obj[y].to_numpy() # Create 2D meshgrid for x and y coordinates X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_coords, y_coords, indexing="xy") # Create a 2D array of NaN values with the same shape as the meshgrid dummy_values = np.full(X.shape, np.nan) # Create a new DataArray with 2D coordinates and NaN values return xr.DataArray( dummy_values, coords={x: (("y", "x"), X), y: (("y", "x"), Y)}, dims=("y", "x"), )
####--------------------------------------------------------------------------. def _plot_labels( xr_obj, label_name=None, max_n_labels=50, add_colorbar=True, interpolation="nearest", cmap="Paired", fig_kwargs=None, **plot_kwargs, ): """Plot labels. The maximum allowed number of labels to plot is 'max_n_labels'. """ from ximage.labels.labels import get_label_indices, redefine_label_array from ximage.labels.plot_labels import get_label_colorbar_settings from gpm.visualization.plot import plot_image if isinstance(xr_obj, xr.Dataset): dataarray = xr_obj[label_name] else: dataarray = xr_obj[label_name] if label_name is not None else xr_obj dataarray = dataarray.compute() label_indices = get_label_indices(dataarray) n_labels = len(label_indices) if add_colorbar and n_labels > max_n_labels: msg = f"""The array currently contains {n_labels} labels and 'max_n_labels' is set to {max_n_labels}. The colorbar is not displayed!""" print(msg) add_colorbar = False # Relabel array from 1 to ... for plotting dataarray = redefine_label_array(dataarray, label_indices=label_indices) # Replace 0 with nan dataarray = dataarray.where(dataarray > 0) # Define appropriate colormap default_plot_kwargs, cbar_kwargs = get_label_colorbar_settings(label_indices, cmap=cmap) default_plot_kwargs.update(plot_kwargs) # Plot image return plot_image( dataarray, interpolation=interpolation, add_colorbar=add_colorbar, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, **default_plot_kwargs, )
[docs] def plot_labels( obj, # Dataset, DataArray or generator label_name=None, max_n_labels=50, add_colorbar=True, interpolation="nearest", cmap="Paired", fig_kwargs=None, **plot_kwargs, ): if is_generator(obj): for _, xr_obj in obj: # label_id, xr_obj p = _plot_labels( xr_obj=xr_obj, label_name=label_name, max_n_labels=max_n_labels, add_colorbar=add_colorbar, interpolation=interpolation, cmap=cmap, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, **plot_kwargs, ) else: p = _plot_labels( xr_obj=obj, label_name=label_name, max_n_labels=max_n_labels, add_colorbar=add_colorbar, interpolation=interpolation, cmap=cmap, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, **plot_kwargs, ) return p
[docs] def plot_patches( patch_gen, variable=None, add_colorbar=True, interpolation="nearest", fig_kwargs=None, cbar_kwargs=None, **plot_kwargs, ): """Plot patches.""" from gpm.visualization.plot import plot_image # Plot patches for _, xr_patch in patch_gen: # label_id, xr_obj if isinstance(xr_patch, xr.Dataset): if variable is None: raise ValueError("'variable' must be specified when plotting xarray.Dataset patches.") xr_patch = xr_patch[variable] try: plot_image( xr_patch, interpolation=interpolation, add_colorbar=add_colorbar, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, **plot_kwargs, ) except Exception: pass
[docs] def get_inset_bounds( ax, loc="upper right", inset_height=0.2, inside_figure=True, aspect_ratio=1, ): """Calculate the bounds for an inset axes in a matplotlib figure. This function computes the normalized figure coordinates for placing an inset axes within a figure, based on the specified location, size, and whether the inset should be fully inside the figure bounds. It is designed to be used with matplotlib figures to facilitate the addition of insets (e.g., for maps or zoomed plots) at predefined positions. Parameters ---------- loc : str The location of the inset within the figure. Valid options are ``'lower left'``, ``'lower right'``, ``'upper left'``, and ``'upper right'``. The default is ``'upper right'``. inset_height : float The size of the inset height, specified as a fraction of the figure's height. For example, a value of 0.2 indicates that the inset's height will be 20% of the figure's height. The aspect ratio will govern the ``inset_width``. inside_figure : bool, optional Determines whether the inset is constrained to be fully inside the figure bounds. If ``True`` (default), the inset is placed fully within the figure. If ``False``, the inset can extend beyond the figure's edges, allowing for a half-outside placement. aspect_ratio : float, optional The width-to-height ratio of the inset figure. A value greater than 1 indicates an inset figure wider than it is tall, and a value less than 1 indicates an inset figure taller than it is wide. The default value is 1.0, indicating a square inset figure. Returns ------- inset_bounds : list of float The calculated bounds of the inset, in the format ``[x0, y0, width, height]``, where ``x0`` and ``y0`` are the normalized figure coordinates of the lower left corner of the inset, and ``width`` and ``height`` are the normalized width and height of the inset, respectively. """ # Get the bounding box of the parent axes in figure coordinates bbox = ax.get_position() parent_width = bbox.width parent_height = bbox.height # Compute the inset width percentage (relative to the parent axes) # - Take into account possible different aspect ratios inset_height_abs = inset_height * parent_height inset_width_abs = inset_height_abs * aspect_ratio inset_width = inset_width_abs / parent_width loc_mapping = { "upper right": (1 - inset_width, 1 - inset_height), "upper left": (0, 1 - inset_height), "lower right": (1 - inset_width, 0), "lower left": (0, 0), } inset_x, inset_y = loc_mapping[loc] # Adjust for insets that are allowed to be half outside of the figure if not inside_figure: inset_x += inset_width / 2 * (-1 if loc.endswith("left") else 1) inset_y += inset_height / 2 * (-1 if loc.startswith("lower") else 1) return [inset_x, inset_y, inset_width, inset_height]
[docs] def add_map_inset(ax, loc="upper left", inset_height=0.2, projection=None, inside_figure=True): """Adds an inset map to a matplotlib axis using Cartopy, highlighting the extent of the main plot. This function creates a smaller map inset within a larger map plot to show a global view or contextual location of the main plot's extent. It uses Cartopy for map projections and plotting, and it outlines the extent of the main plot within the inset to provide geographical context. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes or cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes The main matplotlib or cartopy axis object where the geographic data is plotted. loc : str, optional The location of the inset map within the main plot. Options include ``'lower left'``, ``'lower right'``, ``'upper left'``, and ``'upper right'``. The default is ``'upper left'``. inset_height : float, optional The size of the inset height, specified as a fraction of the figure's height. For example, a value of 0.2 indicates that the inset's height will be 20% of the figure's height. The aspect ratio (of the map inset) will govern the ``inset_width``. inside_figure : bool, optional Determines whether the inset is constrained to be fully inside the figure bounds. If ``True`` (default), the inset is placed fully within the figure. If ``False``, the inset can extend beyond the figure's edges, allowing for a half-outside placement. projection:, optional A cartopy projection. If ``None``, am Orthographic projection centered on the extent center is used. Returns ------- ax2 : cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes The Cartopy GeoAxesSubplot object for the inset map. Notes ----- The function adjusts the extent of the inset map based on the main plot's extent, adding a slight padding for visual clarity. It then overlays a red outline indicating the main plot's geographical extent. Examples -------- >>> p = da.gpm.plot_map() >>> add_map_inset(ax=p.axes, loc="upper left", inset_height=0.15) This example creates a main plot with a specified extent and adds an upper-left inset map showing the global context of the main plot's extent. """ from shapely import Polygon from gpm.utils.geospatial import extend_geographic_extent # Retrieve extent and bounds extent = ax.get_extent() extent = extend_geographic_extent(extent, padding=0.5) bounds = [extent[i] for i in [0, 2, 1, 3]] # Create Cartopy Polygon polygon = Polygon.from_bounds(*bounds) # Define Orthographic projection if projection is None: lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max = extent projection = ccrs.Orthographic( central_latitude=(lat_min + lat_max) / 2, central_longitude=(lon_min + lon_max) / 2, ) # Define aspect ratio of the map inset aspect_ratio = float(np.diff(projection.x_limits) / np.diff(projection.y_limits).item()) # Define inset location relative to main plot (ax) in normalized units # - Lower-left corner of inset Axes, and its width and height # - [x0, y0, width, height] inset_bounds = get_inset_bounds( ax=ax, loc=loc, inset_height=inset_height, inside_figure=inside_figure, aspect_ratio=aspect_ratio, ) # ax2 = plt.axes(inset_bounds, projection=projection) ax2 = ax.inset_axes( inset_bounds, projection=projection, ) # Add global map ax2.set_global() ax2.add_feature(cfeature.LAND) ax2.add_feature(cfeature.OCEAN) # Add extent polygon _ = ax2.add_geometries( [polygon], ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor="none", edgecolor="red", linewidth=0.3, ) return ax2