Source code for gpm.visualization.facetgrid

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# MIT License

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# This file is part of GPM-API.

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"""This module contains the FacetGrid classes."""
import itertools
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Hashable
from typing import Optional

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from cartopy.mpl.geoaxes import GeoAxes
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid
from xarray.plot.facetgrid import FacetGrid
from xarray.plot.utils import _infer_xy_labels, _process_cmap_cbar_kwargs, label_from_attrs

from gpm.visualization.plot import adapt_fig_size

def _remove_dim_prefix(title):
    splitted_text = title.split("=")
    if len(splitted_text) >= 2:
        title = title.split("=")[-1].lstrip()
    return title

def _remove_title_dimension_prefix(ax):
    title = ax.get_title()
    title = _remove_dim_prefix(title)

def _remove_title(ax):

[docs] def sanitize_facetgrid_plot_kwargs(plot_kwargs): """Remove defaults values set by FacetGrid.map_dataarray.""" plot_kwargs = plot_kwargs.copy() is_facetgrid = plot_kwargs.get("_is_facetgrid", False) if is_facetgrid: facet_grid_args = ["vmin", "vmax", "extend", "levels", "add_labels", "_is_facetgrid"] _ = [plot_kwargs.pop(arg, None) for arg in facet_grid_args] return plot_kwargs
[docs] class CustomFacetGrid(FacetGrid, ABC): def __init__( self, data, col: Optional[Hashable] = None, row: Optional[Hashable] = None, col_wrap: Optional[int] = None, axes_pad: Optional[tuple[float, float]] = None, aspect: bool = True, add_colorbar: bool = True, facet_height: float = 3.0, facet_aspect: float = 1.0, cbar_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, fig_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, axes_class=None, ) -> None: """Class for xarray-based FacetGrid plots. Parameters ---------- data : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset xarray object to be plotted. row, col : str Dimension names that define subsets of the data, which will be drawn on separate facets in the grid. col_wrap : int, optional "Wrap" the grid the for the column variable after this number of columns, adding rows if ``col_wrap`` is less than the number of facets. axes_pad : tuple or float, optional Padding or (horizontal padding, vertical padding) between axes, in inches. The default is ``(0.1, 0.3)`` inches. aspect : bool, optional Whether the axes aspect ratio follows the aspect ratio of the data limits. The default is ``True``. axes_class : subclass of :py:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional The default is ``None``. add_colorbar: bool, optional Whether to add a colorbar to the figure. The default is ``True``. cbar_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the colorbar. The ``pad`` argument controls the space between the image axes and the colorbar axes. The ``pad`` default is 0.2. The ``size`` argument control the colorbar size. The default value is '3%'. For other arguments, see :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure.colorbar`. facet_height: float, optional Height (in inches) of each facet. The default is 3. This parameter is used only if the ``figsize`` argument is not specified in ``fig_kwargs``. facet_aspect: float, optional Aspect ratio of each facet. The default is 1. The facet width is determined by ``facet_height`` * ``facet_aspect``. This parameter is used only if the ``figsize`` argument is not specified in ``fig_kwargs``. fig_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the Figure. Typical arguments include ``figsize`` and ``dpi``. ``figsize`` is a tuple (width, height) of the figure in inches. If ``figsize`` is specified, it overrides ``facet_size`` and ``facet_aspect`` arguments. (see :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`). """ # Handle corner case of nonunique coordinates rep_col = col is not None and not data[col].to_index().is_unique rep_row = row is not None and not data[row].to_index().is_unique if rep_col or rep_row: raise ValueError( "Coordinates used for faceting cannot " "contain repeated (nonunique) values.", ) # single_group is the grouping variable, if there is exactly one if col and row: single_group = False nrow = len(data[row]) ncol = len(data[col]) nfacet = nrow * ncol if col_wrap is not None: warnings.warn("Ignoring col_wrap since both col and row were passed", stacklevel=1) elif row and not col: single_group = row elif not row and col: single_group = col else: raise ValueError("Pass a coordinate name as an argument for row or col") # Compute grid shape if single_group: nfacet = len(data[single_group]) if col: # idea - could add heuristic for nice shapes like 3x4 ncol = nfacet if row: ncol = 1 if col_wrap is not None: # Overrides previous settings ncol = col_wrap nrow = int(np.ceil(nfacet / ncol)) # Define axis spacing if axes_pad is None: axes_pad = (0.1, 0.3) # Define colorbar settings default_pad = 0.3 if (row is not None and col is not None) else 0.2 cbar_kwargs = {} if cbar_kwargs is None else cbar_kwargs orientation = cbar_kwargs.get("orientation", "vertical") cbar_pad = cbar_kwargs.get("pad", default_pad) cbar_size = cbar_kwargs.get("size", "3%") if add_colorbar: cbar_mode = "single" cbar_location = "right" if orientation == "vertical" else "bottom" else: cbar_mode = None cbar_location = "right" # unused # Initialize figure size # --> facet_height=size and facet_aspect=aspect in xarray FacetGrid # --> We could provide this also as argument (fig_kwargs or **plot_kwargs?) # --> Only used in figsize not specified ! fig_kwargs = {} if fig_kwargs is None else fig_kwargs figsize = fig_kwargs.pop("figsize", None) if figsize is None: # xarray FacetGrid defaults facet_width = facet_height * facet_aspect # Width (in inches) of each facet figsize = [ncol * facet_width, nrow * facet_height] # (width, height) if add_colorbar: cbar_space = 1 if orientation == "vertical": figsize[0] = figsize[0] + cbar_space # extra width space else: figsize[1] = figsize[1] + cbar_space # extra height space figsize = tuple(figsize) # Initialize figure and axes fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, **fig_kwargs) image_grid = ImageGrid( fig, 111, axes_class=axes_class, nrows_ncols=(nrow, ncol), axes_pad=axes_pad, # Padding or (horizontal padding, vertical padding) between axes, in inches cbar_location=cbar_location, cbar_mode=cbar_mode, cbar_pad=cbar_pad, cbar_size=cbar_size, aspect=aspect, # direction="row", # plot row by row label_mode="all", # does not matter with cartopy plot ) # Extract axes like subplots axs = np.array(image_grid.axes_all).reshape(nrow, ncol) # Delete empty axis (to avoid bad layout) n_subplots = nrow * ncol if nfacet != n_subplots: for i in range(nfacet, n_subplots): fig.delaxes(axs.flatten()[i]) # Set up the lists of names for the row and column facet variables col_names = list(data[col].to_numpy()) if col else [] row_names = list(data[row].to_numpy()) if row else [] if single_group: full = [{single_group: x} for x in data[single_group].to_numpy()] empty = [None for x in range(nrow * ncol - len(full))] name_dict_list = full + empty else: rowcols = itertools.product(row_names, col_names) name_dict_list = [{row: r, col: c} for r, c in rowcols] name_dicts = np.array(name_dict_list).reshape(nrow, ncol) # Set up the class attributes # --------------------------- # First the public API = data self.name_dicts = name_dicts self.fig = fig self.image_grid = image_grid self.axs = axs self.row_names = row_names self.col_names = col_names # guides self.figlegend = None self.quiverkey = None self.cbar = None # Next the private variables self._single_group = single_group self._nrow = nrow self._row_var = row self._ncol = ncol self._col_var = col self._col_wrap = col_wrap self.row_labels = [None] * nrow self.col_labels = [None] * ncol self._x_var = None self._y_var = None self._cmap_extend = None self._mappables = [] self._finalized = False
[docs] def map_dataarray( self, func, x=None, y=None, **kwargs, ): """ Apply a plotting function to a 2d facet's subset of the data. This is more convenient and less general than ```` Parameters ---------- func : callable A plotting function with the same signature as a 2d xarray plotting method such as xarray.plot.imshow x, y : str Names of the coordinates to plot on x, y axes **kwargs additional keyword arguments to func Returns ------- xarray.plot.facetgrid.FacetGrid FacetGrid object """ if kwargs.get("cbar_ax", None) is not None: raise ValueError("cbar_ax not supported by FacetGrid.") cmap_params, cbar_kwargs = _process_cmap_cbar_kwargs( func,, **kwargs, ) self._cmap_extend = cmap_params.get("extend") # Order is important func_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in {"cmap", "colors", "cbar_kwargs", "levels"}} func_kwargs.update(cmap_params) func_kwargs["add_colorbar"] = False if func.__name__ != "surface": func_kwargs["add_labels"] = False # Get x, y labels for the first subplot # - Get DataArray prototype without row, col and rgb ! da_proto =[self.name_dicts.flat[0]] if self._row_var in list(da_proto.dims): da_proto = da_proto.isel({self._row_var: 0}) if self._col_var in list(da_proto.dims): da_proto = da_proto.isel({self._col_var: 0}) if kwargs.get("rgb", None): da_proto = da_proto.isel({kwargs.get("rgb", None): 0}) x, y = _infer_xy_labels( darray=da_proto, x=x, y=y, imshow=True, # rgb=kwargs.get("rgb", None), ) for d, ax in zip(self.name_dicts.flat, self.axs.flat): # None is the sentinel value if d is not None: subset =[d] mappable = func( subset, x=x, y=y, ax=ax, **func_kwargs, _is_facetgrid=True, ) self._mappables.append(mappable) self._finalize_grid(x, y) if kwargs.get("add_colorbar", True): self.add_colorbar(**cbar_kwargs) return self
@abstractmethod def _remove_bottom_ticks_and_labels(self, ax): """Method removing axis ticks and labels on the bottom of the subplots.""" @abstractmethod def _remove_left_ticks_and_labels(self, ax): """Method removing axis ticks and labels on the left of the subplots."""
[docs] def remove_bottom_ticks_and_labels(self): """Remove the bottom ticks and labels from each subplot.""" self._remove_bottom_ticks_and_labels(plt.gca()))
[docs] def remove_left_ticks_and_labels(self): """Remove the left ticks and labels from each subplot.""" self._remove_left_ticks_and_labels(plt.gca()))
[docs] def remove_duplicated_axis_labels(self): """Remove axis labels which are not located on the left or bottom of the figure.""" n_rows, n_cols = self.axs.shape missing_bottom_plots = [not ax.has_data() for ax in self.axs[n_rows - 1]] idx_bottom_plots = np.where(missing_bottom_plots)[0] has_missing_bottom_plots = len(idx_bottom_plots) > 0 # Remove bottom axis labels from all subplots except the bottom ones if n_rows > 1: for i in range(0, n_rows - 1): for j in range(0, n_cols): if has_missing_bottom_plots and i == n_rows - 2 and j in idx_bottom_plots: continue self._remove_bottom_ticks_and_labels(ax=self.axs[i, j]) # Remove left axis labels from all subplots except the left ones if n_cols > 1: for i in range(0, n_rows): for j in range(1, n_cols): self._remove_left_ticks_and_labels(ax=self.axs[i, j])
[docs] def add_colorbar(self, **cbar_kwargs) -> None: """Draw a colorbar.""" cbar_kwargs = cbar_kwargs.copy() # Check for extend in cmap if self._cmap_extend is not None: cbar_kwargs.setdefault("extend", self._cmap_extend) # Don't pass 'extend' as kwarg if it is in the mappable if hasattr(self._mappables[-1], "extend"): cbar_kwargs.pop("extend", None) # If label not specified, use the dataarray name or attributes if "label" not in cbar_kwargs: assert isinstance(, xr.DataArray) cbar_kwargs.setdefault("label", label_from_attrs( # Accept ticklabels as kwargs ticklabels = cbar_kwargs.pop("ticklabels", None) # Draw the colorbar self.cbar = self.image_grid.cbar_axes[0].colorbar( self._mappables[-1], ax=list(self.axs.flat), **cbar_kwargs, ) # Add ticklabel if ticklabels is not None:
[docs] def remove_title_dimension_prefix(self, row=True, col=True): """Remove the dimension prefix from the subplot labels.""" if len(self.row_names) == 0 or len(self.col_names) == 0: _remove_title_dimension_prefix(plt.gca())) else: if col: _ = [ann.set_text(_remove_dim_prefix(ann.get_text())) for ann in self.col_labels] if row: _ = [ann.set_text(_remove_dim_prefix(ann.get_text())) for ann in self.row_labels]
[docs] def remove_titles(self, row=True, col=True): """Remove the plot titles.""" if len(self.row_names) == 0 or len(self.col_names) == 0: _remove_title(plt.gca())) else: if col: _ = [ann.set_text("") for ann in self.col_labels] if row: _ = [ann.set_text("") for ann in self.row_labels]
[docs] def set_title(self, title, horizontalalignment="center", **kwargs): """Add a title above all sublots. The y argument controls the spacing to the subplots. Decreasing or increasing the y argument (from a default value of 1) reduce/increase the spacing. """ self.fig.suptitle(title, horizontalalignment=horizontalalignment, **kwargs)
[docs] def adapt_fig_size(self): """Adjusts the figure height of the plot based on the aspect ratio of cartopy subplots. This function is intended to be called after all plotting has been completed. It operates under the assumption that all subplots within the figure share the same aspect ratio. The implementation is inspired by Mathias Hauser's mplotutils set_map_layout function. """ # Assumes that the first axis in the collection of axes is representative of all others. # This means that all subplots are expected to have the same aspect ratio and size. ax = np.asarray(self.axs).flat[0] adapt_fig_size(ax, nrow=self._nrow, ncol=self._ncol)
[docs] class CartopyFacetGrid(CustomFacetGrid): def __init__( self, data, projection, col: Optional[Hashable] = None, row: Optional[Hashable] = None, col_wrap: Optional[int] = None, axes_pad: Optional[tuple[float, float]] = None, add_colorbar: bool = True, cbar_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, fig_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, facet_height: float = 3.0, facet_aspect: float = 1.0, ) -> None: """Cartopy FacetGrid class. Parameters ---------- data : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset xarray object to be plotted. projection: Cartopy projection. row, col : str Dimension names that define subsets of the data, which will be drawn on separate facets in the grid. col_wrap : int, optional "Wrap" the grid the for the column variable after this number of columns, adding rows if ``col_wrap`` is less than the number of facets. axes_pad : tuple or float, optional Padding or (horizontal padding, vertical padding) between axes, in inches. The default is ``(0.1, 0.3)`` inches. add_colorbar: bool, optional Whether to add a colorbar to the figure. The default is ``True``. cbar_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the colorbar. The ``pad`` argument controls the space between the image axes and the colorbar axes. The ``pad`` default is 0.2. The ``size`` argument control the colorbar size. The default value is ``'3%'``. For other arguments, see :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure.colorbar`. facet_height: float, optional Height (in inches) of each facet. The default is 3. This parameter is used only if the ``figsize`` argument is not specified in ``fig_kwargs``. facet_aspect: float, optional Aspect ratio of each facet. The default is 1. The facet width is determined by ``facet_height`` * ``facet_aspect``. This parameter is used only if the ``figsize`` argument is not specified in ``fig_kwargs``. fig_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the Figure. Typical arguments include ``figsize`` and ``dpi``. ``figsize`` is a tuple (width, height) of the figure in inches. If ``figsize`` is specified, it overrides ``facet_size`` and ``facet_aspect`` arguments. (see `matplotlib.figure.Figure`). """ # Define Cartopy axes if projection is None: raise ValueError("Please specify a Cartopy projection.") axes_class = (GeoAxes, {"projection": projection}) super().__init__( data=data, col=col, row=row, col_wrap=col_wrap, axes_pad=axes_pad, aspect=True, add_colorbar=add_colorbar, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, facet_height=facet_height, facet_aspect=facet_aspect, axes_class=axes_class, ) def _finalize_grid(self, *axlabels) -> None: """Finalize the annotations and layout of FacetGrid.""" if not self._finalized: self.set_axis_labels(*axlabels) self.set_titles() for ax, namedict in zip(self.axs.flat, self.name_dicts.flat): if namedict is None: ax.set_visible(False) self._finalized = True def _remove_bottom_ticks_and_labels(self, ax): """Remove Cartopy bottom gridlines labels.""" if isinstance(ax, GeoAxes): try: gl = ax._gridliners[0] gl.bottom_labels = False except Exception: pass def _remove_left_ticks_and_labels(self, ax): """Remove Cartopy left gridlines labels.""" if isinstance(ax, GeoAxes): try: gl = ax._gridliners[0] gl.left_labels = False except Exception: pass
[docs] def optimize_layout(self): """Optimize the figure size and layout of the Figure. This function must be called only once ! """ self.adapt_fig_size() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=False): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) self.fig.tight_layout()
[docs] def set_extent(self, extent): """Modify extent of all Cartopy subplots.""" if extent is None: return # Modify extent for ax in self.axs.flat: if isinstance(ax, GeoAxes): ax.set_extent(extent) # Readjust map layout self.optimize_layout()
[docs] class ImageFacetGrid(CustomFacetGrid): def __init__( self, data, col: Optional[Hashable] = None, row: Optional[Hashable] = None, col_wrap: Optional[int] = None, axes_pad: Optional[tuple[float, float]] = None, aspect: bool = False, add_colorbar: bool = True, cbar_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, fig_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, facet_height: float = 3.0, facet_aspect: float = 1.0, ) -> None: """Image FacetGrid class. Parameters ---------- data : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset xarray object to be plotted. row, col : str Dimension names that define subsets of the data, which will be drawn on separate facets in the grid. col_wrap : int, optional "Wrap" the grid the for the column variable after this number of columns, adding rows if ``col_wrap`` is less than the number of facets. axes_pad : tuple or float, optional Padding or (horizontal padding, vertical padding) between axes, in inches. The default is ``(0.1, 0.3)`` inches. aspect : bool Whether the axes aspect ratio follows the aspect ratio of the data limits. The default is ``False``. add_colorbar: bool, optional Whether to add a colorbar to the figure. The default is ``True``. cbar_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the colorbar. The ``pad`` argument controls the space between the image axes and the colorbar axes. The ``pad`` default is 0.2. The ``size`` argument control the colorbar size. The default value is ``'3%'``. For other arguments, see :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure.colorbar`. facet_height: float, optional Height (in inches) of each facet. The default is 3. This parameter is used only if the ``figsize`` argument is not specified in ``fig_kwargs``. facet_aspect: float, optional Aspect ratio of each facet. The default is 1. The facet width is determined by ``facet_height`` * ``facet_aspect``. This parameter is used only if the ``figsize`` argument is not specified in ``fig_kwargs``. fig_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the Figure. Typical arguments include ``figsize`` and ``dpi``. ``figsize`` is a tuple (width, height) of the figure in inches. If ``figsize`` is specified, it overrides ``facet_size`` and ``facet_aspect`` arguments. (see :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`). """ super().__init__( data=data, col=col, row=row, col_wrap=col_wrap, axes_pad=axes_pad, aspect=aspect, add_colorbar=add_colorbar, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, facet_height=facet_height, facet_aspect=facet_aspect, ) def _finalize_grid(self, *axlabels) -> None: # noqa """Finalize the annotations and layout of FacetGrid.""" if not self._finalized: # Add subplots titles self.set_titles() # Make empty subplots unvisible for ax, namedict in zip(self.axs.flat, self.name_dicts.flat): if namedict is None: ax.set_visible(False) self._finalized = True def _remove_bottom_ticks_and_labels(self, ax): """Remove bottom ticks and labels.""" ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_xlabel("") def _remove_left_ticks_and_labels(self, ax): """Remove left ticks and labels.""" ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_ylabel("") ax.tick_params(axis="y", length=0)