# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2024 GPM-API developers
# This file is part of GPM-API.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
"""This module contains functions for manipulating GPM-API Datasets."""
import importlib
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import xoak # noqa (accessor)
from gpm.checks import (
from gpm.utils.decorators import check_is_gpm_object
from gpm.utils.geospatial import get_geodesic_line, get_great_circle_arc_endpoints
from gpm.utils.xarray import (
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# extract_dataset_above/below_bin
# - Develop method to reinsert in original dataset !
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_vertical_dim(da):
"""Return the name of the vertical dimension."""
from gpm.checks import get_vertical_dimension
vertical_dimension = get_vertical_dimension(da)
if len(vertical_dimension) == 0:
variable = da.name
raise ValueError(f"The {variable} variable does not have a vertical dimension.")
if len(vertical_dimension) != 1:
raise ValueError("Only 1 vertical dimension allowed.")
return vertical_dimension[0]
def get_range_axis(da):
"""Get range dimension axis index."""
vertical_dim = _get_vertical_dim(da)
return np.where(np.isin(list(da.dims), vertical_dim))[0].item()
def _integrate_concentration(data, height):
# Compute the thickness of each level (difference between adjacent heights)
thickness = np.diff(height, axis=-1) # assume vertical dimension as last dimension
thickness = np.concatenate((thickness, thickness[..., [-1]]), axis=-1)
# Identify where along the profile is always nan
mask_nan = np.all(np.isnan(data), axis=-1) # all profile is nan
# Compute the path by summing up the product of concentration and thickness
path = np.nansum(thickness * data, axis=-1)
path[mask_nan] = np.nan
return path
def integrate_profile_concentration(dataarray, name, scale_factor=None, units=None):
"""Utility to convert LWC or IWC to LWP or IWP.
Input data have unit g/m³.
Output data will have unit kg/m² if scale_factor=1000
height a list or array of corresponding heights for each level.
if scale_factor is not None and units is None:
raise ValueError("Specify output 'units' when the scale_factor is applied.")
vertical_dim = _get_vertical_dim(dataarray)
dataarray = dataarray.transpose(..., vertical_dim) # as last dimension
# Compute integrated value
data = dataarray.data.copy()
height = np.asanyarray(dataarray["height"].data)
output = _integrate_concentration(data, height)
# Scale output value
if scale_factor is not None:
output = output / scale_factor
# Create DataArray
da_path = dataarray.isel({vertical_dim: 0}).copy()
da_path.name = name
da_path.data = output
if scale_factor:
da_path.attrs["units"] = units
return da_path
def convert_from_decibel(da):
"""Convert dB to unit."""
return np.power(10.0, da / 10)
def convert_to_decibel(da):
"""Convert unit to dB."""
return 10 * np.log10(da)
def conversion_factors_degree_to_meter(latitude, earth_radius=None):
Calculate conversion factors from degrees to meters as a function of latitude.
latitude : numpy.ndarray
Latitude in degrees where the conversion is needed
(cx, cy) : tuple
Tuple containing conversion factors for longitude and latitude
# Earth's radius at the equator (in meters)
if earth_radius is None:
earth_radius = 6378137
# TODO: retrieve as function of latitude?
# Calculate the conversion factor for latitude (constant per degree latitude)
cy = np.pi * earth_radius / 180.0
# Calculate the conversion factor for longitude (changes with latitude)
cx = cy * np.cos(np.deg2rad(latitude))
return cx, cy
#### Range bin slicer ####
def get_bin_dataarray(xr_obj, bins, mask_first_bin=False, mask_last_bin=False, fillvalue=None):
"""Get bin xarray.DataArray."""
# Retrieve bins DataArray
da_bin = _get_bin_dataarray(xr_obj, bins=bins)
# Check bin DataArray dimensions validity (only spatial dimensions)
if "range" in da_bin.dims:
raise ValueError("The bin DataArray must not have the 'range' dimension.")
if "radar_frequency" in da_bin.dims:
raise ValueError(
"The bin DataArray must not have the 'radar_frequency' dimension. Please first subset the dataset.",
if not has_spatial_dim(da_bin, strict=True, squeeze=True):
raise ValueError("The bin DataArray is allowed to only have spatial dimensions.")
# Ensure bin value validity
da_bin, da_mask = _get_valid_da_bin(
return da_bin, da_mask
def _get_bin_dataarray(xr_obj, bins):
"""Retrieve bins DataArray. The xr_obj is used only if bins is a string."""
if not isinstance(bins, (str, xr.DataArray, int, list)):
raise TypeError("'bins' must be a xarray.DataArray or a string indicating the xarray.Dataset variable.")
if isinstance(bins, (int, list)):
raise TypeError("A list or a single bin value are not accepted. Use xr_obj.sel(range=bins) instead !")
# Retrieve DataArray if string (DataArray coord or xr.Dataset coord/variable)
if isinstance(bins, str):
check_variable_availabilty(xr_obj, variable=bins, argname="bins")
bins = xr_obj[bins]
return bins
def _get_valid_da_bin(xr_obj, da_bin, mask_first_bin=False, mask_last_bin=False, fillvalue=None):
"""Return a valid bin xarray.DataArray with a mask for the invalid/unavailable bins."""
# Retrieve minimum and maximum available range indices
vmin = xr_obj["range"].data.min()
vmax = xr_obj["range"].data.max()
# Define default fillvalue
if fillvalue is None:
fillvalue = vmin if mask_last_bin else vmax
# Put bin data in memory
da_bin = da_bin.copy()
da_bin = da_bin.compute().astype(float)
# Set to nan first or last bin (options for dataset extraction)
if mask_first_bin:
da_bin.data[da_bin.data == vmin] = np.nan
if mask_last_bin:
da_bin.data[da_bin.data == vmax] = np.nan
# Identify bin nan values
da_is_nan = np.isnan(da_bin)
# Identify bin values outside of available range gates
da_invalid = np.logical_or(da_bin < vmin, da_bin > vmax)
# Raise error if all bin index are nan
if np.all(da_is_nan.data):
raise ValueError("All range bin indices are NaN !")
# Raise error if all bin index are outside the available range bins
if np.all(da_invalid.data):
raise ValueError(f"All range bin indices are outside of the available range gates [{vmin}, {vmax}] !")
# Define mask with invalid bins
# --> This address np.nan, 0, and out of range values
da_mask = np.logical_or(da_is_nan, da_invalid)
# Raise error if all bin index are outside the available range bins
if np.all(da_mask.data):
raise ValueError("All range bin indices are invalid !")
# Set invalid/ nan range bin indices to a fillvalue to enable selection with .sel
# --> With the function defaults, the last range value vmax
# --> The gates with invalid range bin indices will be masked out with da_mask
da_bin = da_bin.where(~da_mask, fillvalue).astype(int)
return da_bin, da_mask
def _select_range_slice(da, da_bin, da_mask):
# Retrieve values at specified range gates
da_slice = da.sel({"range": da_bin})
# Mask values at invalid range gates
return da_slice.where(~da_mask)
def slice_range_at_bin(xr_obj, bins):
"""Extract values at the range bins specified by ``bin_variable``.
``bin_variable`` can be a bin xarray.DataArray or the name of a bin variable of the input xarray.Dataset.
The function extract the gates based on the 'range' coordinate values.
Bin values are assumed to start at 1, not 0 !
If you want to extract a slice at a single range bin, use instead ``xr_obj.sel(range=range_bin_value)``.
xr_obj : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
xarray object with the 'range' dimension (and coordinate).
bins : str or xarray.DataArray
Either a xarray.DataArray or a string pointing to the dataset variable with the range bins to extract.
Bin values are assumed to start at 1, not 0 !
xr_out : xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray
xarray object with values at the specified range bins.
# Get the bin DataArray
da_bin, da_mask = get_bin_dataarray(xr_obj, bins=bins)
# Slice along the 'range' dimension
is_dataset_input = isinstance(xr_obj, xr.Dataset)
if is_dataset_input:
vertical_variables = xr_obj.gpm.vertical_variables
non_vertical_variables = set(xr_obj.data_vars) - set(vertical_variables)
# Copy non vertical variables
xr_out = xr_obj[non_vertical_variables].copy()
# Slice vertical variables
for var in vertical_variables:
xr_out[var] = _select_range_slice(da=xr_obj[var], da_bin=da_bin, da_mask=da_mask)
xr_out = _select_range_slice(
return xr_out
#### Range index slicer ####
def get_range_index_at_value(da, value):
"""Retrieve index along the range dimension where the xarray.DataArray values is closest to value."""
da_diff = np.abs(da - value)
idx, mask_all_nan = get_range_index_at_min(da_diff)
return idx, mask_all_nan
def get_range_index_at_min(da):
"""Retrieve index along the range dimension where the xarray.DataArray has minimum values."""
# Retrieve vertical dimension
vertical_dim = _get_vertical_dim(da)
# Put DataArray in memory
da = da.compute()
# Retrieve mask where all values are NaN
mask_all_nan = np.isnan(da).all(dim=vertical_dim)
# Add dummy 0 value where all NaN values to avoid 'All-NaN slice encountered' error in da.argmax(dim=vertical_dim)
da = da.where(~mask_all_nan, 0)
# Retrieve range index
idx = da.argmin(dim=vertical_dim)
return idx, mask_all_nan
def get_range_index_at_max(da):
"""Retrieve index along the range dimension where the xarray.DataArray has maximum values."""
# Retrieve vertical dimension
vertical_dim = _get_vertical_dim(da)
# Put DataArray in memory
da = da.compute()
# Retrieve mask where all values are NaN
mask_all_nan = np.isnan(da).all(dim=vertical_dim)
# Add dummy 0 value where all NaN values to avoid 'All-NaN slice encountered' error in da.argmax(dim=vertical_dim)
da = da.where(~mask_all_nan, 0)
# Retrieve range index
idx = da.argmax(dim=vertical_dim)
return idx, mask_all_nan
def slice_range_at_value(xr_obj, value, variable=None):
"""Slice the 3D arrays where the variable values are close to value."""
da = get_xarray_variable(xr_obj, variable=variable)
vertical_dim = _get_vertical_dim(da)
idx, mask_all_nan = get_range_index_at_value(da=da, value=value)
xr_obj_sliced = xr_obj.isel({vertical_dim: idx})
return xr_obj_sliced.where(~mask_all_nan)
def slice_range_at_max_value(xr_obj, variable=None):
"""Slice the 3D arrays where the variable values are at maximum."""
da = get_xarray_variable(xr_obj, variable=variable)
vertical_dim = _get_vertical_dim(da)
idx, mask_all_nan = get_range_index_at_max(da=da)
xr_obj_sliced = xr_obj.isel({vertical_dim: idx})
return xr_obj_sliced.where(~mask_all_nan)
def slice_range_at_min_value(xr_obj, variable=None):
"""Slice the 3D arrays where the variable values are at minimum."""
da = get_xarray_variable(xr_obj, variable=variable)
vertical_dim = _get_vertical_dim(da)
idx, mask_all_nan = get_range_index_at_min(da=da)
xr_obj_sliced = xr_obj.isel({vertical_dim: idx})
return xr_obj_sliced.where(~mask_all_nan)
def slice_range_at_temperature(ds, temperature, variable_temperature="airTemperature"):
"""Slice the 3D arrays along a specific isotherm."""
return slice_range_at_value(ds, variable=variable_temperature, value=temperature)
#### Range interval slices ####
def get_range_slices_with_valid_data(xr_obj, variable=None):
"""Get the vertical ('range'/'height') slices with valid data."""
# Extract DataArray
da = get_xarray_variable(xr_obj, variable)
da = da.compute()
# Retrieve vertical dimension name
vertical_dim = _get_vertical_dim(da)
# Remove 'range' from dimensions over which to aggregate
dims = list(da.dims)
# Identify which range indices has valid values
range_has_valid_values = ~np.isnan(da).all(dim=dims)
valid_range_indices = np.where(range_has_valid_values > 0)[0]
# Check there are valid data
if valid_range_indices.size == 0:
raise ValueError(f"No valid data for variable {variable}.")
# Identify first and last True occurrence
first_index = valid_range_indices[0]
last_index = valid_range_indices[-1]
# Return isel dictionary
isel_dict = {vertical_dim: slice(first_index, last_index + 1)}
return isel_dict
def get_range_slices_within_values(xr_obj, variable=None, vmin=-np.inf, vmax=np.inf):
"""Get the 'range' slices with data within a given data interval."""
# Extract DataArray
da = get_xarray_variable(xr_obj, variable)
da = da.compute()
# Retrieve vertical dimension name
vertical_dim = _get_vertical_dim(da)
# Remove 'range' from dimensions over which to aggregate
dims = list(da.dims)
# Identify which range indices has values falling in the desired interval
range_has_values_within_interval = np.logical_and(da >= vmin, da <= vmax).sum(dim=dims)
valid_range_indices = np.where(range_has_values_within_interval > 0)[0]
# Check there are data for requested value interval
if valid_range_indices.size == 0:
raise ValueError(f"No data within the requested value interval for variable {variable}.")
# Identify first and last True occurrence
first_index = valid_range_indices[0]
last_index = valid_range_indices[-1]
# Return isel dictionary
isel_dict = {vertical_dim: slice(first_index, last_index + 1)}
return isel_dict
def subset_range_with_valid_data(xr_obj, variable=None):
"""Select the 'range' interval with valid data."""
isel_dict = get_range_slices_with_valid_data(xr_obj, variable=variable)
# Susbet the xarray object
return xr_obj.isel(isel_dict)
def subset_range_where_values(xr_obj, variable=None, vmin=-np.inf, vmax=np.inf):
"""Select the 'range' interval where values are within the [vmin, vmax] interval."""
isel_dict = get_range_slices_within_values(xr_obj, variable=variable, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
return xr_obj.isel(isel_dict)
#### Height utilities ####
def get_height_dataarray(xr_obj):
if "height" in xr_obj.coords:
da_height = xr_obj["height"]
elif isinstance(xr_obj, xr.Dataset):
da_height = get_xarray_variable(xr_obj, variable="height")
raise ValueError("Expecting an xarray object with the 'height' coordinate.")
return da_height
def slice_range_at_height(xr_obj, value):
"""Slice the 3D array at a given height."""
da_heigth = get_height_dataarray(xr_obj)
vertical_dim = _get_vertical_dim(xr_obj)
idx, mask_all_nan = get_range_index_at_value(da_heigth, value=value)
xr_obj_sliced = xr_obj.isel({vertical_dim: idx})
return xr_obj_sliced.where(~mask_all_nan)
def get_height_at_temperature(da_height, da_temperature, temperature):
"""Retrieve height at a specific temperature."""
vertical_dim = _get_vertical_dim(da_height)
idx_desired_temperature, mask_all_nan = get_range_index_at_value(da_temperature, temperature)
xr_obj_sliced = da_height.isel({vertical_dim: idx_desired_temperature})
return xr_obj_sliced.where(~mask_all_nan)
def get_height_at_bin(xr_obj, bins):
"""Retrieve height values at range bins specified by ``bins``."""
# Retrieve height DataArray
da_height = get_height_dataarray(xr_obj)
# Retrieve bins DataArray
da_bins = _get_bin_dataarray(xr_obj, bins)
# Return height
return slice_range_at_bin(xr_obj=da_height, bins=da_bins)
#### Phase utility ####
def get_bright_band_mask(ds):
"""Retrieve bright band mask defined by ``binBBBottom`` and ``binBBTop`` bin variables.
The bin is numerated from top to bottom.
``binBBTop`` has lower values than ``binBBBottom``.
``binBBBottom`` and ``binBBTop`` are ``NaN`` when bright band limit is not detected !
# Retrieve required DataArrays
da_bb_bottom = ds["binBBBottom"]
da_bb_top = ds["binBBTop"]
# Create 3D array with bin index
da_bin_index = ds["range"]
# Identify bright band mask
return np.logical_and(da_bin_index >= da_bb_top, da_bin_index <= da_bb_bottom)
def get_liquid_phase_mask(ds):
"""Retrieve the mask of the liquid phase profile."""
da_height = ds["height"]
da_height_0 = ds["heightZeroDeg"]
return da_height < da_height_0
def get_solid_phase_mask(ds):
"""Retrieve the mask of the solid phase profile."""
da_height = ds["height"]
da_height_0 = ds["heightZeroDeg"]
return da_height >= da_height_0
#### Variable and dimension selection
def select_spatial_3d_variables(ds, strict=False, squeeze=True):
"""Return xarray.Dataset with only 3D spatial variables."""
from gpm.checks import get_spatial_3d_variables
variables = get_spatial_3d_variables(ds, strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze)
return ds[variables]
def select_spatial_2d_variables(ds, strict=False, squeeze=True):
"""Return xarray.Dataset with only 2D spatial variables."""
from gpm.checks import get_spatial_2d_variables
variables = get_spatial_2d_variables(ds, strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze)
return ds[variables]
def select_cross_section_variables(ds, strict=False, squeeze=True):
"""Return xarray.Dataset with only cross-section variables.
It select variables with only a single horizontal and vertical dimension.
from gpm.checks import get_cross_section_variables
variables = get_cross_section_variables(ds, strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze)
return ds[variables]
def select_vertical_variables(ds):
"""Return xarray.Dataset with only variables with vertical dimension."""
variables = get_vertical_variables(ds)
return ds[variables]
def select_frequency_variables(ds):
"""Return xarray.Dataset with only multifrequency variables."""
from gpm.checks import get_frequency_variables
variables = get_frequency_variables(ds)
return ds[variables]
def select_bin_variables(ds):
"""Return xarray.Dataset with only bin variables."""
from gpm.checks import get_bin_variables
variables = get_bin_variables(ds)
return ds[variables]
#### 3D Dataset Extraction ####
def _shorten_dataset_above(ds_new, new_range_size):
if new_range_size is not None:
n_bins = len(ds_new["range"])
ds_new = ds_new.isel({"range": slice(n_bins - new_range_size, None)})
return ds_new
def _shorten_dataset_below(ds_new, new_range_size):
if new_range_size is not None:
ds_new = ds_new.isel({"range": slice(0, new_range_size)})
return ds_new
def _update_bin_variables_above(ds, da_bin, da_mask, new_range_size):
for var in ds.gpm.bin_variables:
# Retrieve new bin index
new_bin = new_range_size - (da_bin - ds[var])
# Mask with np.nan invalid bins
valid_values = np.logical_and(new_bin >= 1, new_bin <= new_range_size)
ds[var] = new_bin.where(np.logical_and(valid_values, ~da_mask))
return ds
def _update_bin_variables_below(ds, da_bin, da_mask, new_range_size):
for var in ds.gpm.bin_variables:
# Retrieve new bin index
new_bin = ds[var] - da_bin + 1 # + 1 because range coord start at 1
# Mask with np.nan invalid bins
valid_values = np.logical_and(new_bin >= 1, new_bin <= new_range_size)
ds[var] = new_bin.where(np.logical_and(valid_values, ~da_mask))
return ds
def _add_new_range_coords(ds, new_range_size):
ds = ds.assign_coords(
"gpm_range_id": ("range", np.arange(0, new_range_size)),
"range": np.arange(1, new_range_size + 1),
return ds
def get_vertical_coords_and_vars(ds):
"""Return a 'prototype' with only spatial and vertical dimensions."""
vertical_variables = get_vertical_variables(ds)
vertical_coords = [coord for coord in ds.coords if has_vertical_dim(ds[coord]) and has_spatial_dim(ds[coord])]
vertical_variables += vertical_coords
if len(vertical_variables) == 0:
raise ValueError("No vertical variables to extract.")
return vertical_variables
def get_vertical_datarray_prototype(ds, fill_value=np.nan):
"""Return a xarray.DataArray 'prototype' with only spatial and vertical dimensions."""
vertical_variables = get_vertical_coords_and_vars(ds)
da = ds[vertical_variables[0]]
da = xr.full_like(da, fill_value=fill_value).compute()
da.name = "prototype"
return ensure_vertical_datarray_prototype(da)
def ensure_vertical_datarray_prototype(da):
"""Return a xarray.DataArray with only spatial and vertical dimensions."""
valid_dims = da.gpm.spatial_dimensions + da.gpm.vertical_dimension
invalid_dims = set(da.dims) - set(valid_dims)
if invalid_dims:
da = da.isel({dim: 0 for dim in invalid_dims})
return da
def reverse_range(ds):
"""Reverse the range dimension of a dataset.
The bin variables are updated accordingly.
range_size = len(ds["range"])
# Reverse
ds = ds.isel({"range": slice(None, None, -1)})
# Update bin variables
for var in ds.gpm.bin_variables:
ds[var] = range_size - ds[var] + 1
# Update range coordinates
ds = _add_new_range_coords(ds, new_range_size=range_size)
return ds
def _check_l2_range_size(ds, new_range_size):
"""Define default range size of L2 RADAR products."""
if new_range_size is None:
scan_mode = ds.attrs["ScanMode"]
if scan_mode in ["FS", "NS", "MS"]:
new_range_size = 176
if scan_mode in ["HS"]:
new_range_size = 88
return new_range_size
#### Mask below/above bin ###
def mask_vertical_variables(ds, mask, fillvalue):
vertical_variables = get_vertical_variables(ds) # do not include coords !
ds = ds.copy()
for var in vertical_variables:
ds[var] = ds[var].where(mask, fillvalue)
return ds
def mask_above_bin(xr_obj, bins, strict=True, fillvalue=np.nan):
Mask the xarray object below the ``<bins>`` index.
The method does not mask where bins values are NaN or invalid.
xr_obj : xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray
GPM RADAR xarray object.
bins : str or xarray.DataArray
Either a xarray.DataArray or a string pointing to the dataset variable
with the range bins above which to mask.
GPM bin variables are assumed to start at 1, not 0!
strict: bool, optional
If ``False``, it masks only radar gates above the bin index.
If ``True``, it masks also the radar gate at the bin index.
The default is `True`.
xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray
Masked GPM RADAR xarray object.
# Get bin DataArray
# - Invalid bin values are set to the minimum available range (to not mask)
da_bin, _ = get_bin_dataarray(xr_obj, bins=bins, fillvalue=xr_obj["range"].data.min())
# Define mask
mask = xr_obj["range"] > da_bin if strict else xr_obj["range"] >= da_bin
# If DataArray, mask the DataArray
if isinstance(xr_obj, xr.DataArray):
return xr_obj.where(mask, fillvalue)
# If Dataset, mask vertical variables (do not mask coordinates !)
return mask_vertical_variables(xr_obj, mask=mask, fillvalue=fillvalue)
def mask_below_bin(xr_obj, bins, strict=True, fillvalue=np.nan):
Mask the xarray object below the ``<bins>`` index.
The method does not mask where bins values are NaN or invalid.
xr_obj : xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray
GPM RADAR xarray object.
bins : str or xarray.DataArray
Either a xarray.DataArray or a string pointing to the dataset variable
with the range bins below which to mask.
GPM bin variables are assumed to start at 1, not 0!
strict: bool, optional
If ``False``, it masks only radar gates below the bin index.
If ``True``, it masks also the radar gate at the bin index.
The default is `True`.
xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray
Masked GPM RADAR xarray object.
# Get bin DataArray
# - Invalid bin values are set to the maximum available range (to not mask)
da_bin, _ = get_bin_dataarray(xr_obj, bins=bins, fillvalue=xr_obj["range"].data.max())
# Define mask
mask = xr_obj["range"] < da_bin if strict else xr_obj["range"] <= da_bin
# If DataArray, mask the DataArray
if isinstance(xr_obj, xr.DataArray):
return xr_obj.where(mask, fillvalue)
# If Dataset, mask vertical variables (do not mask coordinates !)
return mask_vertical_variables(xr_obj, mask=mask, fillvalue=fillvalue)
def mask_between_bins(xr_obj, bottom_bins, top_bins, strict=True, fillvalue=np.nan):
Mask the xarray object between bottom and top ``<bins>`` indices.
The method does not mask where bins values are NaN or invalid.
xr_obj : xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray
GPM RADAR xarray object.
bottom_bins : str or xarray.DataArray
Either a xarray.DataArray or a string pointing to the dataset variable
with the bottom range bins.
GPM bin variables are assumed to start at 1, not 0!
top_bins : str or xarray.DataArray
Either a xarray.DataArray or a string pointing to the dataset variable
with the top range bins.
GPM bin variables are assumed to start at 1, not 0!
strict: bool, optional
If ``False``, it masks only radar gates between the bin indices.
If ``True``, it masks also the radar gates at the bin indices.
The default is `True`.
xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray
Masked GPM RADAR xarray object.
xr_obj = xr_obj.copy()
da_bottom_bin, _ = get_bin_dataarray(xr_obj, bins=bottom_bins, fillvalue=xr_obj["range"].data.min())
da_top_bin, _ = get_bin_dataarray(xr_obj, bins=top_bins, fillvalue=xr_obj["range"].data.max())
# Define mask
mask = (
(xr_obj["range"] > da_bottom_bin) | (xr_obj["range"] < da_top_bin)
if strict
else (xr_obj["range"] >= da_bottom_bin) | (xr_obj["range"] <= da_top_bin)
# If DataArray, mask the DataArray
if isinstance(xr_obj, xr.DataArray):
return xr_obj.where(mask, fillvalue)
# If Dataset, mask vertical variables (do not mask coordinates !)
return mask_vertical_variables(xr_obj, mask=mask, fillvalue=fillvalue)
#### Transect Extraction ####
#### Location Utilities ####
# gpm.locate.<....>
# get_location_max_value (s)
# get_location_min_value (s)
# get_location_at_mask
# extract_transect_ordered_values
def get_max_value_point(da):
"""Find the geographic point where the maximum value occur in the data array.
da : xarray.DataArray
The data array to analyze.
A tuple representing the longitude and latitude of the point where the maximum value occurs.
isel_dict = _get_max_value_spatial_isel_dict(da)
da_point = da.isel(isel_dict)
point = (da_point["lon"].data.item(), da_point["lat"].data.item())
return point
def get_min_value_point(da):
Find the geographic point where the minimum value occurs in the data array.
da : xarray.DataArray
The data array to analyze.
A tuple representing the longitude and latitude of the point where the minimum value occurs.
isel_dict = _get_min_value_spatial_isel_dict(da)
da_point = da.isel(isel_dict)
point = (da_point["lon"].data.item(), da_point["lat"].data.item())
return point
def _get_max_value_isel_dict(da):
"""Find the dimension indices where the maximum value occur in the data array..
da : xarray.DataArray
The data array to analyze.
A dictionary with dimension names as keys and indices where the maximum value occurs as values.
da = da.compute()
dict_argmax = da.argmax(da.dims)
isel_dict = {k: v.data.item() for k, v in dict_argmax.items()}
return isel_dict
def _get_max_value_spatial_isel_dict(da):
"""Find the spatial dimensions indices where the maximum value occur in the data array.
da : xarray.DataArray
The data array to analyze.
A dictionary with spatial dimension names as keys and indices where the maximum value occurs as values.
isel_dict = _get_max_value_isel_dict(da)
spatial_dims = da.gpm.spatial_dimensions
isel_dict = {k: isel_dict[k] for k in spatial_dims}
return isel_dict
def _get_min_value_isel_dict(da):
Find the dimension indices where the minimum value occurs in the data array.
da : xarray.DataArray
The data array to analyze.
A dictionary with dimension names as keys and indices where the minimum value occurs as values.
da = da.compute()
dict_argmin = da.argmin(da.dims)
isel_dict = {k: v.data.item() for k, v in dict_argmin.items()}
return isel_dict
def _get_min_value_spatial_isel_dict(da):
Find the spatial dimension indices where the minimum value occurs in the data array.
da : xarray.DataArray
The data array to analyze.
A dictionary with spatial dimension names as keys and indices where the minimum value occurs as values.
isel_dict = _get_min_value_isel_dict(da)
spatial_dims = da.gpm.spatial_dimensions
isel_dict = {k: isel_dict[k] for k in spatial_dims}
return isel_dict