# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2024 GPM-API developers
# This file is part of GPM-API.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
"""This module contains functions for geospatial processing."""
import difflib
import os
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Optional, Union
import numpy as np
import pyproj
from gpm import _root_path
from gpm.checks import is_grid, is_orbit
from gpm.utils.decorators import check_is_gpm_object
from gpm.utils.slices import get_list_slices_from_indices
from gpm.utils.yaml import read_yaml
# Shapely bounds: (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
# Matlotlib extent: (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
# Cartopy extent: (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
# GPM-API extent: (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#### Extent (namedtuple)
Extent = namedtuple("Extent", "xmin xmax ymin ymax")
def _check_size(size: Union[int, float, tuple, list] = 0):
"""Check and normalize the size input.
This function accepts size defined as an integer, float, tuple, or list.
It normalizes the input into a tuple of two elements, each representing the
desired size in degrees of the extent in the longitude and latitude direction.
size : int, float, tuple, list
The size value(s) provided. The function interprets the input as follows:
- int or float: The same size is enforced in both directions.
- tuple or list: Check that only two values are provided.
A tuple of two elements (x_size, y_size)
If a tuple or list is provided with a length other than 2.
If the input is not an int, float, tuple, or list.
if isinstance(size, (int, float, np.floating, np.integer)):
size = tuple([size] * 2)
elif isinstance(size, (tuple, list)):
if len(size) != 2:
raise ValueError("Expecting a size (x, y) tuple.")
raise TypeError("Accepted size type are int, float, list or tuple.")
if np.any(np.array(size) < 0):
raise ValueError("Expecting positive 'size' values.")
return size
def _check_padding(padding: Union[int, float, tuple, list] = 0):
"""Check and normalize the padding input.
This function accepts padding defined as an integer, float, tuple, or list.
It normalizes the input into a tuple of four elements, each representing the
number of degrees to extend the extent in each direction (left, right, top, bottom).
padding : int, float, tuple, list
The padding value(s) provided. The function interprets the input as follows:
- int or float: The same padding is applied to all four sides.
- tuple or list:
- If two values are provided (x, y), they are interpreted as horizontal
and vertical padding, respectively, applied symmetrically (left=x, right=x, top=y, bottom=y).
- If four values are provided, they directly correspond to padding for
each side (left, right, top, bottom).
The function will raise an error if a tuple or list does not contain 2 or 4 elements.
A tuple of four elements (left, right, top, bottom), each representing the padding
for that side.
If a tuple or list is provided with a length other than 2 or 4.
If the input is not an int, float, tuple, or list.
if padding is None:
padding = 0
if isinstance(padding, (int, float, np.floating, np.integer)):
padding = tuple([padding] * 4)
elif isinstance(padding, (tuple, list)):
if len(padding) not in [2, 4]:
raise ValueError("Expecting a padding (x, x, y, y) or (x, y) tuple.")
if len(padding) == 2:
padding = (padding[0], padding[0], padding[1], padding[1])
raise TypeError("Accepted padding type are int, float, list or tuple.")
return padding
def check_extent(extent):
Validates the extent to ensure it has the correct format and logical consistency.
Note: this function does not check for the realism of extent values !
extent : list or tuple
The extent specified as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax].
extent: tuple
if len(extent) != 4:
raise ValueError("Extent must contain exactly four elements: [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax].")
for v in extent:
if not isinstance(v, (int, float, np.floating, np.integer)):
raise ValueError("The extent must be composed by numeric values.")
if not (extent[0] <= extent[1]):
raise ValueError("xmin must be less than xmax.")
if not (extent[2] <= extent[3]):
raise ValueError("ymin must be less than ymax.")
return Extent(*extent)
#### Planar Extent
def get_extent_around_point(x, y, distance=None, size=None):
Get the extent around a point.
Either specify ``distance`` or the wished extent ``size`` (in the unit of the extent).
x : float
X coordinate of the point.
y : float
Y coordinate of the point.
distance: float
Distance from the point in each direction.
size : int, float, tuple, list
The size of the extent in each direction.
If ``size`` is a single number, the same size is ensured in all directions.
If ``size`` is a tuple or list, it must of size 2 and specifying
the desired size of the extent in the x direction
and the y direction.
The adjusted extent.
if distance is not None and size is not None:
raise ValueError("Either provide the 'distance' or the 'size' of the extent.")
if distance is None and size is None:
raise ValueError("Please provide the 'distance' or the 'size' of the extent.")
if size is not None:
return adjust_extent(extent=[x, x, y, y], size=size)
# Calculate new points in the four cardinal directions by the specified distance
extent = [x - distance, x + distance, y - distance, y + distance]
return extend_extent(extent, padding=0)
def adjust_extent(extent, size):
Adjust the extent to have the desired size.
extent : tuple
A tuple of four values representing the extent.
The extent format must be ``[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]``.
size : int, float, tuple, list
The size in degrees of the extent in each direction.
If ``size`` is a single number, the same size is ensured in all directions.
If ``size`` is a tuple or list, it must of size 2 and specifying
the desired size of the extent in the x direction and the y direction.
The adjusted extent.
# Retrieve desired size
x_size, y_size = _check_size(size)
# Retrieve current extent
extent = Extent(*extent)
# Center of the current extent
x_center = (extent.xmax + extent.xmin) / 2
y_center = (extent.ymax + extent.ymin) / 2
# Define new min and max xgitudes and yitudes
xmin = x_center - x_size / 2
xmax = x_center + x_size / 2
ymin = y_center - y_size / 2
ymax = y_center + y_size / 2
return Extent(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
def extend_extent(extent, padding: Union[int, float, tuple, list] = 0):
"""Extend the extent by padding in every direction.
extent : tuple
A tuple of four values representing the extent.
The extent format must be ``[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]``.
padding : int, float, tuple, list
The number of degrees to extend the extent in each direction.
If ``padding`` is a single number, the same padding is applied in all directions.
If ``padding`` is a tuple or list, it must contain 2 or 4 elements.
If two values are provided (x, y), they are interpreted as x and y padding, respectively.
If four values are provided, they directly correspond to padding for each side ``(left, right, top, bottom)``.
The extended extent.
padding = _check_padding(padding)
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent
xmin = xmin - padding[0]
xmax = xmax + padding[1]
ymin = ymin - padding[2]
ymax = ymax + padding[3]
return Extent(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#### Geographic Extent
def extend_geographic_extent(extent, padding: Union[int, float, tuple, list] = 0):
"""Extend the lat/lon extent by x degrees in every direction.
extent : tuple
A tuple of four values representing the lat/lon extent.
The extent format must be ``[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]``.
padding : int, float, tuple, list
The number of degrees to extend the extent in each direction.
If ``padding`` is a single number, the same padding is applied in all directions.
If ``padding`` is a tuple or list, it must contain 2 or 4 elements.
If two values are provided (x, y), they are interpreted as longitude and latitude padding, respectively.
If four values are provided, they directly correspond to padding for each side ``(left, right, top, bottom)``.
The extended extent.
extent = extend_extent(extent, padding)
xmin = max(extent.xmin, -180)
xmax = min(extent.xmax, 180)
ymin = max(extent.ymin, -90)
ymax = min(extent.ymax, 90)
return Extent(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
def adjust_geographic_extent(extent, size):
Adjust the extent to have the desired size.
extent : tuple
A tuple of four values representing the lat/lon extent.
The extent format must be ``[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]``.
size : int, float, tuple, list
The size in degrees of the extent in each direction.
If ``size`` is a single number, the same size is ensured in all directions.
If ``size`` is a tuple or list, it must of size 2 and specifying
the desired size of the extent in the x direction (longitude)
and the y direction (latitude).
The adjusted extent.
new_lon_min, new_lon_max, new_lat_min, new_lat_max = adjust_extent(extent, size)
# Ensure within [-180, 180] longitude extent and of desired size
if new_lon_min < -180:
new_lon_max = new_lon_max + (new_lon_min + 180)
new_lon_min = -180
if new_lon_max > 180:
new_lon_min = new_lon_min - (new_lon_max - 180)
new_lon_max = 180
# Ensure within [-90, 90] latitude extent and of desired size
if new_lat_min < -90:
new_lat_max = new_lat_min + (new_lat_min + 90)
new_lat_min = -90
if new_lat_max > 90:
new_lat_min = new_lat_min - (new_lat_max - 90)
new_lat_max = 90
return extend_geographic_extent([new_lon_min, new_lon_max, new_lat_min, new_lat_max], padding=0)
def _is_crossing_dateline(lon: Union[list, np.ndarray]):
"""Check if the longitude array is crossing the dateline."""
lon = np.asarray(lon)
diff = np.diff(lon)
return np.any(np.abs(diff) > 180)
def get_geographic_extent_from_xarray(
padding: Union[int, float, tuple, list] = 0,
size: Optional[Union[int, float, tuple, list]] = None,
"""Get the geographic extent from an xarray object.
xr_obj : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
xarray object.
padding : int, float, tuple, list
The number of degrees to extend the extent in each direction.
If ``padding`` is a single number, the same padding is applied in all directions.
If ``padding`` is a tuple or list, it must contain 2 or 4 elements.
If two values are provided (x, y), they are interpreted as longitude and latitude padding, respectively.
If four values are provided, they directly correspond to padding for each side ``(left, right, top, bottom)``.
The default is ``0``.
size : int, float, tuple, list
The desired size in degrees of the extent in each direction.
If ``size`` is a single number, the same size is enforced in all directions.
If ``size`` is a tuple or list, it must of size 2 and specify the desired size of
the extent in the x direction (longitude) and the y direction (latitude).
The default is ``None``.
extent : tuple
A tuple containing the longitude and latitude extent of the xarray object.
The extent follows the matplotlib/cartopy format ``(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)``.
# TODO: should compute the corners and return based on the sides
padding = _check_padding(padding=padding)
lon = xr_obj["lon"].to_numpy()
lat = xr_obj["lat"].to_numpy()
if _is_crossing_dateline(lon):
raise NotImplementedError(
"The object cross the dateline. The extent can't be currently defined.",
extent = Extent(np.nanmin(lon), np.nanmax(lon), np.nanmin(lat), np.nanmax(lat))
extent = extend_geographic_extent(extent, padding=padding)
if size is not None:
extent = adjust_geographic_extent(extent, size=size)
return extent
def get_geographic_extent_around_point(lon, lat, distance=None, size=None):
Get the geographic extent around a point.
Either specify ``distance`` (in meters) or the wished extent ``size`` (in degrees).
NOTE: this function is not yet designed to define an extent when the area of interest
would cross the antimeridian or the poles.
lon : float
Longitude of the point.
lat : float
Latitude of the point.
distance: float
Distance (in meters) from the point in each direction.
size : int, float, tuple, list
The size in degrees of the extent in each direction.
If ``size`` is a single number, the same size is ensured in all directions.
If ``size`` is a tuple or list, it must of size 2 and specifying
the desired size of the extent in the x direction (longitude)
and the y direction (latitude).
The adjusted extent.
geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps="WGS84")
if distance is not None and size is not None:
raise ValueError("Either provide the 'distance' in meter or the 'size' of the extent in degrees.")
if distance is None and size is None:
raise ValueError("Please provide the 'distance' in meter or the 'size' of the extent in degrees.")
if size is not None:
return adjust_geographic_extent(extent=[lon, lon, lat, lat], size=size)
# Define azimuths
azimuths = [0, 90, 180, 270] # north, east, south, west
# Calculate new points in the four cardinal directions by the specified distance
lons, lats, _ = geod.fwd(np.ones(4) * lon, np.ones(4) * lat, azimuths, np.ones(4) * distance, radians=False)
extent = [lons.min().item(), lons.max().item(), lats.min().item(), lats.max().item()]
return extend_geographic_extent(extent, padding=0)
def read_countries_extent_dictionary():
"""Reads a YAML file containing countries extent information and returns it as a dictionary.
A dictionary containing countries extent information.
countries_extent_filepath = os.path.join(
return read_yaml(countries_extent_filepath)
def read_continents_extent_dictionary():
"""Read and return a dictionary containing the extents of continents.
A dictionary containing the extents of continents.
continents_extent_filepath = os.path.join(
return read_yaml(continents_extent_filepath)
def get_country_extent(name, padding=0.2):
"""Retrieves the extent of a country.
name : str
The name of the country.
padding : int, float, tuple, list
The number of degrees to extend the extent in each direction.
If padding is a single number, the same padding is applied in all directions.
If padding is a tuple or list, it must contain 2 or 4 elements.
If two values are provided (x, y), they are interpreted as longitude and latitude padding, respectively.
If four values are provided, they directly correspond to padding for each side (left, right, top, bottom).
Default is 0.2.
extent : tuple
A tuple containing the longitude and latitude extent of the country.
If the country name is not provided as a string.
If the country name is not valid or if there is no matching country.
This function retrieves the extent of a country from a dictionary of country extents.
The country extent is defined as the longitude and latitude range that encompasses the country's borders.
The extent is returned as a tuple of four values: (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax).
The extent can be optionally padded by specifying the padding parameter.
# Check country format
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError("Please provide the country name as a string.")
# Get country extent dictionary
countries_extent_dict = read_countries_extent_dictionary()
# Create same dictionary with lower case keys
countries_lower_extent_dict = {s.lower(): v for s, v in countries_extent_dict.items()}
# Get list of valid countries
valid_countries = list(countries_extent_dict.keys())
valid_countries_lower = list(countries_lower_extent_dict)
if name.lower() in valid_countries_lower:
extent = countries_lower_extent_dict[name.lower()]
return extend_geographic_extent(extent, padding=padding)
# Identify possible match and raise error
possible_match = difflib.get_close_matches(name, valid_countries, n=1, cutoff=0.6)
if len(possible_match) == 0:
raise ValueError("Provide a valid country name.")
possible_match = possible_match[0]
raise ValueError(f"No matching country. Maybe are you looking for '{possible_match}'?")
def get_continent_extent(name: str, padding: Union[int, float, tuple, list] = 0):
"""Retrieves the extent of a continent.
name : str
The name of the continent.
padding : int, float, tuple, list
The number of degrees to extend the extent in each direction.
If padding is a single number, the same padding is applied in all directions.
If padding is a tuple or list, it must contain 2 or 4 elements.
If two values are provided (x, y), they are interpreted as longitude and latitude padding, respectively.
If four values are provided, they directly correspond to padding for each side (left, right, top, bottom).
Default is 0.
extent : tuple
A tuple containing the longitude and latitude extent of the continent.
If the continent name is not provided as a string.
If the provided continent name is not valid or does not match any continent.
If a similar continent name is found and suggested as a possible match.
# Check country format
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError("Please provide the continent name as a string.")
# Create same dictionary with lower case keys
continent_extent_dict = read_continents_extent_dictionary()
continent_lower_extent_dict = {s.lower(): v for s, v in continent_extent_dict.items()}
# Get list of valid continents
valid_continent = list(continent_extent_dict.keys())
valid_continent_lower = list(continent_lower_extent_dict)
if name.lower() in valid_continent_lower:
extent = continent_lower_extent_dict[name.lower()]
return extend_geographic_extent(extent, padding=padding)
# Identify possible match and raise error
possible_match = difflib.get_close_matches(name, valid_continent, n=1, cutoff=0.6)
if len(possible_match) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"Provide a valid continent name from {valid_continent}.")
possible_match = possible_match[0]
raise ValueError(f"No matching continent. Maybe are you looking for '{possible_match}'?")
#### Geographic crop
def crop(xr_obj, extent):
"""Crop a xarray object based on the provided bounding box.
xr_obj : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
xarray object.
extent : list or tuple
The bounding box over which to crop the xarray object.
`extent` must follow the matplotlib and cartopy extent conventions:
extent = [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max]
xr_obj : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
Cropped xarray object.
if is_orbit(xr_obj):
# - Subset only along_track
list_isel_dicts = get_crop_slices_by_extent(xr_obj, extent)
if len(list_isel_dicts) > 1:
raise ValueError(
"The orbit is crossing the extent multiple times. Use get_crop_slices_by_extent !.",
return xr_obj.isel(list_isel_dicts[0])
if is_grid(xr_obj):
isel_dict = get_crop_slices_by_extent(xr_obj, extent)
return xr_obj.isel(isel_dict)
# Otherwise raise informative error
orbit_dims = ("cross_track", "along_track")
grid_dims = ("lon", "lat")
raise ValueError(f"Dataset not recognized. Expecting dimensions {orbit_dims} or {grid_dims}.")
def crop_by_country(xr_obj, name: str):
"""Crop an xarray object based on the specified country name.
xr_obj : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
xarray object.
name : str
Country name.
xr_obj : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
Cropped xarray object.
extent = get_country_extent(name)
return crop(xr_obj=xr_obj, extent=extent)
def crop_by_continent(xr_obj, name: str):
"""Crop an xarray object based on the specified continent name.
xr_obj : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
xarray object.
name : str
Continent name.
xr_obj : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
Cropped xarray object.
extent = get_continent_extent(name)
return crop(xr_obj=xr_obj, extent=extent)
def crop_around_point(xr_obj, lon: float, lat: float, distance=None, size=None):
"""Crop an xarray object around a point.
xr_obj : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
xarray object.
lon : float
Longitude of the point.
lat : float
Latitude of the point.
distance: float
Distance (in meters) from the point in each direction.
size : int, float, tuple, list
The size in degrees of the extent in each direction.
If ``size`` is a single number, the same size is ensured in all directions.
If ``size`` is a tuple or list, it must of size 2 and specifying
the desired size of the extent in the x direction (longitude)
and the y direction (latitude).
xr_obj : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
Cropped xarray object.
extent = get_geographic_extent_around_point(lon=lon, lat=lat, distance=distance, size=size)
return crop(xr_obj=xr_obj, extent=extent)
def get_crop_slices_by_extent(xr_obj, extent):
"""Compute the xarray object slices which are within the specified extent.
If the input is a GPM Orbit, it returns a list of along-track slices
If the input is a GPM Grid, it returns a dictionary of the lon/lat slices.
xr_obj : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
xarray object.
extent : list or tuple
The extent over which to crop the xarray object.
`extent` must follow the matplotlib and cartopy conventions:
extent = [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max]
if is_orbit(xr_obj):
xr_obj = xr_obj.transpose("cross_track", "along_track", ...)
lon = xr_obj["lon"].to_numpy()
lat = xr_obj["lat"].to_numpy()
idx_row, idx_col = np.where(
(lon >= extent[0]) & (lon <= extent[1]) & (lat >= extent[2]) & (lat <= extent[3]),
if idx_col.size == 0:
raise ValueError("No data inside the provided bounding box.")
# Retrieve list of along_track slices isel_dict
list_slices = get_list_slices_from_indices(idx_col)
return [{"along_track": slc} for slc in list_slices]
lon = xr_obj["lon"].to_numpy()
lat = xr_obj["lat"].to_numpy()
idx_col = np.where((lon >= extent[0]) & (lon <= extent[1]))[0]
idx_row = np.where((lat >= extent[2]) & (lat <= extent[3]))[0]
# If no data in the bounding box in current granule, return empty list
if idx_row.size == 0 or idx_col.size == 0:
raise ValueError("No data inside the provided bounding box.")
lat_slices = get_list_slices_from_indices(idx_row)[0]
lon_slices = get_list_slices_from_indices(idx_col)[0]
return {"lon": lon_slices, "lat": lat_slices}
def get_crop_slices_by_continent(xr_obj, name):
"""Compute the xarray object slices which are within the specified continent.
If the input is a GPM Orbit, it returns a list of along-track slices.
If the input is a GPM Grid, it returns a dictionary of the lon/lat slices.
xr_obj : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
xarray object.
name : str
Continent name.
extent = get_continent_extent(name)
return get_crop_slices_by_extent(xr_obj=xr_obj, extent=extent)
def get_crop_slices_by_country(xr_obj, name):
"""Compute the xarray object slices which are within the specified country.
If the input is a GPM Orbit, it returns a list of along-track slices.
If the input is a GPM Grid, it returns a dictionary of the lon/lat slices.
xr_obj : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
xarray object.
name : str
Country name.
extent = get_country_extent(name)
return get_crop_slices_by_extent(xr_obj=xr_obj, extent=extent)
def get_crop_slices_around_point(xr_obj, lon: float, lat: float, distance=None, size=None):
"""Compute the xarray object slices which are within the specified distance from a point.
If the input is a GPM Orbit, it returns a list of along-track slices.
If the input is a GPM Grid, it returns a dictionary of the lon/lat slices.
xr_obj : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
xarray object.
lon : float
Longitude of the point.
lat : float
Latitude of the point.
distance: float
Distance (in meters) from the point in each direction.
size : int, float, tuple, list
The size in degrees of the extent in each direction.
If ``size`` is a single number, the same size is ensured in all directions.
If ``size`` is a tuple or list, it must of size 2 and specifying
the desired size of the extent in the x direction (longitude)
and the y direction (latitude).
xr_obj : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
Cropped xarray object.
extent = get_geographic_extent_around_point(lon=lon, lat=lat, distance=distance, size=size)
return get_crop_slices_by_extent(xr_obj=xr_obj, extent=extent)
#### Miscellaneous
def unwrap_longitude_degree(x, period=360):
"""Unwrap longitude array."""
x = np.asarray(x)
mod = period / 2
return (x + mod) % (2 * mod) - mod
def get_circle_coordinates_around_point(lon, lat, radius, num_vertices=360):
"""Get the coordinates of a circle with custom radius around a point.
lon : float
Longitude of the point.
lat : float
Latitude of the point.
radius : float
Radius (in meters) around the point.
num_vertices : int, optional
Number of circle coordinates to return. The default is 360.
lons : numpy.ndarray
Longitude vertices of the circle around the point.
lats : numpy.ndarray
Latitude vertices of the circle around the point.
geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps="WGS84")
# Angle between each point in degrees
angles = np.linspace(0, 360, num_vertices, endpoint=False)
# Compute the coordinates of the circle's vertices
lons, lats, _ = geod.fwd(
np.ones(angles.shape) * lon,
np.ones(angles.shape) * lat,
np.ones(angles.shape) * radius,
return lons, lats
def get_great_circle_arc_endpoints(point, azimuth, distance):
"""Get great circle arc vertices.
Calculate two points at a given distance from a central point in both the specified
azimuth direction and its opposite direction along the great circle path.
point : tuple of float
A tuple representing the middle point (longitude, latitude) of the great circle arc.
azimuth : float
The azimuth (in degrees) from the starting point. 0 correspond to the North. 180 to the South.
The opposite direction will be automatically calculated as (azimuth + 180) % 360.
distance : float
The distance (in meters) to the points from the center point.
start_point : tuple of float
The point (longitude, latitude) at the specified distance in the given azimuth direction.
end_point : tuple of float
The point (longitude, latitude) at the specified distance in the opposite azimuth direction.
>>> point = (-74.0060, 40.7128) # New York City
>>> azimuth = 90 # East
>>> distance = 100000 # 100 km
>>> get_great_circle_arc_endpoints(point, azimuth, distance)
((-72.54170804504108, 40.65355582184445), (-75.47074533517052, 40.77179828472569))
# Define the Geod object using the WGS84 ellipsoid (default)
geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps="WGS84")
opposite_azimuth = (azimuth + 180) % 360
# Calculate the destination point
lon, lat = point
lon1, lat1, _ = geod.fwd(lon, lat, az=azimuth, dist=distance, radians=False)
lon2, lat2, _ = geod.fwd(lon, lat, az=opposite_azimuth, dist=distance, radians=False)
start_point = (lon1, lat1)
end_point = (lon2, lat2)
return start_point, end_point
def get_geodesic_line(start_point, end_point, steps, geod=None):
"""Construct a geodesic path between two points.
This function acts as a wrapper for the geodesic construction available in ``pyproj``.
start_point: tuple
A longitude-latitude pair designating the start point of the cross section (units are
degrees east and degrees north).
end_point: tuple
A longitude-latitude pair designating the end point of the cross section (units are
degrees east and degrees north).
steps: int, optional
The number of points along the geodesic between the start and the end point
(including the end points) to use in the cross section.
The list of x, y points in the given CRS of length `steps` along the geodesic.
See Also
:py:class:`gpm.utils.manipulations.extract_transect_at_points` and
if geod is None:
geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps="WGS84")
# Geod.npts only gives points *in between* the start_point and end_point
vertices = np.concatenate(
np.array(geod.npts(start_point[0], start_point[1], end_point[0], end_point[1], steps - 2)),
return vertices