Source code for

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
# MIT License

# Copyright (c) 2024 GPM-API developers
# This file is part of GPM-API.

# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
"""This module contains functions to obtain GPM products information."""
import datetime
import functools
import os

import numpy as np

from import (
from gpm.utils.list import flatten_list
from gpm.utils.yaml import read_yaml

### Notes

# product
# - PMW: <product_level>-<sensor>-<satellite> # 2A-AMSUB-NOAA15, # 2A-AMSUB-NOAA15_CLIM
# - RADAR: <product_level>-<....>
# - IMERG: IMERG-run_type>  # IMERG-LR
# product_level:
# - IMERG has no product level

# info_dict
# - start_time  (for time period of product)
# - end_time    (for time period of product)

# - satellite   ?   --> not for IMERG
# - product_level ?  --> can be inferred by gpm-api product name also ...

# scan_modes
# "1A-GMI": has also S3 and gmi1aHeader but can't be processed
# "1A-TMI": has also tmi1aHeader but can't be processed

### Product changes:
# In V05, GPROF products are available as 2A-CLIM and 2A
# In V06, GPROF is not available !
# In V07 RS, GPROF is available only as 2A-CLIM (except for 2A.GPM.GMI) on PPS
# In V07 RS, GPROF is available (mostly) as 2A-CLIM and 2A on GES DISC
# --> AMSUB and SSMI (F08-15) only with CLIM product on GES DISC
# In V07 NRT, GPROF is available only as 2A

# PRPS is available only in V06 (CLIM and no CLIM) (PMW SAPHIR)

# The '2A-CLIM' products differ from the '2A' by the ancillary data they use.
# '2A-CLIM' use ERA-Interim, 2A uses GANAL renalysis ?
# In 2A-CLIM the GPROF databases are also adjusted accordingly for these climate-referenced retrieval.


[docs] @functools.cache def get_info_dict(): """Get product info dictionary.""" from gpm import _root_path filepath = os.path.join(_root_path, "gpm", "etc", "products.yaml") return read_yaml(filepath)
[docs] def get_info_dict_subset( sensors=None, satellites=None, product_categories=None, # RADAR, PMW, CMB, ... product_types=None, # RS, NRT versions=None, full_product_levels=None, product_levels=None, ): """Retrieve info dictionary filtered by keys.""" info_dict = get_info_dict() if satellites is not None: satellites = check_satellites(satellites) info_dict = _subset_info_dict_by_key( key="satellite", values=satellites, info_dict=info_dict, ) if product_categories is not None: product_categories = check_product_categories(product_categories) info_dict = _subset_info_dict_by_key( key="product_category", values=product_categories, info_dict=info_dict, ) if sensors is not None: sensors = check_sensors(sensors) info_dict = _subset_info_dict_by_key(key="sensor", values=sensors, info_dict=info_dict) if product_types is not None: product_types = check_product_types(product_types) info_dict = _subset_info_dict_by_key( key="product_types", values=product_types, info_dict=info_dict, ) if full_product_levels is not None: full_product_levels = check_full_product_levels(full_product_levels) info_dict = _subset_info_dict_by_key( key="full_product_level", values=full_product_levels, info_dict=info_dict, ) if product_levels is not None: product_levels = check_product_levels(product_levels) info_dict = _subset_info_dict_by_key( key="product_level", values=product_levels, info_dict=info_dict, ) if versions is not None: versions = check_versions(versions) info_dict = _subset_info_dict_by_key( key="available_versions", values=versions, info_dict=info_dict, ) return info_dict
[docs] def filter_info_dict_by_time(info_dict, start_time, end_time): """Filter ``info_dict`` by ``start_time`` and ``end_time``. Assume that either ``start_time`` or ``end_time`` are not ``None``. Parameters ---------- start_time : datetime.datetime,, numpy.datetime64 or str Start time. Accepted types: ``datetime.datetime``, ````, ``numpy.datetime64`` or ``str`` If string type, it expects the isoformat ``YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss``. end_time : datetime.datetime,, numpy.datetime64 or str Start time. Accepted types: ``datetime.datetime``, ````, ``numpy.datetime64`` or ``str`` If string type, it expects the isoformat ``YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss``. """ from import is_granule_within_time if start_time is None: start_time = datetime.datetime(1987, 7, 9, 0, 0, 0) if end_time is None: end_time = get_current_utc_time() start_time = check_time(start_time) end_time = check_time(end_time) new_info_dict = {} for product, product_info in info_dict.items(): sensor_start_time = product_info["start_time"] sensor_end_time = product_info["end_time"] if sensor_end_time is None: sensor_end_time = get_current_utc_time() if is_granule_within_time( start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, file_start_time=sensor_start_time, file_end_time=sensor_end_time, ): new_info_dict[product] = product_info return new_info_dict
[docs] @functools.cache def get_products_pattern_dict(): """Return the filename pattern* associated to all GPM products.""" info_dict = get_info_dict() products = available_products() return {product: info_dict[product]["pattern"] for product in products}
####---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #### Product utilities
[docs] @functools.cache def get_product_info(product): """Provide the product info dictionary.""" if not isinstance(product, str): raise TypeError("'product' must be a string.") info_dict = get_info_dict() valid_products = list(get_info_dict()) if product not in valid_products: raise ValueError("Please provide a valid GPM product --> gpm.available_products().") return info_dict[product]
[docs] def get_product_start_time(product): """Provide the product ``start_time``.""" return get_product_info(product)["start_time"]
[docs] def get_product_end_time(product): """Provide the product ``end_time``.""" end_time = get_info_dict()[product]["end_time"] if end_time is None: end_time = get_current_utc_time() return end_time
[docs] def get_product_pattern(product): """Return the filename pattern associated to GPM product.""" info_dict = get_info_dict() return info_dict[product]["pattern"]
[docs] def get_product_category(product): """Get the ``product_category`` of a GPM product. The ``product_category`` is used to organize file on disk. """ product_category = get_product_info(product).get("product_category", None) if product_category is None: raise ValueError( f"The product_category for {product} product is not specified in the config files.", ) return product_category
[docs] def get_product_level(product, full=False): """Get the ``product_level`` of a GPM product.""" # TODO: Add L3 products: i.e 3B-HH3, 3B-DAY # Notes: # - "GPMCOR" --> 1B # - full_product_level = info_dict[product]["pattern"].split(".")[0] # - product_level --> product_level[0:2] if full: return get_product_info(product).get("full_product_level", None) return get_product_info(product).get("product_level", None)
[docs] def available_product_versions(product): """Provides a list with the available product versions.""" return get_product_info(product)["available_versions"]
[docs] def available_scan_modes(product, version): """Return the available ``scan_modes`` for a given product (and specific version).""" product_info = get_product_info(product) version = check_product_version(version, product) product = check_product_validity(product) return product_info["scan_modes"]["V" + str(version)]
[docs] def get_last_product_version(product): """Provide the most recent product version.""" return available_product_versions(product)[-1]
[docs] def is_trmm_product(product): """Check if the product arises from the TRMM satellite.""" # 2A-ENV-PR" not available on GES DISC # 2B-TRMM-CSAT not available on GES DISC trmm_products = available_products(satellites="TRMM") return product in trmm_products
[docs] def is_gpm_api_product(product): """Check if the product arises from the GPM satellite.""" # '2B-GPM-CSAT', not available on GES DISC gpm_api_products = available_products(satellites="GPM") return product in gpm_api_products
####---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #### GPM Tools def _subset_info_dict_by_key(key, values, info_dict=None): """Subset the info dictionary by key and value(s).""" if info_dict is None: info_dict = get_info_dict() if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] return { product: product_info for product, product_info in info_dict.items() if np.any(np.isin(values, product_info.get(key, None))) } def _get_unique_key_values(info_dict, key): """Get all unique key values.""" names = [] for product_info in info_dict.values(): value = product_info.get(key, None) if value is not None: names.append(value) names = flatten_list(names) return np.unique(names).tolist() def _get_sensor_satellite_names(info_dict, key="sensor", combine_with=None): """Helper function to extract and optionally combine sensor or satellite names.""" names = [] for product_info in info_dict.values(): primary = product_info.get(key, None) secondary = product_info.get(combine_with, None) if combine_with else None if primary is not None and isinstance(primary, str): if secondary is not None and isinstance(secondary, str): names.append( f"{primary}-{secondary}" if key == "sensor" else f"{secondary}-{primary}", ) else: names.append(primary) return np.unique(names).tolist()
[docs] def get_available_versions(): """Get the list of available versions.""" return [4, 5, 6, 7]
[docs] @functools.cache def get_available_products(): """Get the list of all available products.""" info_dict = get_info_dict() return list(info_dict)
[docs] def get_available_product_types(): """Get the list of available product types.""" return ["RS", "NRT"]
[docs] @functools.cache def get_available_product_levels(full=False): """Get the list of all available product levels.""" key = "product_level" if not full else "full_product_level" info_dict = get_info_dict() return _get_unique_key_values(info_dict, key=key)
[docs] @functools.cache def get_available_product_categories(): """Get the list of all available product categories.""" info_dict = get_info_dict() return _get_unique_key_values(info_dict, key="product_category")
[docs] @functools.cache def get_available_satellites(prefix_with_sensor=False): """Get the list of all available satellites.""" info_dict = get_info_dict() return _get_sensor_satellite_names( info_dict, key="satellite", combine_with="sensor" if prefix_with_sensor else None, )
[docs] @functools.cache def get_available_sensors(suffix_with_satellite=False): """Get the list of all available sensors.""" info_dict = get_info_dict() return _get_sensor_satellite_names( info_dict, key="sensor", combine_with="satellite" if suffix_with_satellite else None, )
[docs] def available_versions( satellites=None, sensors=None, product_types=None, product_categories=None, product_levels=None, full_product_levels=None, ): """Provide a list of available GPM versions. Parameters ---------- product_types : str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide all products (``RS`` and ``NRT``). If ``RS``, provide a list of all GPM RS products available for download. If ``NRT``, provide a list of all GPM NRT products available for download. product_categories: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all product categories. If ``str``, must be a valid product category. Valid product categories are: ``PMW``, ``RADAR``, ``IMERG``, ``CMB``. The list of available sensors can also be retrieved using ``available_product_categories()``. product_levels: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all product levels. If ``str``, must be a valid product level. Valid product levels are: ``1A``, ``1B``, ``1C``, ``2A``, ``2B``, ``3B``. The list of available sensors also be retrieved using ``available_product_levels()``. satellites: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all satellites. If ``str``, must be a valid satellites. The list of available satellites can be retrieved using ``available_satellites()``. sensors: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all sensors. If ``str``, must be a valid sensor. The list of available sensors can be retrieved using ``available_sensors()``. Returns ------- List List of available GPM versions. """ info_dict = get_info_dict_subset( sensors=sensors, satellites=satellites, product_categories=product_categories, # RADAR, PMW, CMB, ... product_types=product_types, # RS, NRT versions=None, product_levels=product_levels, full_product_levels=full_product_levels, ) return _get_unique_key_values(info_dict, key="available_versions")
[docs] def available_products( satellites=None, sensors=None, product_categories=None, product_types=None, versions=None, product_levels=None, full_product_levels=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, ): """Provide a list of available GPM products for download. Parameters ---------- product_types : str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide all products (``RS`` and ``NRT``). If ``RS``, provide a list of all GPM RS products available for download. If ``NRT``, provide a list of all GPM NRT products available for download. product_categories: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all product categories. If ``str``, must be a valid product category. Valid product categories are: ``PMW``, ``RADAR``, ``IMERG``, ``CMB``. The list of available sensors can also be retrieved using ``available_product_categories()``. product_levels: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all product levels. If ``str``, must be a valid product level. Valid product levels are: ``1A``, ``1B``, ``1C``, ``2A``, ``2B``, ``3B``. The list of available sensors also be retrieved using ``available_product_levels()``. versions: int or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all versions. If ``int``, must be a valid version. Valid product levels are: ``4``, ``5``, ``6``, ``7``. The list of available sensors can also be retrieved using ``available_versions()``. satellites: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all satellites. If ``str``, must be a valid satellites. The list of available satellites can be retrieved using ``available_satellites()``. sensors: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all sensors. If ``str``, must be a valid sensor. The list of available sensors can be retrieved using ``available_sensors()``. start_time : datetime.datetime,, numpy.datetime64 or str Start time period over which to search for available products. The default is ``None`` (start of the GPM mission). Accepted types: ``datetime.datetime``, ````, ``numpy.datetime64`` or ``str``. If string type, it expects the isoformat ``YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss``. end_time : datetime.datetime,, numpy.datetime64 or str End time period over which to search for available products. The default is ``None`` (current time). Accepted types: ``datetime.datetime``, ````, ``numpy.datetime64`` or ``str``. If string type, it expects the isoformat ``YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss``. Returns ------- List List of available GPM products. """ info_dict = get_info_dict_subset( sensors=sensors, satellites=satellites, product_categories=product_categories, # RADAR, PMW, CMB, ... product_types=product_types, # RS, NRT versions=versions, product_levels=product_levels, full_product_levels=full_product_levels, ) # Subset by time period if specified if start_time is not None or end_time is not None: info_dict = filter_info_dict_by_time(info_dict, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time) products = list(info_dict) return sorted(products)
[docs] def available_product_levels( satellites=None, sensors=None, product_categories=None, product_types=None, versions=None, full=False, ): """Provide a list of available GPM product levels. Parameters ---------- product_types : str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide all products (``RS`` and ``NRT``). If ``RS``, provide a list of all GPM RS products available for download. If ``NRT``, provide a list of all GPM NRT products available for download. product_categories: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all product categories. If ``str``, must be a valid product category. Valid product categories are: ``PMW``, ``RADAR``, ``IMERG``, ``CMB``. The list of available sensors can also be retrieved using ``available_product_categories()``. versions: int or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all versions. If ``int``, must be a valid version. Valid product levels are: ``4``, ``5``, ``6``, ``7``. The list of available sensors can also be retrieved using ``available_versions()``. satellites: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all satellites. If ``str``, must be a valid satellites. The list of available satellites can be retrieved using ``available_satellites()``. sensors: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all sensors. If ``str``, must be a valid sensor. The list of available sensors can be retrieved using ``available_sensors()``. Returns ------- List List of available GPM product levels. """ # Define product level key key = "product_level" if not full else "full_product_level" # Retrieve info dictionary info_dict = get_info_dict_subset( sensors=sensors, satellites=satellites, product_categories=product_categories, # RADAR, PMW, CMB, ... product_types=product_types, # RS, NRT versions=versions, product_levels=None, full_product_levels=None, ) # Retrieve key values return _get_unique_key_values(info_dict, key=key)
[docs] def available_product_categories( satellites=None, sensors=None, product_types=None, versions=None, product_levels=None, full_product_levels=None, ): """Provide a list of available GPM product categories. Parameters ---------- product_types : str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide all products (``RS`` and ``NRT``). If ``RS``, provide a list of all GPM RS products available for download. If ``NRT``, provide a list of all GPM NRT products available for download. product_levels: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all product levels. If ``str``, must be a valid product level. Valid product levels are: ``1A``, ``1B``, ``1C``, ``2A``, ``2B``, ``3B``. The list of available sensors also be retrieved using ``available_product_levels()``. versions: int or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all versions. If ``int``, must be a valid version. Valid product levels are: ``4``, ``5``, ``6``, ``7``. The list of available sensors can also be retrieved using ``available_versions()``. satellites: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all satellites. If ``str``, must be a valid satellites. The list of available satellites can be retrieved using ``available_satellites()``. sensors: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all sensors. If ``str``, must be a valid sensor. The list of available sensors can be retrieved using ``available_sensors()``. Returns ------- List List of available GPM product categories. """ info_dict = get_info_dict_subset( sensors=sensors, satellites=satellites, product_categories=None, # RADAR, PMW, CMB, ... product_types=product_types, # RS, NRT versions=versions, product_levels=product_levels, full_product_levels=full_product_levels, ) return _get_unique_key_values(info_dict, key="product_category")
[docs] def available_satellites( sensors=None, product_categories=None, product_types=None, versions=None, product_levels=None, full_product_levels=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, prefix_with_sensor=False, ): """Provide a list of available GPM satellites. If ``prefix_with_sensor=True``, it prefixes the satellite name with the satellite name: ``{sensor}-{satellite}``. Parameters ---------- product_types : str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide all products (``RS`` and ``NRT``). If ``RS``, provide a list of all GPM RS products available for download. If ``NRT``, provide a list of all GPM NRT products available for download. product_categories: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all product categories. If ``str``, must be a valid product category. Valid product categories are: ``PMW``, ``RADAR``, ``IMERG``, ``CMB``. The list of available sensors can also be retrieved using ``available_product_categories()``. product_levels: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all product levels. If ``str``, must be a valid product level. Valid product levels are: ``1A``, ``1B``, ``1C``, ``2A``, ``2B``, ``3B``. The list of available sensors also be retrieved using ``available_product_levels()``. versions: int or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all versions. If ``int``, must be a valid version. Valid product levels are: ``4``, ``5``, ``6``, ``7``. The list of available sensors can also be retrieved using ``available_versions()``. sensors: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all sensors. If ``str``, must be a valid sensor. The list of available sensors can be retrieved using ``available_sensors()``. start_time : datetime.datetime,, numpy.datetime64 or str Start time period over which to search for available products. The default is ``None`` (start of the GPM mission). Accepted types: ``datetime.datetime``, ````, ``numpy.datetime64`` or ``str``. If string type, it expects the isoformat ``YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss``. end_time : datetime.datetime,, numpy.datetime64 or str End time period over which to search for available products. The default is ``None`` (current time). Accepted types: ``datetime.datetime``, ````, ``numpy.datetime64`` or ``str``. If string type, it expects the isoformat ``YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss``. prefix_with_sensor: bool, optional If ``True``, it prefixes the satellite name with the satellite name: ``{sensor}-{satellite}``. If ``False`` (the default), it just return the name of the satellite. Returns ------- List List of available GPM satellites. """ info_dict = get_info_dict_subset( sensors=sensors, satellites=None, product_categories=product_categories, # RADAR, PMW, CMB, ... product_types=product_types, # RS, NRT versions=versions, product_levels=product_levels, full_product_levels=full_product_levels, ) # Subset by time period if specified if start_time is not None or end_time is not None: info_dict = filter_info_dict_by_time(info_dict, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time) combine_with = "sensor" if prefix_with_sensor else None return _get_sensor_satellite_names( info_dict, key="satellite", combine_with=combine_with, )
[docs] def available_sensors( satellites=None, product_categories=None, product_types=None, versions=None, product_levels=None, full_product_levels=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, suffix_with_satellite=False, ): """Provide a list of available GPM sensors. If ``suffix_with_satellite=True``, it suffixes the sensor name with the satellite name: ``{sensor}-{satellite}``. Parameters ---------- product_types : str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide all products (``RS`` and ``NRT``). If ``RS``, provide a list of all GPM RS products available for download. If ``NRT``, provide a list of all GPM NRT products available for download. product_categories: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all product categories. If ``str``, must be a valid product category. Valid product categories are: ``PMW``, ``RADAR``, ``IMERG``, ``CMB``. The list of available sensors can also be retrieved using ``available_product_categories()``. product_levels: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all product levels. If ``str``, must be a valid product level. Valid product levels are: ``1A``, ``1B``, ``1C``, ``2A``, ``2B``, ``3B``. The list of available sensors also be retrieved using ``available_product_levels()``. versions: int or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all versions. If ``int``, must be a valid version. Valid product levels are: ``4``, ``5``, ``6``, ``7``. The list of available sensors can also be retrieved using ``available_versions()``. satellites: str or list, optional If ``None`` (default), provide products from all satellites. If ``str``, must be a valid satellites. The list of available satellites can be retrieved using ``available_satellites()``. start_time : datetime.datetime,, numpy.datetime64 or str Start time period over which to search for available products. The default is ``None`` (start of the GPM mission). Accepted types: ``datetime.datetime``, ````, ``numpy.datetime64`` or ``str``. If string type, it expects the isoformat ``YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss``. end_time : datetime.datetime,, numpy.datetime64 or str End time period over which to search for available products. The default is ``None`` (current time). Accepted types: ``datetime.datetime``, ````, ``numpy.datetime64`` or ``str``. If string type, it expects the isoformat ``YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss``. suffix_with_satellite: bool, optional If ``True``, it suffixes the sensor name with the satellite name: ``{sensor}-{satellite}``. If ``False`` (the default), it just return the name of the sensor. Returns ------- List List of available GPM sensors. """ info_dict = get_info_dict_subset( sensors=None, satellites=satellites, product_categories=product_categories, # RADAR, PMW, CMB, ... product_types=product_types, # RS, NRT versions=versions, product_levels=product_levels, full_product_levels=full_product_levels, ) # Subset by time period if specified if start_time is not None or end_time is not None: info_dict = filter_info_dict_by_time(info_dict, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time) combine_with = "satellite" if suffix_with_satellite else None return _get_sensor_satellite_names( info_dict, key="sensor", combine_with=combine_with, )