Source code for gpm.gv.xradar.methods

import as ccrs
import numpy as np
import pyproj
import xarray as xr

from gpm.utils.area import (
from gpm.utils.remapping import reproject_coords

[docs] def resolution_at_range(xr_obj, azimuth_beamwidth, elevation_beamwidth): """ Compute the horizontal and vertical resolution of each radar gate. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray xradar Dataset or DataArray. azimuth_beamwidth : float Azimuth beamwidth (Δφ) in degrees. elevation_beamwidth : float Elevation beamwidth (Δθ) in degrees. Returns ------- horizontal_res : xr.DataArray Horizontal resolution of the radar gates. vertical_res : xr.DataArray Vertical resolution of the radar gates. """ # Convert beamwidths from degrees to radians azimuth_beamwidth_rad = np.deg2rad(azimuth_beamwidth / 2) elevation_beamwidth_rad = np.deg2rad(elevation_beamwidth / 2) # Calculate the horizontal and vertical beamwidths da_tmp = xr_obj["DBZH"].copy() if isinstance(xr_obj, xr.Dataset) else xr_obj.copy()[:] = 1 horizontal_res = 2 * xr_obj["range"] * np.tan(azimuth_beamwidth_rad) * da_tmp vertical_res = 2 * xr_obj["range"] * np.tan(elevation_beamwidth_rad) * da_tmp return horizontal_res, vertical_res
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FIXME: Temporary code till get_quadmesh_corners in can automatically infer coordinates !
[docs] def get_quadmesh_corners(xr_obj, crs=None): """Return quadmesh x and y corners of shape (N+1, M+1).""" # TODO: IMPLEMENT --> Use in future ! # infert_x_y_coords or xr_obj.gpm.x, xr_obj.gpm.y, xr_obj.gpm.z, x = "x" y = "y" src_crs = xr_obj.xradar_dev.pyproj_crs x = xr_obj[x].data y = xr_obj[y].data if crs is not None: x, y, _ = reproject_coords(x, y, src_crs=src_crs, dst_crs=crs) return get_projection_corners_from_centroids(x=x, y=y)
[docs] def get_quadmesh_vertices(xr_obj, crs=None, ccw=True, origin="bottom"): """Return the quadmesh vertices array with shape (N, M, 4, 2). Parameters ---------- origin : str Origin of the y axis. The default is ``bottom``. ccw : bool, optional If ``True``, vertices are ordered counterclockwise. If ``False``, vertices are ordered clockwise. The default is ``True``. """ x_corners, y_corners = get_quadmesh_corners(xr_obj, crs=crs) vertices = get_quadmesh_from_corners(x_corners, y_corners, ccw=ccw, origin=origin) return vertices
[docs] def get_quadmesh_polygons(xr_obj, crs=None): """Return an array with quadmesh shapely polygons.""" import shapely vertices = get_quadmesh_vertices(xr_obj, crs=crs, ccw=True) return shapely.polygons(vertices)
# def get_quadmesh_corners(ds): # """Return the quadrilateral mesh. # A quadrilateral mesh is a grid of M by N adjacent quadrilaterals that are defined via a (M+1, N+1) # grid of vertices. # The quadrilateral mesh is accepted by `matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`, `matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh` # `matplotlib.collections.PolyQuadMesh`. # Return # -------- # numpy.ndarray # Quadmesh array of shape (M+1, N+1, 2) # """ # x = ds["x"] # # 2D Case # for i in reversed(range(x.ndim)): # x = xr.plot.utils._infer_interval_breaks(x, axis=i) # y = ds["y"] # for i in reversed(range(y.ndim)): # y = xr.plot.utils._infer_interval_breaks(y, axis=i) # corners = np.stack([x, y], axis=-1) # # 1D case # # TODO: # return corners # def get_quadmesh_vertices(ds, ccw=True): # """Return the gates vertices in an array of shape (N, M, 4, 3). # Once the first 2 dimension are flattened and the z dimension discarded, # the output vertices can be passed directly to a `matplotlib.PolyCollection`. # For plotting with cartopy, the polygon order must be "counterclockwise". # Shapely also expects the polygon order to be "counterclockwise". # """ # corners = get_quadmesh_corners(ds) # # Retrieve clockwise coordinates # # --> lower-left, upper-left, upper-right, lower-right # z = ds["z"].to_numpy()[..., None] # expand dimension # bottom_left = np.dstack([corners[0:-1, 0:-1], z]) # top_left = np.dstack([corners[0:-1, 1:], z]) # top_right = np.dstack([corners[1:, 1:], z]) # bottom_right = np.dstack([corners[1:, 0:-1], z]) # if ccw: # list_vertices = [top_left, bottom_left, bottom_right, top_right] # else: # list_vertices = [top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left] # vertices = np.stack(list_vertices, axis=-2) # return vertices # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def to_geopandas(ds, dim_order=None): """Convert xradar dataset to geopandas object.""" import geopandas as gpd # from shapely import polygons # Retrieve radar gates polygons on the range-azimuth plane polygons = get_quadmesh_polygons(ds, crs=None).flatten() # poly_vertices = get_projection_quadmesh_vertices(x=ds["x"], y=ds["y"], ccw=True) # poly_flat = poly_vertices[..., 0:2].reshape(-1, 4, 2) # polygons = polygons(poly_flat) # Create pandas DataFrame df = ds.to_dataframe() # Copy range and azimuth also as column df["range"] = df.index.get_level_values("range") df["azimuth"] = df.index.get_level_values("azimuth") # Create geopandas DataFrame gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, crs=ds.xradar_dev.pyproj_crs, geometry=polygons) if dim_order is not None: gdf = gdf.reorder_levels(dim_order) return gdf
[docs] def get_radius_polygon(xr_obj, distance, crs=None): from shapely import Point, Polygon if crs is None: crs = pyproj.CRS.from_epsg(4326) coords = np.array(Point(0, 0).buffer(distance).exterior.xy).T lon_r, lat_r, _ = reproject_coords( x=coords[:, 0], y=coords[:, 1], src_crs=xr_obj.xradar_dev.pyproj_crs, dst_crs=crs, ) polygon = Polygon(np.stack((lon_r, lat_r)).T) return polygon
[docs] def get_extent(xr_obj, max_distance=None, crs=None): """Get extent , restricted to max_distance from radar location if specified. If the CRS is not specified, it returns extent in WGS84 CRS. """ if max_distance is None: max_distance = xr_obj["range"].max().item() polygon = get_radius_polygon(xr_obj, distance=max_distance, crs=crs) extent = [polygon.bounds[i] for i in [0, 2, 1, 3]] return extent
[docs] def plot_range_distance( xr_obj, distance, ax=None, fig_kwargs=None, subplot_kwargs=None, add_background=True, **plot_kwargs, ): from gpm.visualization.plot import initialize_cartopy_plot # Define arguments plot_kwargs.setdefault("facecolor", "none") plot_kwargs.pop("crs", None) crs = ccrs.Geodetic() ax_provided = ax is not None # Initialize figure if necessary ax = initialize_cartopy_plot( ax=ax, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, subplot_kwargs=subplot_kwargs, add_background=add_background, ) # Retrieve circle polygon at given radius from radar polygon = get_radius_polygon(xr_obj=xr_obj, distance=distance, crs=pyproj.CRS.from_wkt(crs.to_wkt())) # Plot circle polygon p = ax.add_geometries([polygon], crs=crs, **plot_kwargs) # Restrict extent if axis not provided if not ax_provided: extent = [polygon.bounds[i] for i in [0, 2, 1, 3]] ax.set_extent(extent) return p
def _xradar_georeference(xr_obj): # FIXME: in xradar for DataArray ! Use 'crs_wkt' in ds.coords if isinstance(xr_obj, xr.DataArray): name = return xr_obj.to_dataset(name=name).xradar.georeference()[name] return xr_obj.xradar.georeference() def _xradar_get_crs(xr_obj): # FIXME: in xradar for DataArray ! Use 'crs_wkt' in ds.coords if isinstance(xr_obj, xr.DataArray): return xr_obj.to_dataset(name="dummy").xradar.get_crs() return xr_obj.xradar.get_crs() def _add_lon_lat_coords(xr_obj): # Georeference the data on a azimuthal_equidistant projection centered on the radar xr_obj = _xradar_georeference(xr_obj) # Get the GR CRS crs_gr = xr_obj.xradar_dev.pyproj_crs # Add lon/lat coordinates to GR lon_gr, lat_gr, _ = reproject_coords( x=xr_obj["x"], y=xr_obj["y"], z=xr_obj["z"], src_crs=crs_gr, dst_crs=pyproj.CRS.from_epsg(4326), ) xr_obj = xr_obj.assign_coords({"lon": lon_gr, "lat": lat_gr}) return xr_obj
[docs] def plot_map( da, x="lon", y="lat", ax=None, add_colorbar=True, add_background=True, fig_kwargs=None, subplot_kwargs=None, cbar_kwargs=None, **plot_kwargs, ): import gpm from gpm.visualization.facetgrid import sanitize_facetgrid_plot_kwargs from gpm.visualization.plot import initialize_cartopy_plot, plot_colorbar # Compute geographic coordinates on-the-fly if not provided if "lon" not in list(da.coords): da = _add_lon_lat_coords(da) # Initialize figure if necessary ax = initialize_cartopy_plot( ax=ax, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, subplot_kwargs=subplot_kwargs, add_background=add_background, ) # Sanitize plot_kwargs set by by xarray FacetGrid.map_dataarray plot_kwargs = sanitize_facetgrid_plot_kwargs(plot_kwargs) # If not specified, retrieve/update plot_kwargs and cbar_kwargs as function of variable name variable = plot_kwargs, cbar_kwargs = gpm.get_plot_kwargs( name=variable, user_plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs, user_cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, ) # Display variable with cartopy p = da.plot( ax=ax, x=x, y=y, add_colorbar=False, # cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, **plot_kwargs, ) # Remove title ax.set_title("") # Add colorbar if add_colorbar: _ = plot_colorbar(p=p, ax=ax, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs) return p