Source code for gpm.gv.routines

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
# MIT License

# Copyright (c) 2024 GPM-API developers
# This file is part of GPM-API.

# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
"""This module contains the routine for SR/GR validation."""
import as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pyproj
import xarray as xr

import gpm
from gpm.utils.manipulations import (
from gpm.utils.remapping import reproject_coords
from gpm.utils.timing import print_task_elapsed_time
from gpm.utils.xarray import get_xarray_variable

# Issues:
# - xyz_to_antenna_coordinates SR GR range estimation. Which to choose ?

[docs] def get_crs_center_latitude(crs): """ Retrieve the center latitude of a pyproj CRS. Parameters ---------- crs : The Coordinate Reference System. Returns ------- center_latitude : float The center latitude of the CRS. """ crs_info = crs.to_dict() center_latitude = crs_info.get("lat_0") or crs_info.get("latitude_of_origin") if center_latitude is None: raise ValueError("Center latitude parameter not found in the CRS.") return center_latitude
[docs] def get_gr_crs(latitude, longitude, datum="WGS84"): proj_crs = pyproj.CRS( proj="aeqd", datum=datum, lon_0=latitude, lat_0=longitude, ) return proj_crs
[docs] def xyz_to_antenna_coordinates(x, y, z, site_altitude, crs, effective_radius_fraction=None): """Returns the ground radar spherical representation (r, theta, phi). Parameters ---------- x : array-like Cartesian x coordinates. y : array-like Cartesian y coordinates. z : array-like Cartesian z coordinates. site_altitude : float Radar site elevation (in meters, asl). crs : Azimuthal equidistant projection CRS centered on the ground radar site. The latitude of the projection center is used to determine the Earth radius. effective_radius_fraction : float Adjustment factor to account for the refractivity gradient that affects radar beam propagation. In principle this is wavelength- dependent. The default of 4/3 is a good approximation for most weather radar wavelengths. Returns ------- r : array-like Array containing the radial distances. azimuth : array-like Array containing the azimuthal angles. elevation: array-like Array containing the elevation angles. """ from xradar.georeference.projection import get_earth_radius if effective_radius_fraction is None: effective_radius_fraction = 4.0 / 3.0 # Get the latitude of the projection center from the CRS lat0 = crs.to_dict().get("lat_0", 0.0) # Get the approximate Earth radius at the center of the CRS earth_radius = get_earth_radius(latitude=lat0, crs=crs) # Calculate the effective earth radius effective_earth_radius = earth_radius * effective_radius_fraction # Calculate radius to radar site sr = effective_earth_radius + site_altitude # Calculate radius to radar gates zr = effective_earth_radius + z # Calculate xy-distance s = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) # Calculate Earth's arc angle gamma = s / effective_earth_radius # Calculate elevation angle numerator = np.cos(gamma) - sr / zr denominator = np.sin(gamma) elevation = np.arctan(numerator / denominator) # Calculate radial distance r # - Taken from wradlib xyz_to_spherical: r = zr * denominator / np.cos(elevation) # Warren et al., 2018 (A10) compute r with the follow equation but is wrong # r = np.sqrt(zr**2 + sr **2 - 2 * zr * sr * np.cos(gamma)) # diff = r - r1 # np.max(diff) # 200 m # Calculate azimuth angle azimuth = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(x, y)) azimuth = np.fmod(azimuth + 360, 360) return r, azimuth, np.rad2deg(elevation)
[docs] def antenna_to_cartesian( r, azimuth, elevation, crs, effective_radius_fraction=None, site_altitude=0, ): r"""Return Cartesian coordinates from antenna coordinates. Parameters ---------- r : array-like Distances to the center of the radar gates (bins) in meters. azimuth : array-like Azimuth angle of the radar in degrees. elevation : array-like Elevation angle of the radar in degrees. crs : Azimuthal equidistant projection CRS centered on the ground radar site. The latitude of the projection center is used to determine the Earth radius. effective_radius_fraction: float Fraction of earth to use for the effective radius. The default is 4/3. site_altitude: float Altitude above sea level of the radar site (in meters). Returns ------- x, y, z : array-like Cartesian coordinates in meters from the radar. Notes ----- The calculation for Cartesian coordinate is adapted from equations 2.28(b) and 2.28(c) of Doviak and Zrnić [1] assuming a standard atmosphere (4/3 Earth's radius model). .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{gather*} z = \\sqrt{r^2+R^2+2*r*R*sin(\\theta_e)} - R \\\\ s = R * arcsin(\\frac{r*cos(\\theta_e)}{R+z}) \\\\ x = s * sin(\\theta_a) \\\\ y = s * cos(\\theta_a) \\end{gather*} Where r is the distance from the radar to the center of the gate, :math:`\\theta_a` is the azimuth angle, :math:`\\theta_e` is the elevation angle, s is the arc length, and R is the effective radius of the earth, taken to be 4/3 the mean radius of earth (6371 km). References ---------- .. [1] Doviak and Zrnić, Doppler Radar and Weather Observations, Second Edition, 1993, p. 21. """ from xradar.georeference.projection import get_earth_radius if effective_radius_fraction is None: effective_radius_fraction = 4.0 / 3.0 # Retrieve Earth radius at radar site (CRS center) lat0 = get_crs_center_latitude(crs) earth_radius = get_earth_radius(latitude=lat0, crs=crs) # Convert the elevation angle from degrees to radians theta_e = np.deg2rad(elevation) theta_a = np.deg2rad(azimuth) # Compute the effective earth radius effective_earth_radius = earth_radius * effective_radius_fraction # Calculate radius to radar site sr = effective_earth_radius + site_altitude # Compute height z = np.sqrt(r**2 + sr**2 + 2.0 * r * sr * np.sin(theta_e)) - effective_earth_radius # Calculate radius to radar gates zr = effective_earth_radius + z # Compute arc length in m # s = effective_earth_radius * np.arctan(r * np.cos(theta_e)/(r * np.sin(theta_e) + sr)) s = effective_earth_radius * np.arcsin(r * np.cos(theta_e) / zr) # Compute x and y x = np.sin(theta_a) * s # s * np.cos(np.pi/2 - theta_a) y = np.cos(theta_a) * s # s * np.sin(np.pi/2 - theta_a) return x, y, z
[docs] def retrieve_gates_projection_coordinates(ds, dst_crs): """Retrieve the radar gates (x,y,z) coordinates in a custom CRS. The longitude and latitude coordinates provided in the GPM products correspond to the location where the radar gate centroid cross the ellipsoid. This routine returns the coordinates array at each radar gate, correcting for the satellite parallax. It does not account for the curvature of the Earth in the calculations. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset GPM radar dataset. dst_crs: CRS of target projection (assumed to be defined in meters). Returns ------- tuple Tuple with the (x,y,z) coordinates in specified target CRS. """ # TODO: Provide single frequency # ds.isel(nfreq=freq, missing_dims="ignore") # Get x,y, z coordinates in GR CRS crs_src = pyproj.CRS.from_epsg(4326) # x_sr, y_sr, _ = reproject_coords(x=ds["lon"], y=ds["lat"], src_crs=crs_src, dst_crs=dst_crs) # Retrieve local zenith angle alpha = get_xarray_variable(ds, variable="localZenithAngle") # Compute range distance from ellipsoid to the radar gate range_distance_from_ellipsoid = ds.gpm.retrieve("range_distance_from_ellipsoid") # Retrieve height of bin z_sr = get_xarray_variable(ds, variable="height") # Calculate xy-displacement length deltas = np.sin(np.deg2rad(alpha)) * range_distance_from_ellipsoid # Calculate x,y differences between ground coordinate and center ground coordinate [25th element] idx_center = np.where(ds["gpm_cross_track_id"] == 24)[0] xdiff = x_sr - x_sr.isel(cross_track=idx_center).squeeze() ydiff = y_sr - y_sr.isel(cross_track=idx_center).squeeze() # Calculates the xy-angle of the SR scan # - Assume xdiff and ydiff being triangles adjacent and opposite ang = np.arctan2(ydiff, xdiff) # Calculate displacement dx, dy from displacement length deltax = deltas * np.cos(ang) deltay = deltas * np.sin(ang) # Subtract displacement from SR ground coordinates x_srp = x_sr - deltax y_srp = y_sr - deltay # Return parallax-corrected coordinates return x_srp, y_srp, z_sr
[docs] def retrieve_gates_geographic_coordinates(ds): """Retrieve the radar gates (lat, lon, height) coordinates. The longitude and latitude coordinates provided in the GPM products correspond to the location where the radar gate centroid cross the ellipsoid. This routine returns the coordinates array at each radar gate, correcting for the satellite parallax. It does not account for the curvature of the Earth in the calculations. Requires: scLon, scLat, localZenithAngle, height. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset GPM radar dataset. Returns ------- tuple Tuple with the (lon, lat, height) coordinates. """ # Retrieve required DataArrays x1 = ds["lon"] # at ellipsoid y1 = ds["lat"] # at ellipsoid xs = get_xarray_variable(ds, variable="scLon") # at satellite ys = get_xarray_variable(ds, variable="scLat") # at satellite alpha = get_xarray_variable(ds, variable="localZenithAngle") height = get_xarray_variable(ds, variable="height") # Compute conversion factors deg to meter cx, cy = conversion_factors_degree_to_meter(y1) # Convert theta from degrees to radians tan_theta_rad = np.tan(np.deg2rad(alpha)) # Calculate the distance 'dist' using the conversion factors dist = np.sqrt((cx * (xs - x1)) ** 2 + (cy * (ys - y1)) ** 2) # Calculate the delta components scale = height / dist * tan_theta_rad delta_x = (xs - x1) * scale delta_y = (ys - y1) * scale # Calculate the target coordinates (xp, yp) lon3d = x1 + delta_x lat3d = y1 + delta_y # Name the DataArray = "lon3d" = "lat3d" # Return the DataArray return lon3d, lat3d, height
[docs] def convert_s_to_ku_band(ds_gr, bright_band_height, z_variable="DBZH"): """Convert S-band GR reflectivities to Ku-band. Does not account for mixed-phase and hail. """ import wradlib as wrl with xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True): # Initialize Ku-Band DataArray da_s = ds_gr[z_variable].copy() da_ku = np.zeros_like(da_s) * np.nan # Apply corrections for snow da_above_ml_mask = ds_gr["z"] >= bright_band_height da_ku = xr.where( da_above_ml_mask, wrl.util.calculate_polynomial(da_s.copy(), wrl.trafo.SBandToKu.snow), da_ku, ) # Apply corrections for rain da_below_ml_mask = ds_gr["z"] < bright_band_height da_ku = xr.where( da_below_ml_mask, wrl.util.calculate_polynomial(da_s.copy(), wrl.trafo.SBandToKu.rain), da_ku, ) = z_variable return da_ku
[docs] def plot_quicklook( ds_sr, ds_gr, min_gr_range, max_gr_range, z_min_threshold_gr, z_min_threshold_sr, z_variable="DBZH", cmap="Spectral_r", ): # Display nearSurface SR reflectivity da_sr = ds_sr["zFactorFinal"].gpm.slice_range_at_bin(ds_sr["binClutterFreeBottom"]) # Mask by specified sensitivity mask_gr = ds_gr[z_variable] > z_min_threshold_gr mask_sr = da_sr > z_min_threshold_sr # Retrieve SR extent sr_extent = ds_sr.gpm.extent() # Create figure fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 4), dpi=120, subplot_kw={"projection": ccrs.PlateCarree()}) # Plot SR da_sr.where(mask_sr).gpm.plot_map( ax=ax1, cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=40, cbar_kwargs={"label": "SR Surface Reflectivity (dBz)"}, add_colorbar=True, ) # Plot GR ds_gr[z_variable].where(mask_gr).xradar_dev.plot_map( ax=ax2, cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=40, cbar_kwargs={"label": "GR Sweep Reflectivity (dBz)", "extend": "both"}, add_colorbar=True, ) # - Add the SR swath boundary da_sr.gpm.plot_swath_lines(ax=ax2) # - Restrict the extent to the SR overpass ax2.set_extent(sr_extent) # - Display GR range distances for ax in [ax1, ax2]: ds_gr.xradar_dev.plot_range_distance( distance=min_gr_range, ax=ax, add_background=True, linestyle="dashed", edgecolor="black", ) ds_gr.xradar_dev.plot_range_distance( distance=max_gr_range, ax=ax, add_background=True, linestyle="dashed", edgecolor="black", ) ds_gr.xradar_dev.plot_range_distance( distance=250_000, ax=ax, add_background=True, linestyle="dashed", edgecolor="black", ) # - Add GR location ax1.scatter(ds_gr["longitude"], ds_gr["latitude"], c="black", marker="X", s=4) ax2.scatter(ds_gr["longitude"], ds_gr["latitude"], c="black", marker="X", s=4) # - Set title ax1.set_title("GPM", fontsize=12, loc="left") ax2.set_title("Ground Radar", fontsize=12, loc="left") # - Improve layout and display plt.tight_layout() return fig
[docs] def retrieve_ds_sr(ds_gr, download_sr=False): # Retrieve GR extent (in WGS84) extent_gr = ds_gr.xradar_dev.extent(max_distance=None, crs=None) # Retrieve GR scan time (assumed to be in UTC) gr_min_time = ds_gr["time"].min().to_numpy() gr_max_time = ds_gr["time"].max().to_numpy() # Define start_time and end_time for searching SR data start_time = gr_min_time - np.timedelta64(5, "m") end_time = gr_max_time + np.timedelta64(5, "m") # Define GPM settings product_type = "RS" version = 7 storage = "GES_DISC" # Define products # - Use TRMM PR before '2014-03-08' # - Use GPM DPR after '2014-03-08' if start_time >= np.array("2014-03-08 22:09:50", dtype="M8[s]"): products = ["2A-DPR", "1B-Ku"] else: products = ["2A-PR", "1B-PR"] # Download SR data (if asked) if download_sr: for product in products: product=product, product_type=product_type, version=version, storage=storage, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, ) # Open datasets # - TODO: subset variables used ! ds_sr = gpm.open_dataset( product=products[0], product_type=product_type, version=version, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, chunks={}, # only read the data needed around GR instead of full granule ) ds_l1b_sr = gpm.open_dataset( product=products[1], product_type=product_type, version=version, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, chunks={}, # only read the data needed around GR instead of full granule ) # Crop SR datasets to region of interest ds_sr = ds_sr.gpm.crop(extent=extent_gr) ds_l1b_sr = ds_l1b_sr.gpm.crop(extent=extent_gr) # Put SR variables in memory ds_sr = ds_sr.compute() ds_l1b_sr = ds_l1b_sr.compute() # Retrieve important info from L1B ds_l1b_sr = ds_l1b_sr.compute() ds_sr["crossTrackBeamWidth"] = ds_l1b_sr["crossTrackBeamWidth"] ds_sr["alongTrackBeamWidth"] = ds_l1b_sr["alongTrackBeamWidth"] # Retrieve SR range distance ds_l1b_sr["range_distance_from_satellite"] = ds_l1b_sr.gpm.retrieve("range_distance_from_satellite") ds_sr["range_distance_from_satellite"] = ds_l1b_sr.gpm.extract_l2_dataset()["range_distance_from_satellite"] return ds_sr
@print_task_elapsed_time(prefix="SR/GR Matching") def volume_matching( ds_gr, radar_band, ds_sr=None, z_variable_gr="DBZH", beamwidth_gr: float = 1.0, z_min_threshold_gr=0, z_min_threshold_sr=10, min_gr_range=0, max_gr_range=150_000, gr_sensitivity_thresholds=None, sr_sensitivity_thresholds=None, download_sr=True, display_quicklook=True, ): """ Performs the volume matching of GPM Spaceborne Radar (SR) data to Ground Radar (GR). Parameters ---------- ds_gr : xr.Dataset Xradar Dataset corresponding to a GR sweep. ds_sr : xr.Dataset, optional Coincident GPM Dataset with the relevant L1 and L2 product variables. If not specified (the default), it automatically load the relevant data from disk. If you provide the dataset, please be sure to include in the dataset also the L1B ``crossTrackBeamWidth`` ``alongTrackBeamWidth`` and the retrievable ``range_distance_from_satellite`` variables. z_variable_gr: The name of the GR reflectivity variable. The default is ``DBZH``. radar_band : str The GR band. Valid values are "Ku", "S", "C", "X". beamwidth_gr : float, optional The GR beamwidth. The default is 1.0. z_min_threshold_gr : float, optional The minimum reflectivity threshold (in dBZ) for GR. The default is 0. Values below this threshold are set to np.nan before matching SR/GR gates. z_min_threshold_sr : float, optional The minimum reflectivity threshold (in dBZ) for SR. The default is 10. Values below this threshold are set to np.nan before matching SR/GR gates. min_gr_range : float, optional The minimum GR range distance (in meters) to select for matching SR/GR gates. The default is 0. max_gr_range : float, optional The maximum GR range distance (in meters) to select for matching SR/GR gates. The default is 150_000. gr_sensitivity_thresholds : list, optional The GR sensitivity thresholds to verify NUBF. The default is [6,8,10,12]. sr_sensitivity_thresholds : list, optional The SR sensitivity thresholds to verify NUBF. The default is [10,12,14,16,18]. download_sr : bool, optional Whether to attempt download SR data on-the-fly. The default is True. ------- gdf_match : geopandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the matched SR/GR reflectivities and relevant aggregation statistics. ds_sr : xr.Dataset The SR dataset matched to GR data. """ import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import geopandas as gpd import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pyproj import wradlib as wrl import xarray as xr from shapely import Point from gpm.utils.remapping import reproject_coords from gpm.utils.zonal_stats import PolyAggregator # Check valid Z variable if z_variable_gr not in ds_gr: raise ValueError(f"Invalid 'z_variable_gr' argument. '{z_variable_gr}' is not a variable of the GR Dataset.") # Define GR beamwidth elevation_beamwidth_gr = beamwidth_gr azimuth_beamwidth_gr = beamwidth_gr # Check radar band radar_band = radar_band.upper() accepted_radar_bands = ["S", "C", "X", "Ku"] if radar_band not in accepted_radar_bands: raise ValueError(f"Accepted 'radar_band' are {accepted_radar_bands}.") # Define SR and GR sensitivity_thresholds if gr_sensitivity_thresholds is None: gr_sensitivity_thresholds = [6, 8, 10, 12] if sr_sensitivity_thresholds is None: sr_sensitivity_thresholds = [10, 12, 14, 16, 18] # Define SR CRS crs_sr = pyproj.CRS.from_epsg(4326) # TODO: derive same from ds_sr.gpm.pyproj_crs ####-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. #### Preprocess GR #### Put GR data into memory ds_gr = ds_gr.compute() #### - Set auxiliary info as coordinates # - To avoid broadcasting i.e. when masking possible_coords = ["sweep_mode", "sweep_number", "prt_mode", "follow_mode", "sweep_fixed_angle"] extra_coords = [coord for coord in possible_coords if coord in ds_gr] ds_gr = ds_gr.set_coords(extra_coords) #### - Georeference the data on a azimuthal_equidistant projection centered on the radar ds_gr = ds_gr.xradar.georeference() #### - Get the GR CRS crs_gr = ds_gr.xradar_dev.pyproj_crs #### - Retrieve GR (lon, lat) coordinates lon_gr, lat_gr, _ = reproject_coords( x=ds_gr["x"], y=ds_gr["y"], z=ds_gr["z"], src_crs=crs_gr, dst_crs=crs_sr, ) #### - Add lon/lat coordinates to ds_gr ds_gr["lon"] = lon_gr ds_gr["lat"] = lat_gr ds_gr = ds_gr.set_coords(["lon", "lat"]) #### - Set GR gates with Z < 0 to NaN # - Following Morris and Schwaller 2011 recommendation ds_gr = ds_gr.where(ds_gr[z_variable_gr] >= z_min_threshold_sr) #### - Retrieve GR extent (in WGS84) extent_gr = ds_gr.xradar_dev.extent(max_distance=None, crs=None) ####-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. #### Retrieve SR data if ds_sr is None: # noqa ds_sr = retrieve_ds_sr(ds_gr, download_sr=download_sr) else: ds_sr = ds_sr.gpm.crop(extent=extent_gr) # Check required SR variables required_sr_variables = [ # L1B variables "crossTrackBeamWidth", "range_distance_from_satellite", # L2 variables "localZenithAngle", # gate projection coordinates "ellipsoidBinOffset", # range_distance_from_ellipsoid "binClutterFreeBottom", "dataQuality", "flagPrecip", "qualityBB", "heightBB", "widthBB", "typePrecip", "precipRate", "airTemperature", "zFactorFinal", "zFactorMeasured", ] missing_vars = [var for var in required_sr_variables if var not in ds_sr] if len(missing_vars) != 0: raise ValueError(f"The following variables are missing in the SR dataset: {missing_vars}") # Select only Ku-band if "radar_frequency" in ds_sr.dims: ds_sr = ds_sr.sel(radar_frequency="Ku") # Put SR data into memory ds_sr = ds_sr.compute() # Compute SR attenuation correction ds_sr["zFactorCorrection"] = ds_sr["zFactorFinal"] - ds_sr["zFactorMeasured"] ####-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. #### Plot Quicklook if display_quicklook: plot_quicklook( ds_sr=ds_sr, ds_gr=ds_gr, min_gr_range=min_gr_range, max_gr_range=max_gr_range, z_min_threshold_gr=z_min_threshold_gr, z_min_threshold_sr=z_min_threshold_sr, z_variable=z_variable_gr, ) ####-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. #### Retrieve SR/GR gate resolution, volume and coordinates #### - Retrieve GR gate resolution h_res_gr, v_res_gr = ds_gr.xradar_dev.resolution_at_range( azimuth_beamwidth=azimuth_beamwidth_gr, elevation_beamwidth=elevation_beamwidth_gr, ) #### - Retrieve SR (x,y,z) coordinates x_sr, y_sr, z_sr = retrieve_gates_projection_coordinates(ds_sr, dst_crs=crs_gr) #### - Retrieve SR (range, azimuth, elevation) coordinates range_sr, azimuth_sr, elevation_sr = xyz_to_antenna_coordinates( x=x_sr, y=y_sr, z=z_sr, site_altitude=ds_gr["altitude"], crs=crs_gr, effective_radius_fraction=None, ) #### - Retrieve SR gates volumes vol_sr = ds_sr.gpm.retrieve( "gate_volume", beam_width=ds_sr["crossTrackBeamWidth"], range_distance=ds_sr["range_distance_from_satellite"], ) #### - Retrieve GR gates volumes vol_gr = wrl.qual.pulse_volume( ds_gr["range"], # range distance h=ds_gr["range"].diff("range").median(), # range resolution theta=elevation_beamwidth_gr, ) # beam width vol_gr = vol_gr.broadcast_like(ds_gr[z_variable_gr]) vol_gr = vol_gr.assign_coords({"lon": ds_gr["lon"], "lat": ds_gr["lat"]}) #### - Retrieve SR gate resolution h_res_sr, v_res_sr = ds_sr.gpm.retrieve( "gate_resolution", beam_width=ds_sr["crossTrackBeamWidth"], range_distance=ds_sr["range_distance_from_satellite"], ) ####-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. #### Retrieve custom SR variables #### - Retrieve Bright Band (BB) Ratio da_bb_ratio, da_bb_mask = ds_sr.gpm.retrieve("bright_band_ratio", return_bb_mask=True) #### - Retrieve Precipitation and Hydrometeors Types ds_sr["flagPrecipitationType"] = ds_sr.gpm.retrieve("flagPrecipitationType", method="major_rain_type") ds_sr["flagHydroClass"] = ds_sr.gpm.retrieve("flagHydroClass") ####-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. #### Identify SR gates intersecting GR sweep # - Define mask of SR footprints within GR range r = np.sqrt(x_sr**2 + y_sr**2) # mask_sr_within_gr_range = r < ds_gr["range"].max().item() mask_sr_within_gr_range_interval = (r >= min_gr_range) & (r <= max_gr_range) # - Define mask of SR footprints within GR elevation beamwidth mask_sr_matched_elevation = (elevation_sr >= (ds_gr["sweep_fixed_angle"] - elevation_beamwidth_gr / 2.0)) & ( elevation_sr <= (ds_gr["sweep_fixed_angle"] + elevation_beamwidth_gr / 2.0) ) # - Define mask of SR footprints matching GR gates mask_ppi = mask_sr_matched_elevation & mask_sr_within_gr_range_interval ####-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. #### Define SR mask # Select above minimum SR reflectivity # mask_sr_minimum_z = ds_sr["zFactorFinal"] > z_sr_min_threshold # Select only 'high quality' data # - qualityFlag derived from qualityData. # - qualityFlag == 1 indicates low quality retrievals # - qualityFlag == 2 indicates bad/missing retrievals # mask_sr_quality_data = ds_sr["qualityFlag"] == 0 # # Select only beams with detected bright band # # mask_sr_quality_bb = ds_sr["qualityBB"] == 1 # mask_sr_quality_precip = ds_sr["qualityTypePrecip"] == 1 # Select scan with "normal" dataQuality (for entire cross-track scan) mask_sr_quality = ds_sr["dataQuality"] == 0 # Select beams with detected precipitation mask_sr_precip = ds_sr["flagPrecip"] > 0 # Define 3D mask of SR gates matching GR PPI gates # - TIP: do not mask eccessively here ... but rather at final stage mask_matched_ppi_3d = mask_ppi & mask_sr_precip & mask_sr_quality # Define 2D mask of SR beams matching the GR PPI mask_matched_ppi_2d = mask_matched_ppi_3d.any(dim="range") ####-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. #### Convert reflectivities to target band # Define retrievals to be used (as function of radar_band) dict_retrieval_names = { "S": "s_band_cao2013", "C": "c_band_tan", "X": "x_band_tan", } # Derive reflectivity of interest if radar_band in ["X", "C", "S"]: retrieval_name = dict_retrieval_names[radar_band] # With attenuation corrected reflectivity da_z_final = ds_sr.gpm.retrieve( retrieval_name, reflectivity="zFactorFinal", bb_ratio=da_bb_ratio, precip_type=ds_sr["flagPrecipitationType"], ) # With measured reflectivity da_z_measured = ds_sr.gpm.retrieve( retrieval_name, reflectivity="zFactorMeasured", bb_ratio=da_bb_ratio, precip_type=ds_sr["flagPrecipitationType"], ) # Compute attenuation correction in S-band da_z_correction = da_z_final - da_z_measured else: da_z_final = ds_sr["zFactorFinal"] da_z_measured = ds_sr["zFactorMeasured"] da_z_correction = da_z_final - da_z_measured ####-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. #### Aggregate SR radar gates # Add variables to SR dataset ds_sr["zFactorMeasured_Ku"] = ds_sr["zFactorMeasured"] ds_sr["zFactorFinal_Ku"] = ds_sr["zFactorFinal"] ds_sr[f"zFactorFinal_{radar_band}"] = da_z_final ds_sr[f"zFactorMeasured_{radar_band}"] = da_z_measured ds_sr["zFactorCorrection_Ku"] = ds_sr["zFactorCorrection"] ds_sr[f"zFactorCorrection_{radar_band}"] = da_z_correction ds_sr["hres"] = h_res_sr ds_sr["vres"] = v_res_sr ds_sr["gate_volume"] = vol_sr ds_sr["x"] = x_sr ds_sr["y"] = y_sr ds_sr["z"] = z_sr # Compute path-integrated reflectivities ds_sr["zFactorFinal_Ku_cumsum"] = ds_sr["zFactorFinal"].gpm.idecibel.cumsum("range").gpm.decibel ds_sr["zFactorFinal_Ku_cumsum"] = ds_sr["zFactorFinal_Ku_cumsum"].where( np.isfinite(ds_sr["zFactorFinal_Ku_cumsum"]), ) ds_sr["zFactorMeasured_Ku_cumsum"] = ds_sr["zFactorMeasured"].gpm.idecibel.cumsum("range").gpm.decibel ds_sr["zFactorMeasured_Ku_cumsum"] = ds_sr["zFactorMeasured_Ku_cumsum"].where( np.isfinite(ds_sr["zFactorMeasured_Ku_cumsum"]), ) ds_sr[f"zFactorFinal_{radar_band}_cumsum"] = ( ds_sr[f"zFactorFinal_{radar_band}"].gpm.idecibel.cumsum("range").gpm.decibel ) ds_sr[f"zFactorFinal_{radar_band}_cumsum"] = ds_sr[f"zFactorFinal_{radar_band}_cumsum"].where( np.isfinite(ds_sr[f"zFactorFinal_{radar_band}_cumsum"]), ) ds_sr[f"zFactorMeasured_{radar_band}_cumsum"] = ( ds_sr[f"zFactorMeasured_{radar_band}"].gpm.idecibel.cumsum("range").gpm.decibel ) ds_sr[f"zFactorMeasured_{radar_band}_cumsum"] = ds_sr[f"zFactorMeasured_{radar_band}_cumsum"].where( np.isfinite(ds_sr[f"zFactorMeasured_{radar_band}_cumsum"]), ) # Add variables to the spaceborne dataset z_variables = [ "zFactorFinal_Ku", f"zFactorFinal_{radar_band}", "zFactorMeasured_Ku", f"zFactorMeasured_{radar_band}", ] sr_variables = [ *z_variables, "zFactorCorrection_Ku", f"zFactorCorrection_{radar_band}", "precipRate", "airTemperature", "zFactorFinal_Ku_cumsum", "zFactorMeasured_Ku_cumsum", f"zFactorFinal_{radar_band}_cumsum", f"zFactorMeasured_{radar_band}_cumsum", "hres", "vres", "gate_volume", "x", "y", "z", ] # Initialize Dataset where to add aggregated SR gates ds_sr_match_ppi = xr.Dataset() # Mask SR gates not matching the GR PPI ds_sr_ppi = ds_sr[sr_variables].where(mask_matched_ppi_3d) # Compute aggregation statistics ds_sr_ppi_min = ds_sr_ppi.min("range") ds_sr_ppi_max = ds_sr_ppi.max("range") ds_sr_ppi_sum = ds_sr_ppi.sum(dim="range", skipna=True) ds_sr_ppi_mean = ds_sr_ppi.mean("range") ds_sr_ppi_std = ds_sr_ppi.std("range") # Aggregate reflectivities (in mm6/mm3) for var in z_variables: ds_sr_ppi_mean[var] = ds_sr_ppi[var].gpm.idecibel.mean("range").gpm.decibel ds_sr_ppi_std[var] = ds_sr_ppi[var].gpm.idecibel.std("range").gpm.decibel # If only 1 value, std=0, log transform become -inf --> Set to 0 is_inf = np.isinf(ds_sr_ppi_std[var]) ds_sr_ppi_std[var] = ds_sr_ppi_std[var].where(~is_inf, 0) # Compute counts and fractions above sensitivity thresholds ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_counts"] = mask_matched_ppi_3d.sum(dim="range") ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_counts_valid"] = (~np.isnan(ds_sr_ppi["zFactorFinal_Ku"])).sum(dim="range") for var in z_variables: for thr in sr_sensitivity_thresholds: fraction = (ds_sr_ppi[var] >= thr).sum(dim="range") / ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_counts"] ds_sr_match_ppi[f"SR_{var}_fraction_above_{thr}dBZ"] = fraction # Compute fraction of hydrometeor types da_hydro_class = ds_sr["flagHydroClass"].where(mask_matched_ppi_3d) ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_fraction_no_precip"] = (da_hydro_class == 0).sum(dim="range") / ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_counts"] ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_fraction_rain"] = (da_hydro_class == 1).sum(dim="range") / ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_counts"] ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_fraction_snow"] = (da_hydro_class == 2).sum(dim="range") / ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_counts"] ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_fraction_hail"] = (da_hydro_class == 3).sum(dim="range") / ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_counts"] ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_fraction_melting_layer"] = (da_hydro_class == 4).sum(dim="range") / ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_counts"] ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_fraction_clutter"] = (da_hydro_class == 5).sum(dim="range") / ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_counts"] ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_fraction_below_isotherm"] = (ds_sr_ppi["airTemperature"] >= 273.15).sum( dim="range", ) / ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_counts"] ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_fraction_above_isotherm"] = (ds_sr_ppi["airTemperature"] < 273.15).sum( dim="range", ) / ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_counts"] # Add aggregation statistics for var in ds_sr_ppi_mean.data_vars: ds_sr_match_ppi[f"SR_{var}_mean"] = ds_sr_ppi_mean[var] for var in ds_sr_ppi_std.data_vars: ds_sr_match_ppi[f"SR_{var}_std"] = ds_sr_ppi_std[var] for var in ds_sr_ppi_sum.data_vars: ds_sr_match_ppi[f"SR_{var}_sum"] = ds_sr_ppi_sum[var] for var in ds_sr_ppi_max.data_vars: ds_sr_match_ppi[f"SR_{var}_max"] = ds_sr_ppi_max[var] for var in ds_sr_ppi_min.data_vars: ds_sr_match_ppi[f"SR_{var}_min"] = ds_sr_ppi_min[var] for var in ds_sr_ppi_min.data_vars: ds_sr_match_ppi[f"SR_{var}_range"] = ds_sr_ppi_max[var] - ds_sr_ppi_min[var] # Compute coefficient of variation for var in z_variables: ds_sr_match_ppi[f"SR_{var}_cov"] = ds_sr_match_ppi[f"SR_{var}_std"] / ds_sr_match_ppi[f"SR_{var}_mean"] # Add SR L2 variables (useful for final filtering and analysis) var_l2 = [ "flagPrecip", "flagPrecipitationType", "dataQuality", "sunLocalTime", "SCorientation", "qualityFlag", "qualityTypePrecip", "qualityBB", "pathAtten", "piaFinal", "reliabFlag", ] for var in var_l2: if var in ds_sr: ds_sr_match_ppi[f"SR_{var}"] = ds_sr[var] # Add SR time ds_sr_match_ppi["SR_time"] = ds_sr_match_ppi["time"] ds_sr_match_ppi = ds_sr_match_ppi.drop("time") # Mask SR beams not matching the GR PPI ds_sr_match_ppi = ds_sr_match_ppi.where(mask_matched_ppi_2d) # Remove unnecessary coordinates unecessary_coords = [ "radar_frequency", "sweep_mode", "prt_mode", "follow_mode", "latitude", "longitude", "altitude", "crs_wkt", "time", "crsWGS84", "dataQuality", "sunLocalTime", "SCorientation", ] for coord in unecessary_coords: if coord in ds_sr_match_ppi: ds_sr_match_ppi = ds_sr_match_ppi.drop(coord) if coord in mask_matched_ppi_2d.coords: mask_matched_ppi_2d = mask_matched_ppi_2d.drop(coord) # Stack aggregated dataset to beam dimension index ds_sr_stack = ds_sr_match_ppi.stack(sr_beam_index=("along_track", "cross_track")) da_mask_matched_ppi_stack = mask_matched_ppi_2d.stack(sr_beam_index=("along_track", "cross_track")) # Drop beams not matching the GR PPI ds_sr_match = ds_sr_stack.isel(sr_beam_index=da_mask_matched_ppi_stack) ####-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. #### Retrieve the SR footprints polygons # Retrieve SR footprint polygons (using the footprint radius in AEQD x,y coordinates) xy_mean_sr = np.stack([ds_sr_match["SR_x_mean"], ds_sr_match["SR_y_mean"]], axis=-1) footprint_radius = ds_sr_match["SR_hres_max"].to_numpy() / 2 sr_poly = [Point(x, y).buffer(footprint_radius[i]) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(xy_mean_sr)] # Create geopandas DataFrame df_sr_match = ds_sr_match.to_dataframe() gdf_sr = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df_sr_match, crs=crs_gr, geometry=sr_poly) # Extract radar gate polygon on the range-azimuth axis sr_poly = np.array(gdf_sr.geometry) ####-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. #### Retrieve the GR gates polygons # Add variables to GR dataset ds_gr["gate_volume"] = vol_gr ds_gr["vres"] = v_res_gr ds_gr["hres"] = h_res_gr # Add path_integrated_reflectivities ds_gr["Z_cumsum"] = ds_gr[z_variable_gr].gpm.idecibel.cumsum("range").gpm.decibel ds_gr["Z_cumsum"] = ds_gr["Z_cumsum"].where(np.isfinite(ds_gr["Z_cumsum"])) # Mask reflectivites above minimum GR Z threshold mask_gr = ds_gr[z_variable_gr] > z_min_threshold_gr # important ! # Subset gates in range distance interval ds_gr_subset = ds_gr.sel(range=slice(min_gr_range, max_gr_range)).where(mask_gr) # Retrieve geopandas dataframe gdf_gr = ds_gr_subset.xradar_dev.to_geopandas() # here we currently infer the quadmesh using the x,y coordinates # Extract radar gate polygon on the range-azimuth axis gr_poly = np.array(gdf_gr.geometry) ####-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. #### Aggregate GR data on SR footprints # Define PolyAggregator aggregator = PolyAggregator(source_polygons=gr_poly, target_polygons=sr_poly) # Aggregate GR reflecitvities and compute statistics # - Timestep of acquisition time_gr = aggregator.first(values=gdf_gr["time"]) # - Total number of gates aggregated counts = aggregator.counts() counts_valid = aggregator.apply(lambda x, weights: np.sum(~np.isnan(x)), values=gdf_gr[z_variable_gr]) # noqa # - Total gate volume sum_vol = aggregator.sum(values=gdf_gr["gate_volume"]) # - Fraction of SR area covered fraction_covered_area = aggregator.fraction_covered_area() # - Reflectivity statistics z_mean = wrl.trafo.decibel(aggregator.average(values=wrl.trafo.idecibel(gdf_gr[z_variable_gr]))) z_std = wrl.trafo.decibel(aggregator.std(values=wrl.trafo.idecibel(gdf_gr[z_variable_gr]))) z_std[np.isinf(z_std)] = 0 # If only 1 value, std=0, log transform become -inf --> Set to 0 z_max = aggregator.max(values=gdf_gr[z_variable_gr]) z_min = aggregator.min(values=gdf_gr[z_variable_gr]) z_range = z_max - z_min z_cov = z_std / z_mean # coefficient of variation # Create DataFrame with GR matched statistics df = pd.DataFrame( { "GR_Z_mean": z_mean, "GR_Z_std": z_std, "GR_Z_max": z_max, "GR_Z_min": z_min, "GR_Z_range": z_range, "GR_Z_cov": z_cov, "GR_time": time_gr, "GR_gate_volume_sum": sum_vol, "GR_fraction_covered_area": fraction_covered_area, "GR_counts": counts, "GR_counts_valid": counts_valid, }, index=gdf_sr.index, ) gdf_gr_match = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, crs=crs_gr, geometry=aggregator.target_polygons) gdf_gr_match.head() # Add GR range statistics gdf_gr_match["GR_range_max"] = aggregator.max(values=gdf_gr["range"]) gdf_gr_match["GR_range_mean"] = aggregator.mean(values=gdf_gr["range"]) gdf_gr_match["GR_range_min"] = aggregator.min(values=gdf_gr["range"]) # Fraction above sensitivity thresholds for thr in sr_sensitivity_thresholds: fraction = aggregator.apply(lambda x, weights: np.sum(x > thr), values=gdf_gr[z_variable_gr]) / counts # noqa gdf_gr_match[f"GR_Z_fraction_above_{thr}dBZ"] = fraction # Compute further aggregation statistics stats_var = ["vres", "hres", "x", "y", "z", "Z_cumsum", "gate_volume"] for var in stats_var: gdf_gr_match[f"GR_{var}_mean"] = aggregator.average(values=gdf_gr[var]) gdf_gr_match[f"GR_{var}_min"] = aggregator.min(values=gdf_gr[var]) gdf_gr_match[f"GR_{var}_max"] = aggregator.max(values=gdf_gr[var]) gdf_gr_match[f"GR_{var}_std"] = aggregator.std(values=gdf_gr[var]) gdf_gr_match[f"GR_{var}_range"] = gdf_gr_match[f"GR_{var}_max"] - gdf_gr_match[f"GR_{var}_min"] # Compute horizontal distance between centroids func_dict = {"min": np.min, "mean": np.mean, "max": np.max} for suffix, func in func_dict.items(): arr = np.zeros(aggregator.n_target_polygons) * np.nan arr[aggregator.target_intersecting_indices] = np.array( [func(dist) for i, dist in aggregator.dict_distances.items()], ) gdf_gr_match[f"distance_horizontal_{suffix}"] = arr ####-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. #### Create the SR/GR Database # Create DataFrame with matched variables gdf_match = gdf_gr_match.merge(gdf_sr, on="geometry") # Compute ratio SR/GR volume gdf_match["VolumeRatio"] = gdf_match["SR_gate_volume_sum"] / gdf_match["GR_gate_volume_sum"] # Compute difference in SR/GR gate volume gdf_match["VolumeDiff"] = gdf_match["SR_gate_volume_sum"] - gdf_match["GR_gate_volume_sum"] # Compute time difference [in seconds] gdf_match["time_difference"] = gdf_match["GR_time"] - gdf_match["SR_time"] gdf_match["time_difference"] = np.abs(gdf_match["time_difference"].dt.total_seconds().astype(int)) # Compute lower bound and upper bound height gdf_match["GR_z_lower_bound"] = gdf_match["GR_z_min"] - gdf_match["GR_vres_mean"] / 2 gdf_match["GR_z_upper_bound"] = gdf_match["GR_z_max"] + gdf_match["GR_vres_mean"] / 2 gdf_match["SR_z_lower_bound"] = gdf_match["SR_z_min"] - gdf_match["SR_vres_mean"] / 2 gdf_match["SR_z_upper_bound"] = gdf_match["SR_z_max"] + gdf_match["SR_vres_mean"] / 2 ####-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. return gdf_match