Source code for gpm.gv.plots

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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
"""This module contains plotting utility for SR/GR validation."""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
import numpy as np

import gpm
from gpm.visualization import plot_colorbar

[docs] def compare_maps( gdf, sr_column, gr_column, sr_label=None, gr_label=None, sr_title=None, gr_title=None, cmap="Spectral_r", vmin=None, vmax=None, grid_color="grey", grid_linewidth=0.25, unified_color_scale=True, shared_colorbar=False, subplot_kwargs=None, fig_kwargs=None, cbar_kwargs=None, **plot_kwargs, ): """ Compare and plot side-by-side maps of SR and GR data from a GeoDataFrame. Parameters ---------- gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame The GeoDataFrame containing the matched SR/GR data. sr_column : str The column name for SR data. gr_column : str The column name for GR data. sr_label : str, optional Label for the SR sensor colorbar. gr_label : str, optional Label for the GR sensor colorbar. cmap : str, optional Colormap to use for both plots. The default is "Spectral_r". vmin : float, optional Minimum value for color scale. Defaults to the minimum value across SR and GR data if ``unified_color_scale`` is ``True``. vmax : float, optional Maximum value for color scale. Defaults to the maximum value across SR and GR data if ``unified_color_scale`` is ``True``. unified_color_scale: str, optional If True and ``vmin`` or ``vmax`` are not specified, it automatically set a common vmin/vmax value. The default is ``True``. shared_colorbar : bool, optional If True, a single colorbar is shared across both plots. grid_color : str, optional Color of the grid lines. The default is "grey". grid_linewidth : float, optional Linewidth of the grid lines. The default is 0.25. cbar_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for customizing the colorbar passed to :py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar`. fig_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for customizing the figure passed to :py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`. The default is ``None`` and ``figsize`` is set to (14,7). subplot_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for :py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`. Can include a `projection` key to set a Cartopy CRS. Returns ------- None Displays SR and GR fields side-by-side. """ # Create default kwargs dictionary fig_kwargs = {} if fig_kwargs is None else fig_kwargs subplot_kwargs = {} if subplot_kwargs is None else subplot_kwargs cbar_kwargs = {} if cbar_kwargs is None else cbar_kwargs # Define default colorbar label if sr_label is None: sr_label = sr_column if gr_label is None: gr_label = gr_column # Default common vmin/vmax if not specified min_value = np.nanmin([gdf[sr_column].min(), gdf[gr_column].min()]) max_value = np.nanmax([gdf[sr_column].max(), gdf[gr_column].max()]) if unified_color_scale: if vmax is None: vmax = max_value if vmin is None: vmin = min_value # Determine the extent for the plots extent_xy = gdf.total_bounds[[0, 2, 1, 3]] # Define cbar_kwargs cbar_kwargs1 = cbar_kwargs.copy() cbar_kwargs1["label"] = sr_label cbar_kwargs2 = cbar_kwargs.copy() cbar_kwargs2["label"] = gr_label # Create the figure if "figsize" not in fig_kwargs: fig_kwargs["figsize"] = (14, 7) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, subplot_kw=subplot_kwargs, **fig_kwargs) # Plot SR data _ = _plot_gdf_map( ax=axes[0], gdf=gdf, column=sr_column, title=sr_title, extent_xy=extent_xy, # Gridline settings grid_linewidth=grid_linewidth, grid_color=grid_color, # Colorbar settings add_colorbar=not shared_colorbar, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs1, # Plot settings cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **plot_kwargs, ) # Plot GR data _ = _plot_gdf_map( ax=axes[1], gdf=gdf, column=gr_column, title=gr_title, extent_xy=extent_xy, # Gridline settings grid_linewidth=grid_linewidth, grid_color=grid_color, # Colorbar settings add_colorbar=True, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs2, # Plot settings cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **plot_kwargs, ) return fig
def _plot_gdf_map(gdf, column, extent_xy, title, grid_linewidth, grid_color, add_colorbar, cbar_kwargs, **plot_kwargs): # Set default title if title is None: title = column # Plot data p = gdf.plot( column=column, legend=False, **plot_kwargs, ) p.axes.set_xlim(extent_xy[0:2]) p.axes.set_ylim(extent_xy[2:4]) p.axes.set_title(title) # Convert x and y axis tick labels to kilometers x_formatter = mticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: f"{x/1000:.0f}") # noqa y_formatter = mticker.FuncFormatter(lambda y, pos: f"{y/1000:.0f}") # noqa p.axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(x_formatter) p.axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) # Set axis labels p.axes.set_xlabel("x (km)", fontsize=12) p.axes.set_ylabel("y (km)", fontsize=12) # Set aspect ratio p.axes.set_aspect("equal") # Set grid line p.axes.grid(lw=grid_linewidth, color=grid_color) # Add colorbar if add_colorbar: plot_colorbar(p=p.collections[0], ax=p.axes, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs) return p
[docs] def reflectivity_scatterplot( df, gr_z_column, sr_z_column, hue_column, ax=None, gr_range=None, sr_range=None, add_colorbar=True, marker="+", title="GR / SR Offset", cbar_kwargs=None, **plot_kwargs, ): """ Plots a scatterplot comparing GR and SR reflectivity columns. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame, geopandas.GeoDataFrame The dataframe containing the reflectivity data. gr_z_column : str The column name for the GR (ground radar) reflectivity data on the x-axis. sr_z_column : str The column name for the SR (spaceborne radar) reflectivity data on the y-axis. hue_column : str The column name used for color mapping in the scatter plot. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional The axes to plot on. If ``None``, a new figure and axis are created. gr_range : list, optional The limits for the x-axis as [min, max]. If ``None``, limits are determined from data. sr_range : list, optional The limits for the y-axis as [min, max]. If ``None``, limits are determined from data. add_colorbar : bool, optional If True, adds a colorbar to the plot. The default is True. marker : str, optional The marker style for the scatter plot. The default is ``"+"``. title : str, optional The title of the scatter plot. The default is "GR / SR Offset". cbar_kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments for the colorbar. **plot_kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments passed to ``ax.scatter``. Returns ------- matplotlib.collections.PathCollection The scatter plot object. """ cbar_kwargs = {} if cbar_kwargs is None else cbar_kwargs # Initialize plot if necessary if ax is None: # Create a new figure and axis _, ax = plt.subplots() # Define plot limits if not specified if gr_range is None: gr_range = [df[gr_z_column].min() - 2, df[gr_z_column].max() + 2] if sr_range is None: sr_range = [df[sr_z_column].min() - 2, df[sr_z_column].max() + 2] # Retrieve plot_kwargs, cbar_kwargs plot_kwargs, cbar_kwargs = gpm.get_plot_kwargs( name=hue_column, user_plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs, user_cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, ) # Display scatterplot p = ax.scatter( df[gr_z_column], df[sr_z_column], c=df[hue_column], marker=marker, **plot_kwargs, ) # Add colorbar if add_colorbar: plot_colorbar(p=p, ax=p.axes, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs) # Add 1:1 line ax.plot([-10, 70], [-10, 70], linestyle="solid", color="black") # Restrict limits ax.set_xlim(*gr_range) ax.set_ylim(*sr_range) # Add labels ax.set_xlabel("GR reflectivity (dBZ)") ax.set_ylabel("SR reflectivity (dBZ)") # Add title ax.set_title(title) # Set aspect ratio p.axes.set_aspect("auto") return p
[docs] def reflectivity_scatterplots( df, gr_z_column, sr_z_column, hue_columns, ncols=2, fig_kwargs=None, gr_range=None, sr_range=None, marker="+", cbar_kwargs=None, **plot_kwargs, ): """ Plots multiple scatter plots comparing GR and SR reflectivity for each specified hue variable. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame The dataframe containing the reflectivity data. gr_z_column : str The column name for the GR (ground radar) reflectivity data on the x-axis. sr_z_column : str The column name for the SR (spaceborne radar) reflectivity data on the y-axis. hue_variables : list of str A list of column names to be used as hue variables for individual scatter plots. ncols : int, optional Number of columns in the subplot grid. The default is 2. gr_range : list, optional The limits for the x-axis as [min, max]. If None, limits are determined from data. sr_range : list, optional The limits for the y-axis as [min, max]. If None, limits are determined from data. marker : str, optional The marker style for the scatter plot. The default is "+". fig_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for customizing the figure passed to :py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`. If ``figsize`` is not specified, defaults to (ncols * 6, nrows * 5). cbar_kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments common to all colorbars. **plot_kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments common to all scatter plot. Returns ------- matplotlib.figure.Figure The figure object containing all the scatter plots. """ # Deal with default kwargs fig_kwargs = {} if fig_kwargs is None else fig_kwargs cbar_kwargs = {} if cbar_kwargs is None else cbar_kwargs # Deal with case with 1 hue column if isinstance(hue_columns, list) and len(hue_columns) == 1: hue_columns = hue_columns[0] if isinstance(hue_columns, str): p = reflectivity_scatterplot( df=df, gr_z_column=gr_z_column, sr_z_column=sr_z_column, hue_column=hue_columns, ax=plot_kwargs.pop("ax", None), gr_range=gr_range, sr_range=sr_range, marker=marker, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, **plot_kwargs, ) return p # Identify number of rows required nrows = (len(hue_columns) + 1) // ncols # Calculate the number of rows needed # Specify default fig size if not specified if "figsize" not in fig_kwargs: fig_kwargs["figsize"] = (ncols * 6, nrows * 5) # Define plot limits if not specified if gr_range is None: gr_range = [df[gr_z_column].min() - 2, df[gr_z_column].max() + 2] if sr_range is None: sr_range = [df[sr_z_column].min() - 2, df[sr_z_column].max() + 2] # Create a figure and a grid of subplots fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, **fig_kwargs) axes = axes.flatten() # Flatten axes array to make iteration easier for i, hue_column in enumerate(hue_columns): ax = axes[i] reflectivity_scatterplot( df=df, gr_z_column=gr_z_column, sr_z_column=sr_z_column, hue_column=hue_column, ax=ax, gr_range=gr_range, sr_range=sr_range, marker=marker, title=hue_column, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs.copy(), **plot_kwargs.copy(), ) # Only set x-labels for bottom row and y-labels for left column if i % ncols != 0: ax.set_ylabel("") ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) if i < (nrows - 1) * ncols: ax.set_xlabel("") ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) # Turn off axes for any empty subplots (in case the grid is larger than the number of plots) for j in range(i + 1, len(axes)): fig.delaxes(axes[j]) return fig
[docs] def reflectivity_distribution( df, gr_z_column, sr_z_column, ax=None, bin_width=2, ): """ Plots overlaid histograms of GR and SR reflectivity distributions. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame, geopandas.GeoDataFrame The dataframe containing the reflectivity data. gr_z_column : str The column name for the GR (ground radar) reflectivity data. sr_z_column : str The column name for the SR (spaceborne radar) reflectivity data. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional The axes to plot on. If ``None``, a new figure and axis are created. bin_width : float, optional The width of the histogram bins. The default is 2 dBZ. Returns ------- tuple The histogram plot objects for GR and SR. """ # Initialize plot if necessary if ax is None: # Create a new figure and axis _, ax = plt.subplots() # Default vmin/vmax vmin = np.nanmin([df[gr_z_column].min(), df[sr_z_column].min()]) vmax = np.nanmax([df[gr_z_column].max(), df[sr_z_column].max()]) # Plot histograms p = ax.hist( df[gr_z_column], bins=np.arange(vmin, vmax, bin_width), edgecolor="None", label="GR", ) p = ax.hist( df[sr_z_column], bins=np.arange(vmin, vmax, bin_width), edgecolor="red", facecolor="None", label="SR", ) ax.set_xlabel("Reflectivity (dBZ)") ax.legend() return p
[docs] def calibration_summary( df, gr_z_column, sr_z_column, # Scatterplot options hue_column, gr_range=None, sr_range=None, marker="+", cbar_kwargs=None, # Histogram options bin_width=2, **plot_kwargs, ): """ Creates a summary plot for comparison between GR and SR reflectivity data. The function draw a scatter plot and overlaid histograms of GR and SR reflectivity values. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame, geopandas.GeoDataFrame The dataframe containing the reflectivity data. gr_z_column : str The column name for the GR (ground radar) reflectivity data. sr_z_column : str The column name for the SR (spaceborne radar) reflectivity data. hue_column : str The column name used for color mapping in the scatter plot. gr_range : list, optional The limits for the x-axis in the scatter plot as [min, max]. If ``None``, limits are determined from data. sr_range : list, optional The limits for the y-axis in the scatter plot as [min, max]. If ``None``, limits are determined from data. marker : str, optional The marker style for the scatter plot. The default is ``"+"``. cbar_kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments for the colorbar. bin_width : float, optional The width of the histogram bins. The default is 2 dBZ. **plot_kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments passed to the scatter plot. Returns ------- matplotlib.figure.Figure The figure object containing the calibration summary plots. """ cbar_kwargs = {} if cbar_kwargs is None else cbar_kwargs # Compute bias dz = df[gr_z_column] - df[sr_z_column] # Compute bias statistics bias = np.nanmean(dz).round(2) rob_bias = np.nanmedian(dz).round(2) # - Histograms fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121, aspect="equal") _ = reflectivity_scatterplot( df=df, gr_z_column=gr_z_column, sr_z_column=sr_z_column, hue_column=hue_column, gr_range=gr_range, sr_range=sr_range, marker=marker, ax=ax1, cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, **plot_kwargs, ) ax1.set_title(f"GR-SR (Robust) Bias: ({rob_bias}) {bias} dBZ") ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) _ = reflectivity_distribution( df=df, gr_z_column=gr_z_column, sr_z_column=sr_z_column, ax=ax2, bin_width=bin_width, ) fig.suptitle("GR / SR Calibration Summary") fig.tight_layout() return fig