Source code for gpm.checks

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
# MIT License

# Copyright (c) 2024 GPM-API developers
# This file is part of GPM-API.

# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
"""This module defines functions providing GPM-API Dataset information."""
from itertools import chain

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from gpm.dataset.dimensions import (
from gpm.utils.xarray import (

# Refactor Notes
# - is_grid, is_orbit currently also depends on

# - Code could be generalized to work with any satellite data format ???
# - GPM ORBIT = pyresample SwathDefinition
# - GPM GRID = pyresample AreaDefinition
# - GPM ORBIT dimensions: (cross-track, along-track)
# - GPM GRID dimensions: (lon, lat)
# - satpy dimensions (y, x) (for both ORBIT and GRID)
# --> Accept both (lat, lon), (latitude, longitude), (y,x), (...) coordinates
# --> Adapt plotting, crop utility to deal with different coordinate names
# --> Then this functions can be used with whatever satellite products

#### Dimensions ####

[docs] def get_frequency_dimension(xr_obj): """Return the name of the available frequency dimension.""" return np.array(FREQUENCY_DIMS)[np.isin(FREQUENCY_DIMS, list(xr_obj.dims))].tolist()
[docs] def get_vertical_dimension(xr_obj): """Return the name of the available vertical dimension.""" vertical_dim = np.array(VERTICAL_DIMS)[np.isin(VERTICAL_DIMS, list(xr_obj.dims))].tolist() if len(vertical_dim) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Only one vertical dimension is allowed. Got {vertical_dim}.") return vertical_dim
[docs] def get_spatial_dimensions(xr_obj): """Return the name of the available spatial dimensions.""" dims = list(xr_obj.dims) flattened_spatial_dims = list(chain.from_iterable(SPATIAL_DIMS)) spatial_dimensions = np.array(flattened_spatial_dims)[np.isin(flattened_spatial_dims, dims)].tolist() if len(spatial_dimensions) > 2: raise ValueError(f"Only two horizontal spatial dimensions are allowed. Got {spatial_dimensions}.") return spatial_dimensions
def _has_spatial_dim_dataarray(da, strict): """Check if the xarray.DataArray has spatial horizontal dimensions.""" spatial_dims = get_spatial_dimensions(da) if not spatial_dims: return False if strict: # only spatial dimensions return bool(np.all(np.isin(da.dims, spatial_dims))) return True def _has_vertical_dim_dataarray(da, strict): """Check if the xarray.DataArray has a vertical dimension.""" vertical_dims = list(get_vertical_dimension(da)) if not vertical_dims: return False only_vertical_dim = len(da.dims) == 1 if strict and not only_vertical_dim: # noqa return False return True def _has_frequency_dim_dataarray(da, strict): """Check if the xarray.DataArray has a frequency dimension.""" frequency_dims = list(get_frequency_dimension(da)) if not frequency_dims: return False only_frequency_dim = len(da.dims) == 1 if strict and not only_frequency_dim: # noqa return False return True def _has_vertical_dim_dataset(ds, strict): """Check if at least one xarray.DataArrays of a xarray.Dataset have a vertical dimension.""" has_vertical = np.any( [_has_vertical_dim_dataarray(ds[var], strict=strict) for var in get_dataset_variables(ds)], ).item() return bool(has_vertical) def _has_spatial_dim_dataset(ds, strict): """Check if at least one xarray.DataArrays of a xarray.Dataset have at least one spatial dimension.""" has_spatial = np.any( [_has_spatial_dim_dataarray(ds[var], strict=strict) for var in get_dataset_variables(ds)], ).item() return bool(has_spatial) def _has_frequency_dim_dataset(ds, strict): """Check if at least one xarray.DataArrays of a xarray.Dataset have a frequency dimension.""" has_spatial = np.any( [_has_frequency_dim_dataarray(ds[var], strict=strict) for var in get_dataset_variables(ds)], ).item() return bool(has_spatial) def _check_xarray_conditions(da_condition, ds_condition, xr_obj, strict, squeeze): check_is_xarray(xr_obj) if squeeze: xr_obj = xr_obj.squeeze() # remove dimensions of size 1 if isinstance(xr_obj, xr.Dataset): return ds_condition(xr_obj, strict=strict) return da_condition(xr_obj, strict=strict)
[docs] def has_spatial_dim(xr_obj, strict=False, squeeze=True): """Check if the xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset have a spatial dimension. If ``squeeze=True`` (default), dimensions of size=1 are removed prior testing. If ``strict=True`` , the xarray.DataArray can have only spatial dimensions. If ``strict=False`` (default), the xarray.DataArray can also have other dimensions. """ return _check_xarray_conditions( _has_spatial_dim_dataarray, _has_spatial_dim_dataset, xr_obj=xr_obj, strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze, )
[docs] def has_vertical_dim(xr_obj, strict=False, squeeze=True): """Check if the xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset have a vertical dimension. If ``squeeze=True`` (default), dimensions of size=1 are removed prior testing. If ``strict=True`` , the xarray.DataArray must have just the vertical dimension. If ``strict=False`` (default), the xarray.DataArray can also have additional dimensions. """ return _check_xarray_conditions( _has_vertical_dim_dataarray, _has_vertical_dim_dataset, xr_obj=xr_obj, strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze, )
[docs] def has_frequency_dim(xr_obj, strict=False, squeeze=True): """Check if the xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset have a frequency dimension. If ``squeeze=True`` (default), dimensions of size=1 are removed prior testing. If ``strict=True`` , the xarray.DataArray must have just the frequency dimension. If ``strict=False`` (default), the xarray.DataArray can also have additional dimensions. """ return _check_xarray_conditions( _has_frequency_dim_dataarray, _has_frequency_dim_dataset, xr_obj=xr_obj, strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze, )
####------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####################### #### GRID vs ORBIT #### ####################### def _is_grid_expected_spatial_dims(spatial_dims): """Check if the GRID spatial dimensions have the expected names.""" is_grid = set(spatial_dims) == set(GRID_SPATIAL_DIMS) is_lonlat = set(spatial_dims) == {"latitude", "longitude"} is_xy = set(spatial_dims) == {"y", "x"} return bool(is_grid or is_lonlat or is_xy) def _is_orbit_expected_spatial_dims(spatial_dims): """Check if the ORBIT spatial dimensions have the expected names. Allow to have only one dimension: cross_track or along_track. """ # is_orbit = set(spatial_dims) == set(ORBIT_SPATIAL_DIMS) # is_xy = set(spatial_dims) == {"y", "x"} # Check if spatial_dims is a non-empty subset of ORBIT_SPATIAL_DIMS is_orbit = set(spatial_dims).issubset(ORBIT_SPATIAL_DIMS) and bool(spatial_dims) is_xy = set(spatial_dims).issubset({"y", "x"}) and bool(spatial_dims) return bool(is_orbit or is_xy) def _is_expected_spatial_dims(spatial_dims): """Check that the spatial_dims are the expected two.""" is_orbit = _is_orbit_expected_spatial_dims(spatial_dims) is_grid = _is_grid_expected_spatial_dims(spatial_dims) return bool(is_orbit or is_grid)
[docs] def is_orbit(xr_obj): """Check whether the xarray object is a GPM ORBIT. An ORBIT cross-section (nadir view) or transect is considered ORBIT. An ORBIT object must have the coordinates available. """ from import _get_swath_dim_coords # Check dimension names spatial_dims = get_spatial_dimensions(xr_obj) if not _is_orbit_expected_spatial_dims(spatial_dims): return False # Check that swath coords exists # - Swath objects are determined by 1D (nadir looking) and 2D coordinates x_coord, y_coord = _get_swath_dim_coords(xr_obj) return bool(x_coord is not None and y_coord is not None)
[docs] def is_grid(xr_obj): """Check whether the xarray object is a GPM GRID. A GRID slice is not considered a GRID object ! An GRID object must have the coordinates available ! """ from import _get_proj_dim_coords # Check dimension names spatial_dims = get_spatial_dimensions(xr_obj) if not _is_grid_expected_spatial_dims(spatial_dims): return False # Check that 1D coords exists # - Area objects can be determined by 1D and 2D coordinates # - 1D coordinates: projection coordinates # - 2D coordinates: lon/lat coordinates of each pixel x_coord, y_coord = _get_proj_dim_coords(xr_obj) return bool(x_coord is not None and y_coord is not None)
####------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####################### #### ORBIT TYPES #### ####################### def _is_spatial_2d_dataarray(da, strict): """Check if the xarray.DataArray is a spatial 2D array.""" spatial_dims = get_spatial_dimensions(da) if not _is_expected_spatial_dims(spatial_dims) or len(spatial_dims) != 2: return False vertical_dims = get_vertical_dimension(da) if vertical_dims: return False if strict and len(da.dims) != 2: # noqa return False return True def _is_spatial_3d_dataarray(da, strict): """Check if the xarray.DataArray is a spatial 3D array.""" spatial_dims = get_spatial_dimensions(da) if not _is_expected_spatial_dims(spatial_dims) or len(spatial_dims) != 2: return False vertical_dims = get_vertical_dimension(da) if not vertical_dims: return False if strict and len(da.dims) != 3: # noqa return False return True def _is_cross_section_dataarray(da, strict): """Check if the xarray.DataArray is a cross-section array.""" spatial_dims = list(get_spatial_dimensions(da)) if len(spatial_dims) != 1: return False vertical_dims = list(get_vertical_dimension(da)) if not vertical_dims: return False if strict and len(da.dims) != 2: # noqa return False return True def _is_transect_dataarray(da, strict): """Check if the xarray.DataArray is a transect array.""" spatial_dims = list(get_spatial_dimensions(da)) if len(spatial_dims) != 1: return False if strict and len(da.dims) != 1: # noqa return False return True def _check_dataarrays_condition(condition, ds, strict): if not ds: # Empty dataset (no variables) return False all_valid = np.all( [condition(ds[var], strict=strict) for var in get_dataset_variables(ds)], ) return bool(all_valid) def _is_spatial_2d_dataset(ds, strict): """Check if all xarray.DataArrays of a xarray.Dataset are spatial 2D objects.""" return _check_dataarrays_condition(_is_spatial_2d_dataarray, ds=ds, strict=strict) def _is_spatial_3d_dataset(ds, strict): """Check if all xarray.DataArrays of a xarray.Dataset are spatial 3D objects.""" return _check_dataarrays_condition(_is_spatial_3d_dataarray, ds=ds, strict=strict) def _is_cross_section_dataset(ds, strict): """Check if all xarray.DataArrays of a xarray.Dataset are cross-section objects.""" return _check_dataarrays_condition(_is_cross_section_dataarray, ds=ds, strict=strict) def _is_transect_dataset(ds, strict): """Check if all xarray.DataArrays of a xarray.Dataset are transects objects.""" return _check_dataarrays_condition(_is_transect_dataarray, ds=ds, strict=strict)
[docs] def is_spatial_2d(xr_obj, strict=True, squeeze=True): """Check if the xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset is a spatial 2D object. If ``squeeze=True`` (default), dimensions of size=1 are removed prior testing. If ``strict=True`` (default), the xarray.DataArray must have just the 2D spatial dimensions. If ``strict=False`` , the xarray.DataArray can have additional dimensions (except vertical). """ return _check_xarray_conditions( _is_spatial_2d_dataarray, _is_spatial_2d_dataset, xr_obj=xr_obj, strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze, )
[docs] def is_spatial_3d(xr_obj, strict=True, squeeze=True): """Check if the xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset i as spatial 3d object. If ``squeeze=True`` (default), dimensions of size=1 are removed prior testing. If ``strict=True`` (default), the xarray.DataArray must have just the 3D spatial dimensions. If ``strict=False`` , the xarray.DataArray can also have additional dimensions. """ return _check_xarray_conditions( _is_spatial_3d_dataarray, _is_spatial_3d_dataset, xr_obj=xr_obj, strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze, )
[docs] def is_cross_section(xr_obj, strict=True, squeeze=True): """Check if the xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset is a cross-section object. If ``squeeze=True`` (default), dimensions of size=1 are removed prior testing. If ``strict=True`` (default), the xarray.DataArray must have just the vertical dimension and a horizontal dimension. If ``strict=False`` , the xarray.DataArray can have additional dimensions but only a single horizontal and vertical dimension. """ return _check_xarray_conditions( _is_cross_section_dataarray, _is_cross_section_dataset, xr_obj=xr_obj, strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze, )
[docs] def is_transect(xr_obj, strict=True, squeeze=True): """Check if the xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset is a transect object. If ``squeeze=True`` (default), dimensions of size=1 are removed prior testing. If ``strict=True`` (default), the xarray.DataArray must have just an horizontal dimension. If ``strict=False`` , the xarray.DataArray can have additional dimensions but only a single horizontal dimension. """ return _check_xarray_conditions( _is_transect_dataarray, _is_transect_dataset, xr_obj=xr_obj, strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze, )
####-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ################# #### Checks #### #################
[docs] def check_is_orbit(xr_obj): """Check is a GPM ORBIT object.""" if not is_orbit(xr_obj): raise ValueError("Expecting a GPM ORBIT object.")
[docs] def check_is_grid(xr_obj): """Check is a GPM GRID object.""" if not is_grid(xr_obj): raise ValueError("Expecting a GPM GRID object.")
[docs] def check_is_gpm_object(xr_obj): """Check is a GPM object (GRID or ORBIT).""" if not is_orbit(xr_obj) and not is_grid(xr_obj): raise ValueError("Unrecognized GPM xarray object.")
[docs] def check_has_cross_track_dim(xr_obj, dim="cross_track"): if dim not in xr_obj.dims: raise ValueError(f"The 'cross-track' dimension {dim} is not available.")
[docs] def check_has_along_track_dim(xr_obj, dim="along_track"): if dim not in xr_obj.dims: raise ValueError(f"The 'along_track' dimension {dim} is not available.")
[docs] def check_is_spatial_2d(xr_obj, strict=True, squeeze=True): """Check if the xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset is a spatial 2D field. If ``squeeze=True`` (default), dimensions of size=1 are removed prior testing. If ``strict=True`` (default), the xarray.DataArray must have just the 2D spatial dimensions. If ``strict=False`` , the xarray.DataArray can also have additional dimensions (except vertical). """ if not is_spatial_2d(xr_obj, strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze): raise ValueError("Expecting a 2D GPM field.")
[docs] def check_is_spatial_3d(xr_obj, strict=True, squeeze=True): """Check if the xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset is a spatial 3D field. If ``squeeze=True`` (default), dimensions of size=1 are removed prior testing. If ``strict=True`` (default), the xarray.DataArray must have just the 3D spatial dimensions. If ``strict=False`` , the xarray.DataArray can also have additional dimensions. """ if not is_spatial_3d(xr_obj, strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze): raise ValueError("Expecting a 3D GPM field.")
[docs] def check_is_cross_section(xr_obj, strict=True, squeeze=True): """Check if the xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset is a cross-section. If ``squeeze=True`` (default), dimensions of size=1 are removed prior testing. If ``strict=True`` (default), the xarray.DataArray must have just the vertical dimension and a horizontal dimension. If ``strict=False`` , the xarray.DataArray can also have additional dimensions, but only a single vertical and horizontal dimension. """ if not is_cross_section(xr_obj, strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze): raise ValueError("Expecting a cross-section extracted from a 3D GPM field.")
[docs] def check_is_transect(xr_obj, strict=True, squeeze=True): """Check if the xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset is a transect. If ``squeeze=True`` (default), dimensions of size=1 are removed prior testing. If ``strict=True`` (default), the xarray.DataArray must have just an horizontal dimension. If ``strict=False`` , the xarray.DataArray can also have additional dimensions, but only an horizontal dimension. """ if not is_transect(xr_obj, strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze): raise ValueError("Expecting a transect object.")
[docs] def check_has_vertical_dim(xr_obj, strict=False, squeeze=True): """Check if the xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset have a vertical dimension. If ``squeeze=True`` (default), dimensions of size=1 are removed prior testing. If ``strict=False`` (default), the xarray.DataArray can also have additional dimensions. If ``strict=True`` , the xarray.DataArray must have just the vertical dimension. """ if not has_vertical_dim(xr_obj, strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze): only = "only " if strict else "" raise ValueError(f"Expecting an xarray object with {only}a vertical dimension.")
[docs] def check_has_spatial_dim(xr_obj, strict=False, squeeze=True): """Check if the xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset has at least one spatial horizontal dimension. If ``squeeze=True`` (default), dimensions of size=1 are removed prior testing. If ``strict=False`` (default), the xarray.DataArray can also have additional dimensions. If ``strict=True`` , the xarray.DataArray must have just the spatial dimensions. """ if not has_spatial_dim(xr_obj, strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze): only = "only " if strict else "" raise ValueError(f"Expecting an xarray object with {only}spatial dimensions.")
[docs] def check_has_frequency_dim(xr_obj, strict=False, squeeze=True): """Check if the xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset has a frequency dimension. If ``squeeze=True`` (default), dimensions of size=1 are removed prior testing. If ``strict=False`` (default), the xarray.DataArray can also have additional dimensions. If ``strict=True`` , the xarray.DataArray must have just the spatial dimensions. """ if not has_frequency_dim(xr_obj, strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze): only = "only " if strict else "" raise ValueError(f"Expecting an xarray object with {only}a frequency dimension.")
####-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ############################### #### Variables information #### ###############################
[docs] def get_spatial_2d_variables(ds, strict=False, squeeze=True): """Get list of xarray.Dataset 2D spatial variables. If ``strict=False`` (default), the potential variables for which a 2D spatial field can be derived. If ``strict=True``, the variables that are already a 2D spatial field. """ variables = [var for var in get_dataset_variables(ds) if is_spatial_2d(ds[var], strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze)] return sorted(variables)
[docs] def get_spatial_3d_variables(ds, strict=False, squeeze=True): """Get list of xarray.Dataset 3D spatial variables. If ``strict=False`` (default), the potential variables for which a 3D spatial field can be derived. If ``strict=True``, the variables that are already a 3D spatial field. """ variables = [var for var in get_dataset_variables(ds) if is_spatial_3d(ds[var], strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze)] return sorted(variables)
[docs] def get_cross_section_variables(ds, strict=False, squeeze=True): """Get list of xarray.Dataset cross-section variables. If ``strict=False`` (default), the potential variables for which a strict cross-section can be derived. If ``strict=True``, the variables that are already a cross-section. """ variables = [var for var in get_dataset_variables(ds) if is_cross_section(ds[var], strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze)] return sorted(variables)
# def get_transect_variables(ds, strict=False, squeeze=True): # """Get list of xarray.Dataset transect variables. # If ``strict=False`` (default), the potential variables for which a strict transect can be derived. # If ``strict=True``, the variables that are already a transect. # """ # variables = [var for var in get_dataset_variables(ds) if is_transect(ds[var], strict=strict, squeeze=squeeze)] # return sorted(variables)
[docs] def get_vertical_variables(ds): """Get list of xarray.Dataset variables with vertical dimension.""" variables = [var for var in get_dataset_variables(ds) if has_vertical_dim(ds[var], strict=False, squeeze=True)] return sorted(variables)
[docs] def get_frequency_variables(ds): """Get list of xarray.Dataset variables with frequency-related dimension.""" variables = [var for var in get_dataset_variables(ds) if has_frequency_dim(ds[var], strict=False, squeeze=True)] return sorted(variables)
[docs] def get_bin_variables(ds): """Get list of xarray.Dataset radar product variables with name starting with `bin` or ending with `Bin`. In CMB products, bin variables end with the `Bin` suffix. In L1 and L2 RADAR products, bin variables starts with the `bin` prefix. """ variables = [var for var in get_dataset_variables(ds) if var.startswith("bin") or var.endswith("Bin")] return sorted(variables)